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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 16(2); 1984 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1984;16(2): 324-337.
의료보험 적용자의 악성종양 진료실태 분석
Study on the malignant Neplasm of Covered People in the Medical Insurance Scheme
Young Chang Kim
At present, it is fact that study on the Malignant Neoplasm in Korea is confined to clinical reports, survey on the certain hospitals and analysis on the data collecte#d from Cancer Center of National Medical Center. But in these studies, analysis was not made on the medical expenditure and nation-wide data wasn't also presented fully. This study was intended to survey pattern and prevalence of Malignant Neoplasm in Korea. For this, claims having reviewed by the Federation of Korean Medical Insurance Societies during 1983 were analyzed. The major findings were made as follows. 1) The total number claims included in this study was 25.6 million cases, in-patient 6million, out-patient 25 million cases. Among them 79,830(0.3%) cases were Malignant Neoplasm, in-patient 17,833, out-patient 61,997. 2) The total medical expenditure of claims included in this study was 386, 036 million won. Medical expenditure of Malignant Neoplasm was 11,923 million won(3.19%), in-patient 9,466 million won, out-patient 2,457 million won. 3) The frequeney orders of Malignant Neoplasm was, in the case of out-patient, stomach, cervix uteri, trachea-bronchus and lung, female breast, rectum and anus. In the case of in-panti ent, stomach, liver and intraheptic bile ducts, trachea-bronchus and lung, cervix uteri, leukaemia. 4) The frequency orders of Malignant Neoplasm, in the case of male, is stomach, liver and intrahepatic bile ducts, trachea-bronchus and lung, leukaemia, rectum and anus. In the case of female, cervix uteri, stomach, breast, liver and intrahepatic bile ducts, trachea-bronchus and lung. 5) Medical expeuditure per out-patient Malignant Neoplasm ca".e was higher than that of other out-patient caze by 3. 8 times, in case of expenditure per day, by 3 times. 6) The highest expensive medical expenditure per case was in the case of out-patient, nasopharynx, and in the case of in-patient, brain. 7) The orders af age group distribution, in case of in-partient, was 50-59 years 30.7ii, 60-69 years 27.0%, 40-49 Years 18. 6%(male), 50-59 years 25. Bl, 40-49 years 25.3% 60-69 years 15.3%(female). 8) Medical care utilization rate of Malignant Neoplosm for in-patient was 198/100,000 (male), 159/100, 000(female) and 178/100, 000(total). 9) Annual rate of incidences of Malignant Neoplasm has heen increased gradually: 2.39% (1981), 2.40%(1982), L94%(1988). There is statistical aignificant different by year and diseases, 10) The utilization rate of medical care institution was general hospital 91.1% hospital 7 0 % clinic 1. 9%. Analysis of Malignant Neoplasm and registration of cancer patients will be developed with making use of claims reviewed. Resident registration number and start day of treatment on the eleims makes it possible.
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