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The Efficacy of Alternate Systemic Intravenous Chemotherapy and Intra-arterial Chemotherapy Approach for Eye Globe Salvage in Retinoblastoma
Jung Woo Han, Christopher Seungkyu Lee, Seung Min Hahn, Won Kee Ahn, Hyo Sun Kim, Hyeseon Yun, Sung Chul Lee, Byung Moon Kim, Dong Joon Kim, Chuhl Joo Lyu
Cancer Res Treat. 2023;55(1):270-278.   Published online May 24, 2022
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub
The advances in the treatment of retinoblastoma have enabled salvaging the globe in advanced stages with intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC). We developed a strategy of alternate application of systemic intravenous chemotherapy (IVC) and IAC (referred to as alternate systemic IVC and IAC; ASIAC) to reduce central nervous metastases during IAC and examined its efficacy and safety in eye globe salvage in this study.
Materials and Methods
Between January 2010 and February 2021, 43 eyes of 40 patients received ASIAC treatment for retinoblastoma at the Yonsei Cancer Center, Yonsei University Health System. Their medical records were reviewed retrospectively to evaluate the eye salvage rate (ESR), defined from diagnosis to enucleation. High-risk retinoblastoma was defined as group D or E by the International Classification of Retinoblastoma.
The study enrolled 38 and five cases of high-risk and low-risk retinoblastoma, respectively. In total, 178 IAC and 410 IVC courses were administered, with a median of 4 (interquartile range [IQR], 3.0 to 5.0) IAC and 9 (IQR, 6.0 to 11) IVC courses per eye, respectively. The 5-year ESR was 60.4%±8.7% for the whole cohort, 100% for low-risk retinoblastoma, and 53.6%±9.8% for high-risk retinoblastoma. Among those diagnosed since 2015, the 5-year ESR for high-risk retinoblastoma was 63.5%±14.0%. Fifteen eyes underwent enucleation; no viable tumor was found in three enucleated eyes. There were no deaths in this cohort.
Primary IAC-IVC (i.e., ASIAC) for patients with retinoblastoma was tolerable and effective in salvaging the eye and maintaining survival.


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  • Selective ophthalmic arterial injection using a balloon catheter for retinoblastoma: a seven-year clinical evaluation
    Sota Oguro, Yi Ning Chen, Takashi Yamane, Makoto Mohri, Shigenobu Suzuki
    Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology.2024; 68(4): 346.     CrossRef
  • Hematological Second Primary Malignancy in Pediatric Retinoblastoma: A Case Report and Systematic Review
    Seung Hyun Park, Hyun Young Park, Heejin Kim, Jung Woo Han, Jin Sook Yoon
    Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.2024; 40(5): 487.     CrossRef
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Prognostic Role of Rb, p16, Cyclin D1 Proteins in Soft Tissue Sarcomas
Byoung Yong Shim, Jinyoung Yoo, Yeon-Soo Lee, Young Sun Hong, Hoon-Kyo Kim, Jin-Hyoung Kang
Cancer Res Treat. 2010;42(3):144-150.   Published online September 30, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The aim of this study was to determine the expressions of Rb, p16, and cyclin D1 in soft tissue sarcomas, and we also wanted to identify the prognostic factors according to the clinicalpathologic features.

Materials and Methods

We reviewed the charts and radiographic films of 66 sarcoma patients. Tissue samples were collected from these patients. Immunochemistry was performed using formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples to examine the expressions of p16, Rb, and cyclin D1 proteins.


The median duration of overall survival was 47.8 months (range, 20.0 to 70.7 months) and the 5 years survival rate was 39%. As for the correlation between the degree of immunohistochemical staining for Rb protein and the histological tumor grades, there was a significant difference with a p-value of 0.019. However, no significant correlation was shown for p16 and cyclin D1. The overall survival duration of the Rb negative group (staining cell <20%) and the heterogeneous group (cell staining 20 to 80%) was 53.5±6.6 months and the overall survival duration of the Rb homogeneous group was 18.3±6.4 months, and there was a significant difference with a p-value of 0.016. However, no significant difference was shown between the survival rate according to the p16 and cyclin D1 expressions. On the multivariate analysis that was done with Rb, p16, the tumor size, grade and site, and patient age, the Rb gene expression was the most significant independent prognostic factor with a risk ratio of 3.01 (p=0.04).


The expression of Rb protein was correlated with the histologic grade and overall survival of patients with soft tissue sarcomas.


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  • Immunohistochemical Expression of p16 and CDK4 in Soft Tissue Tumors
    Mala Sagar, Rita Yadav, Pankaj Deval, Madhu Kumar, Malti K Maurya, Sumaira Qayoom
    Cureus.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Carcinosarcoma, a Rare Malignant Neoplasm of the Pancreas
    Jaffar Khan, Liang Cheng, Michael G. House, Shunhua Guo
    Current Oncology.2021; 28(6): 5295.     CrossRef
  • Co-expression of MDM2 and CDK4 in transformed human mesenchymal stem cells causes high-grade sarcoma with a dedifferentiated liposarcoma-like morphology
    Yu Jin Kim, Mingi Kim, Hyung Kyu Park, Dan Bi Yu, Kyungsoo Jung, Kyoung Song, Yoon-La Choi
    Laboratory Investigation.2019; 99(9): 1309.     CrossRef
  • Prognostic significance of p16INK4a alteration in soft tissue sarcomas: A meta-analysis
    Gang Lin, Yue Lou
    Indian Journal of Cancer.2017; 54(3): 580.     CrossRef
  • GATA3 Expression Is a Poor Prognostic Factor in Soft Tissue Sarcomas
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    PLOS ONE.2016; 11(6): e0156524.     CrossRef
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    Clinical & Experimental Metastasis.2012; 29(7): 757.     CrossRef
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Clinical Results of Chemotherapy based Treatment in Retinoblastoma Patients: A Single Center Experience
Hyery Kim, Ji Won Lee, Hyoung Jin Kang, Hyeon Jin Park, Yoon Yi Kim, Hee Young Shin, Young Suk Yu, Il Han Kim, Hyo Seop Ahn
Cancer Res Treat. 2008;40(4):164-171.   Published online December 31, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Retinoblastoma is the most common intraocular malignancy in children. Since the 1990s, chemotherapy was indicated for intraocluar disease to reduce the frequency of enucleation and spare the complications associated with external beam radiation. In this study, we analyzed treatment results of retinoblastoma in our institute.

Materials and Methods

Datas from children diagnosed with retinoblastoma and treated at Seoul National University Children's Hospital between 1986 and 2008 were analyzed retrospectively. We utilized cyclophosphamide, vincristine, adriamycin, and methotrexate (CVAM) for OPD-based adjuvant chemotherapy. From 1990, primary chemotherapy was administered to patients with intraocular disease for eyeball-saving and patients received a combination of etoposide, vincristine, cisplatin (or ifosfamide) as a moderately intensive regimen, or a combination of cisplatin, doxorubicin, etoposide, and cycophosphamide (CDEC) as a highly intensive regimen.


One hundred eighteen children were analyzed. There were 68 unilateral and 50 bilateral diseases. The median age at diagnosis was 1 year and Reese-Ellsworth stage V was the most common stage at the time of diagnosis. All patients were treated by chemotherapy-based multimodality methods, and primary chemotherapy was administered to 80 patients. The 10-year overall and event-free survival rate of all patients were 93.9% and 91.6%, respectively. Two patients who died were in the CDEC regimen group, but there was no significant statistical difference in survival rates by chemotherapy regimens. Fifty-six of 114 eyeballs were saved after primary chemotherapy-based treatment, and the eyeball-saving rate was 49.1%. Six patients relapsed after enucleation and 2 patients were treated successfully after autologous PBSCT. Osteosarcoma occurred in 2 patients as a secondary malignancy, and facial asymmetry after radiotherapy was the most common long-term sequelae.


In this study, the overall and event-free survival rates of retinoblastoma were satisfactory and eye-saving was possible with primary chemotherapy. Development of new chemotherapeutic regimens and a team approach are necessary to improve the eyeball-saving rate.


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  • The Efficacy of Alternate Systemic Intravenous Chemotherapy and Intra-arterial Chemotherapy Approach for Eye Globe Salvage in Retinoblastoma
    Jung Woo Han, Christopher Seungkyu Lee, Seung Min Hahn, Won Kee Ahn, Hyo Sun Kim, Hyeseon Yun, Sung Chul Lee, Byung Moon Kim, Dong Joon Kim, Chuhl Joo Lyu
    Cancer Research and Treatment.2023; 55(1): 270.     CrossRef
  • Global retinoblastoma survival and globe preservation: a systematic review and meta-analysis of associations with socioeconomic and health-care factors
    Emily S Wong, Richard W Choy, Yuzhou Zhang, Wai Kit Chu, Li Jia Chen, Chi Pui Pang, Jason C Yam
    The Lancet Global Health.2022; 10(3): e380.     CrossRef
  • Twenty-Year Retrospective Study of Post-Enucleation Chemotherapy in High-Risk Patients with Unilateral Retinoblastoma
    Yoon Sunwoo, Jung Yoon Choi, Hyun Jin Park, Bo Kyung Kim, Kyung Taek Hong, Sang In Khwarg, Jaemoon Koh, Sung-Hye Park, Dong Hyun Jo, Jeong Hun Kim, Jung-Eun Cheon, Hyoung Jin Kang
    Children.2022; 9(12): 1983.     CrossRef
  • Development of New Solitary Retinoblastoma Tumors during and after Chemotherapy
    Won Jong Choi, Dong Hyun Jo, Hyoung Jin Kang, Hee Young Shin, Young Suk Yu, Jeong Hun Kim
    Korean Journal of Ophthalmology.2021; 35(1): 73.     CrossRef
  • Outcomes of pediatric retinoblastoma treated with ICEV regimen: A single-center study
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    Pediatric Hematology and Oncology.2019; 36(2): 73.     CrossRef
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    Eun Hye Jung, Jeong Hun Kim, Joo Young Kim, Dong Hyun Jo, Young Suk Yu
    Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.2018; 40(8): 569.     CrossRef
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  • Favorable outcome of alternate systemic and intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma
    Seung Min Hahn, Hyo Sun Kim, Dong Joon Kim, Sung Chul Lee, Chuhl Joo Lyu, Jung Woo Han
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    Clinical Pediatric Hematology-Oncology.2015; 22(1): 38.     CrossRef
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  • Combined Treatment with an Oncolytic Adenovirus and Antitumor Activity of Vincristine against Retinoblastoma Cells
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    International Journal of Molecular Sciences.2012; 13(9): 10736.     CrossRef
  • Long Term Follow-up Results of External Beam Radiotherapy as Primary Treatment for Retinoblastoma
    Sang Yul Choi, Mi-Sook Kim, SungYul Yoo, ChulKoo Cho, YoungHoon Ji, KumBae Kim, YoungSeok Seo, Kyung Duk Park, JunAh Lee, Tai-Won Lee
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2010; 25(4): 546.     CrossRef
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Cyclin D1 Overexpression, p16 Loss, and pRb Inactivation Play a Key Role in Pulmonary Carcinogenesis and have a Prognostic Implication for the Long-term Survival in Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Patients
Na-Hye Myong
Cancer Res Treat. 2008;40(2):45-52.   Published online June 30, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

We investigated the immunoexpressions of cyclin D1, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16 and phosphorylated retinoblastoma (p-pRb) proteins in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) to demonstrate their key roles in tumorigenesis, their relationship with the clinicopathologic factors, and their prognostic influences on the long-term survival.

Materials and Methods

115 surgically resected NSCLCs were immunohistochemically stained for the G1/S cell cycle proteins, with using a tissue microarray. The correlation between their immunoexpressions and the clinicopathologic prognostic factors, their inter-relationships and their single or combined effects on the long-term survival (over 5 years) were statistically analyzed by SPSS15.0.


Loss of p16 was found in 75% of the cases and cyclin D1 overexpression and phosphorylated pRb (p-pRb) were found in 64% and 46%, respectively. Cyclin D1 overexpression was correlated with the p16 loss and pRb inactivation by phosphorylation. The p16 loss was tightly associated with p-pRb. The Kaplan-Meier survival curves disclosed that the cyclin D1-positive group and the p16-negative group showed a rapid decline of survival at the point of about 5 years after surgery and thereafter. The combined actions of cyclin D1 overexpression, loss of p16 and pRb inactivation tended to have an adverse influence on the prolonged survival.


The observation that cyclin D1 overexpression, p16 loss and pRb inactivation were largely found in NSCLCs suggests that they play an important role in pulmonary carcinogenesis. Also, their inverse or positive correlations indicate that the G1/S cell cycle proteins may act alternatively or synergistically on the mechanisms by which tumor cells escape the G1 restriction point. Finally, their solitary or combined actions might have a long-term effect on the survival.


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Germline Mutation of Rb1 Gene in Korean Retinoblastoma Patients
Ja Lok Ku, Young Suk Yu, Jae Gahb Park
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1997;29(2):291-298.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Retinoblastoma is an intraocular tumor occurring almost exclusively in young children. Germline mutations in the Rb1 gene confer hereditary predisposition to retinoblastoma. To identify germline mutations in the Rb1 gene in Korean retinoblastoma patients, we analyzed germline mutations of the Rb1 gene in 4 Korean retinoblastoma patients from 3 families.
All patients were bilaterally affected in early childhood. First patient and second patient were same family members (SNU-RB1-1 and -2), and in the third patient (SNU-RB2), tumor cells had metastasized to the central nervous system 2 years after treatment of retinoblastoma. Fourth patient (SNU-RB3) developed secondary osteosarcoma in the nasal cavity 15 years after treatment of retinoblastoma. We have used PCR-SSCP analysis and DNA sequencing analysis to screen germline mutations.
We found one missense mutation in the fourth patient (SNU-RB3). This was a point mutation from AAA (lysine) to GAA (glutamine) at codon 616 in exon 19 of the Rb1 gene.
We confirmed one germline mutation of the Rb1 gene in one Korean patient who had a sporadic bilateral retinoblastoma and osteosarcoma. Identification of the germline mutation in Rb1 gene would help to improve the presymptomatic diagnosis and clinical management of retinoblastoma patients.
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A Study on the Loss of Heterozygosity of the Retinoblastoma Gene in Primary Uterine Cervical Carcinomas
Chun Geun Lee, Young Ju Choi, Hong Ki Min, Joo Ho Kim, Youl Hee Cho, Jin Woo Kim, Jae Hoon Kim, Tae Eung Kim, Jae Keun Jung, Sung Eun Namkoong
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1996;28(3):502-512.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Allelic deletions of tumor suppressor genes have been observed frequently in a variety of human tumors. These losses are believed to contribute to the development of human cancers. In order to detect loss of heterozygosity(LOH) within one of the well-known tumor suppressor gene, Rb(retinoblastoma), in primary uterine cervical cancers, we analysed four polymorphic intronic sites of Rb locus using polymerase chain reaction(PCR) in 55 primary cervical cancer tissues. The estimated heterozygote frequencies of intronl/BamHI, intronl7/XbaI, intron25/DraI, and intron 20 variable number of tandem repeat(VNTR) regions were 49%, 49%, 42%, and 80%, respectively. The observed frequencies of tumors with LOH at each locus were 21%(5 /24), 17%(5/29), 20%(5/20) and 44%(7/44) for intronl/BamHI, intronl7/XbaI, intron25/DraI and intron 20 VNTR polymorphic loci, respectively. The overall frequency of cervical cancer with at least one LOH at the Rb locus in this study was 14%(7/49), indicating that LOH at the Rb locus was not necessarily associated with cervical carcinogenesis. All the tumors showing LOH at the Rb locus were histologically moderatelv to poorly differentiated types and most of them(5 of the 7, 71%) were over FIGO stage II. These results suggest that the tumors with LOH at this locus may represent the general genomic instability which will contribute to the tumor progression and LOH of this gene may be used as one of the prognostic factors in cervical cancer in the future.
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Radiation Management for Prostate Cancer : External Beam Irradiation versus Iodine - 125 implantation
Young Kap Cho
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1996;28(3):512-520.
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Cancer Res Treat : Cancer Research and Treatment
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