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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 26(4); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1994;26(4): 561-567.
진행 췌장암환자에서 항암제 및 방사선병용치료와 온열치료의 효과
김명옥, 이경희, 정재복, 성진실, 이혜란, 최진혁, 정현철, 김우철, 금기창, 김주항, 노재경, 김병수
Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy of Locally Advanced Pancreatic Carcinoma and Effects of Hyperthemia
Myung Wook Kim, Kyung Hee Lee, Jae Bok Chung, Jin Sil Sung, Hye Ran Lee, Jin Hyuk Chil, Hyun Cheol Chung, Woo Cheol Kim, Ki Chang Keum, Joo Hang Kim, Jae Kyung Roh, Byung Soo Kim
The prognosis of pancreati cancer is still poor in spite of advance in surgical treatment and parasurgical adjuvant management. Eighteen patients with histologically confirmed locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the pancreas were received radiation(5000cGy)+5-FU. Patients were treated with 5-FU 200 mg/m IV bolus, 1 hour before irradiation each day. In some patients, within 30 minutes after radiotherapy, hyperthemia was added to above protocol two times weekly. Median survival of total patients was 9.5months. Median survival with RT+ 5-FU was 12.7months from the date of treatment. Median survival with hyperthemia added group was 7.6months, but the survival dif- ference was not significant statistically. The side effects were acceptable. There were no episodes of any life threatening toxicities.
Key words: Pancreatic cancer, Multimodality tyreatment
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