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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 31(6); 1999 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1999;31(6): 1120-1128.
Clinical Analysis of Patients with Gastrectomized Stage IV Stomach Cancer
Byeung Ik Woo, Seong Heum Park, Kyong Woo Choi
Department of Surgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
The prognosis of stage IV stomach cancer patients is very poor and the effectiveness of radical surgery including extended lymphadenectomy and combined resection in these patients is still controversial. The purposes of this retrospective study were to identify the prognostic factors and to evaluate the effectiveness of extended lymphadenectomy and combined resection in stage IV stomach cancer paients.
Of 585 patients who were operated for stomach cancer at the NMC from Jan. 1987 to Oct. 1993, 154 patients of stage IV stomach cancer (121 patients who had distant metastasis and 33 patients who had not) were identified. We analyzed data of these 154 patients to find the characteristic clinicopathological features, the prognostic factors and the proper extent of surgical treatment.
Comparing with stage I, II and III groups, larger tumor size, higher proportions of Borrmann type IV and undifferentiated carcinoma and higher rates of lymph node metastasis and combined resection were noticed in stage IV stomach cancer group. In combined resection, pancreas tail was mainly resected due to tumor invasion but spleen was mainly resected for the completeness of lymph node dissection. In multivariate analyses, peritoneal metastasis and postoperative residual tumor were independent prognostic factors. The overall 5-year survival rate was 14.6%. Stage IV stomach cancer patients without distant metastasis had better 5-year survival rate than that of those who had distant metastasis (34.3% vs 7.9%, p=0.00001).
Radical procedures including extended lymphadenectomy and combined resection of the invaded organs should be considered in the stage IV stomach cancer patients without distant metastasis.
Key words: Stage IV gastric cancer;Prognosis;Radical surgery
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