Department of Surgery, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Copyright © 2009 Korean Cancer Association
Characteristics of stage IV gastric cancer patients with curative gastrectomy based on administration of chemotherapy
Number in parenthesis refer to percent.
*American society of anesthesiologists physical status classification.
Site of metastases in stage IV gastric cancer patients after curative gastrectomy based on administration of chemotherapy
Number in parenthesis refer to percent.
The risk factors affecting 5-year survival rate in stage IV gastric cancer patients with curative gastrectomy using univariate analysis
Multivariate analysis of the prognostic factors for disease-specific survival of stage IV (T4N1-3M0 and T1-3N3M0) gastric cancer patients
Number in parenthesis refer to percent. *American society of anesthesiologists physical status classification.
Number in parenthesis refer to percent.