Fig. 1Endoscopic finding is shows a huge ulceroinfiltrative mucosal lesion on antrum of stomach.
Fig. 2Stomach. Microscopic finding of stomach shows moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. (H&E, ×200).
Fig. 3Abdominal CT. Abdominal computed tomographic finding shows low attenuating mass and nodules in both hepatic lobes with metastatic lymphadenopathies.
Fig. 4Stomach. Microscopic finding of stomach shows choriocarcinoma, characterized by dimorhpic plexiform pattern (H&E, ×400).
Fig. 5Stomach. β-hCG stain. Immunohistochemical staining for β-hCG of stomach shows a positive reaction (peroxidase-HRP, ×400).
Fig. 6Liver. Microscopic finding of liver shows the hepatic infiltration of choriocarcinoma (H&E, ×100)
Fig. 7Gastric endoscopic feature shows a huge ulceroinfiltrative mucosal lesion on lesser curvature of the body.
Fig. 8Abdominal CT. Two huge and several smaller variable sized low density lesions are seen in the liver.
Fig. 9Stomach. Microscopic finding of stomach shows moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma (H&E, ×400).
Fig. 10Liver. Microscopic finding of liver shows the hepatic infiltration of choriocarcinoma. Some of the multinucleated giant cells (arrows), consistent with syncytiorophoblast (H&E, ×400).
Table 1Clinical charcteristics of primary gastric choriocarcinoma from ten case reports in Korea