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Original Article
Annual Report of the Central Cancer Registry in Korea-1998 (Based on Registered Data from 124 Hospitals)
Chang In Suh, Kyung Ae Suh, Seong Heum Park, Hee Jin Chang, Jae Wook Ko, Don Hee Ahn
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 2000;32(5): 827-834.
1Departments of Internal Medicine, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
2Departments of Medical Record, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
3Departments of Surgery, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
4Departments of Anatomical Pathology, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
5Departments of Pediatrics, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
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Central Cancer Registry Center in Korea conducted a nation-wide hospital-based cancer registry to provide the basic data on cancer statistics.
In 1998, 124 hospitals participated in the cancer registry program. All cancer registry data, submitted from the participating hospitals by diskettes during the year, were reviewed and sorted out by the committee members who were all board-qualified clinical oncologists and pathologists. To avoid duplication, every resident registration numbers were compared by the computer. Cases diagnosed by histologic examination were preferentially chosen.
Of 89,226 cases registered, 9,163 (10.3%) duplication cases were excluded. Of the remaining 80,063 cases, 3,195 cases (4.0%) of carcinoma in situ (morphology code /2) were excluded. Finally 76,868 cases were analyzed. Of the analyzed cases, 44,037 (57.3%) were male and 32,831 (42.7%) were female. The leading age groups in the order of relative frequency were 60~64 years of age (15.3%), followed by 55~59 (14.4%). The leading primary cancer sites in the order of relative frequency were stomach (20.9%), followed by liver and intrahepatic bile ducts (12.2%), bronchus and lung (11.9%), colorectum (9.6%), breast (6.1%). In male, the leading primary cancer sites were stomach (24.4%), followed by liver and intrahepatic bile ducts (16.4%), bronchus and lung(16.0%), colorectum(9.2%) and urinary bladder (3.5%). In female, stomach (16.3%) was the most common site, followed by breast (14.1%), uterine cervix (13.0%), colorectum (10.1%) and liver and intrahepatic bile ducts (6.5%). Among the 1,190 cases of childhood malignancies, leukemia (33.4%), CNS tumor (15.7%) and sympathetic nervous system tumor (8.4%) were common.
We analyzed and reported the registered cancer data from 124 hospitals during 1998.

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    Annual Report of the Central Cancer Registry in Korea-1998 (Based on Registered Data from 124 Hospitals)
    J Korean Cancer Assoc. 2000;32(5):827-834.

Cancer Res Treat : Journal of the Korean Cancer Association
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