Records were reviewed for 173 patients who underwent surgical treatment for adenocarcinoma of the stomach at Kyung Hee University Hospital between January, 19BO and June, 1982. The patients were divided into two groups, a control group of 50 patients and a adjuvant chemotherapy group of 123 patients. And the adjuvant chemotherapy group was divided into 2 groupe, MFC group of 24 patients and FAM group of 99 patients. No significant differences in 2-Year survival rate were obeerved between the control group and both of the chemotherapy groups. But, we do not entirely satisfied the result of thia study that adjuvant chemotherapy confers no therapeutic advantage in the treatmeat of stomach cancer operation, since many studies revealed the difference between control group and chemotberapy group becoming more noticeable as time progress. We would continue following up the patients of this study for the purpose of reporting the long survival rate of adjuvant chemotherapy groups.