1Department of Surgery, Sung-Ae Hospital, Korea. 2Department of Pediatrics, Sung-Ae Hospital, Korea. 3Sung-Ae Life Science Research Institute, Seoul, Korea.
PURPOSE: Mutation of the p53 tumor suppressor gene is the most common genetic defect in all human tumors. Because of the widespread mutations and polymorphism in the p53 gene, the conventional screening methods cannot distinguish between polymorphisms or functionally silent mutations and inactivating mutations. It is well known that plasmids can be generated by homologous recombination in vivo in the yeast by cotransforming the PCR product with a linearized yeast expression vector encoding part of a gene and a selectable marker gene. The aim of this study is to develop more easy and reliable method for functional assay of p53 mutation.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We constructed a gap vector which can reliably and conveniently be used to screen p53 mutations in a simple yeast growth assay. The gap vector was constructed as follows: About 100 bp DNA fragments containing parts of N- and C- terminal portion of p53 were cloned into XbaI/SmaI and HindIII/XhoI sites of yeast expressing vector, respectively. The gap vector was obtained by double cutting with SmaI and HindIII followed by gel elution. Yeast was transformed with the reporter vector containing three tandem copies of the consensus p53 binding site by lithium acetate-mediated method. RT-PCR amplification of p53 transcripts from cell lines or tumor tissues was carried out. To investigate whether p53 gene is mutated or not, yeast containing reporter gene was cotransformed with PCR product and linearized gap vector, plated on SD medium minus histidine, and incubated for 3 days. The colonies on selective media were isolated and characterized.
RESULTS: The tumor tissues examined were one hepatocellular carcinoma, three breast cancers, two stomach cancers and two colon cancers. One hepatocellular carcinoma tissue had mutation in both alleles of the p53 gene, and 7 cancer tissues had heterozygous mutations in the p53 gene. The result of functional assay was well correlated with mutational analysis by sequencing.
CONCLUSION: p53 functional assay system might be easy and reliable method for functional screening of p53 on tumor tissues and this might be used for screening of other mutated gene. This technique, FASAY, requires only a few steps, can be automated readily and should permit screening for germline or somatic heterozygous mutations in any gene whose function can be monitored in yeast.