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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 26(3); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1994;26(3): 431-438.
급성 백혈병 환자에서 관해 유도 화학요법후 과립구 집락 촉진인자 ( Grnulocyte Colony - Stimulating Factor , Filgrastim ) 의 투여 효과
서철원, 김성배, 김상희, 채영란, 도병순, 김상위, 안명주, 이규형, 이정신
Grnulocyte Colony - Stimulating Factor , Filgrastim ( G - CSF , Filgastrim ) in Acute Leukemia after Remission Induction Chemotherapy
Cheol Won Suh, Sung Bae Kim, Sang Hee Kim, Young Ran Chae, Byoug Soon Doh, Sang We Kim, Myung Ju Ahn, Kyoo Hyung Lee, Jung Shin Lee
Objectives: Colony stimulating factors have been shown to accelerate recovery from severe neutropenia after intensive chemotherapy. To prove its clinical effectiveness, we conducted controlled study to administer G-CSF in acute leukemia after induction chemotherapy.
Forty patients with newly diagnosed and relapsed or refractory acute leukemia after remission induction chemotherapy were randomly assigned to one of two groupa (20 G- CSF treated group, 20 control grouP). Treatment with G-CSF(200 ug/m(2)/d) was started 48 hours after the end of chemotherapy and continued until the neutrophil count rose above 1,500 /mm(3).
Treatment with G-CSF shortened neutropenic period after chemotherapy, i.e., median duration of neutrophil counts less than 1,000/mm(3) was 21 days in control group and 12 days in G-CSF treated group. The incidence of infection was 80%in control group, 70% in G-CSF treated group, but it did not show any statistically significant difference. Microbiologically documented infection was 40% in control group, 20% in G-CSF treated group. Febrile periods and duration of antibiotic administration were decreased to 7 days and 18 days respectively. In G- CSF treated group, two Patients reported mild bone pain. There was no evidence that G-CSF could increase remission duratian and survival.
It appears that recombinant G-CSF is safe and useful in neutropenic patients after intensive chemotherapy, accelerating neutrophil recovery and thereby reducing the incidence of documented infection and duration of antibiotic ad#ministration.
Key words: G-CSF, neutropenia, Acute leukemia
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