1Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Children’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea
2Cancer Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
3Department of Pathology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
4Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Copyright © 2015 by the Korean Cancer Association
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Patient No. | Gender | Age at dx (mo) | Primary site | Presenting symptom | Metastatic site | SEER stage | Loss of INI1 | Chemotherapy |
HDCT/ASCR | Surgery (time from dx) | Therapeutic radiotherapy (time from dx) | Event (time from dx) | Outcome (time from dx) |
1 | M | 4 | Kidney, Rt | Gross hematuria | None | Localized | Loss | CbECy (wk24)→ |
- | Upfront (at dx) | 10.5 Gy, 7 Fx (0.1 mo) | Relapse, brain (11.0 mo) | DOD (1 yr) |
2 | M | 5 | Kidney, Rt | Gross hematuria | None | Regional | Not evaluated | AV→AVD (wk3)→CbECy (wk24) | - | Delayed (0.4 mo) | 18.0 Gy, 12 Fx (1.7 mo) | None | NED (9 yr 4.3 mo) |
3 | M | 159 | Retrosternal area | Mass | None | Regional | No loss | CyE×2→CbE×2→(ICbE→VDCy)×7→(IE→VDCy)×2 | - | Delayed (4.1 mo) | None | None | NED (7 yr 2.4 mo) |
4 | F | 10 | Kidney, Rt | Gross hematuria | Lung | Distant | Loss | AV×2→†→ICbE→VDCy→CbECy (wk3) | - | Unresectable | None | Progression (0.9 mo) | DOD (4.5 mo) |
5 | F | 6 | Kidney, Lt | Abdominal mass | Lung, liver, bone (rid) | Distant | Loss | AV→CbECy (wk6)→†→IEpiP | - | Unresectable | None | Progression (1.7 mo) | DOD (3.8 mo) |
6 | M | 37 | Mass | Mass | Distant LN | Distant | Loss | (VDCy→IE)×3→IE×2→(VDCy→IE)×3→(VCy→IE)×2 | - | Delayed (4.4 mo) | 36.0 Gy, 20 Fx (6.5 mo) | None | NED (5 yr 0.5 mo) |
7 | M | 4 | Kidney, Lt | Gross hematuria | None | Regional | Loss | CbECy (wk24)→(VDCy→ICbE)×2→CyE→(VDCy→ICbE)×3→VDCy→MECb | Yes (MECb) | Upfront (at dx) | 21.6 Gy, 12 Fx (1 yr 2.3 mo) | None | NED (4 yr 7.8 mo) |
8 | M | 3 | Submental area | Mass | Back, periadrenal soft tissue | Distant | Loss | (VDCy→IE)×3→CyE→MECb→*→VPDCy/ITT→PEDCyV×3→ICbE×2 | Yes (MECb) | Upfront (at dx) | None | Relapse, brain/lung (10.2 mo) | DOD (1yr 5.8 mo) |
9 | M | 13 | Paraspinal | Mass | None | Localized | Loss | ICbE→VDCy→IE→VDCy→CyE→MECb | Yes (MECb) | Unresectable | 41.4 Gy, 23 Fx (7.8 mo) | None | NED (3 yr 6.2 mo) |
10 | F | 14 | Kidney, Rt | Fever, respiratory symptom | Lung distant LN | Distant | Loss | VDCy→†→ICbE1 | - | Delayed (2.1 mo) | None | Progression (1.0 mo) | DOD (2.3 mo) |
11 | F | 49 | Rt buttock | Rt toe pain | None | Localized | Loss | (VDCy→ICbE)×3→CyE→MECb | Yes (MECb) | Delayed (4.8 mo) | 32.4 Gy, 36 Fx (9.8 mo) | None | NED (1 yr 4.2 mo) |
dx, diagnosis; SEER stage, stage according to the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results staging system; INI1, integrase interactor 1; HDCT/ASCR, high dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell rescue; M, male; F, female; Rt, right; Lt, left; LN, lymph node; Gy, gray; Fx, fraction; DOD, died of disease; NED, no evidence of disease. relapse; †, progression; A, actinomycin D; Cb, carboplatin; Cy, cyclophosphamide; D, doxorubicin; E, etoposide; Epi, epirubicin; I, ifosfamide; ITT, intrathecal triple chemotherapy with methotrexate, hydrocortisone, and cytarabine; M, melphalan; P, cisplatin; V, vincristine; CbECy, intravenous (IV) carboplatin (16.7 mg/kg or 500 mg/m2 if body weight > 30 kg, d0-d1 on week 0, 3), IV etoposide (3 mg/kg or 100 mg/m2 if body weight > 30 kg, d0-d2 on week 0, 3, 9, 12, 18, 21) and IV cyclophosphamide (14.7 mg/kg or 440 mg/m2 if body weight > 30 kg, d0-d4 on week 6, 15, 24); AV, IV actinomycin D (0.015 mg/kg, d0-d2, d14-d16) and IV vincristine (d0, d7, d14, d21); AVD, IV actinomycin D (0.045 mg/kg, d0 of week 0), IV vincristine (1.5 mg/m2/wk, on week 1-3) and IV doxorubicin (22.5 mg/m2, d0 of week 3); CyE, IV cyclophosphamide (440 mg/m2, d0-d4, d21-d25) and IV etoposide (100 mg/m2, d0-d4, d21-d25); CbE, IV carboplatin (500 mg/m2, d0-d1, d21-d22) and IV etoposide (100 mg/m2, d0-d2, d21-d23); ICbE, IV ifosfamide (1,500 mg/m2, d0-d2), IV carboplatin (635 mg/m2, d2) and IV etoposide (100 mg/m2, d0-d2); VDCy, IV vincristine (1.5 mg/m2, d0, d7, d14), IV doxorubicin (30 mg/m2, d0-d1) and IV cyclophosphamide (1.8 g/m2, d0); IE, IV ifosfamide (2,400 mg/m2, d0-d4) and IV etoposide (100 mg/m2, d0-d4); IEpiP, IV ifosfamide (1,500 mg/m2, d0-d4), IV epirubicin (50 mg/m2, d0) and IV cisplatin (70 mg/m2, d0); VCy, IV vincristine (1.5 mg/m2, d0) and IV cyclophosphamide (1.8 g/m2, d0); MECb, high dose chemotherapy with IV melphalan (d-7 to d-6, 140/70 mg/m2), IV etoposide (d-8 to d-5, 200 mg/m2) and IV carboplatin (d-8 to d-5, 400 mg/m2); VPDCy/ITT, IV vincristine (2 mg/m2, d0, d7, d14), IV cisplatin (90 mg/m2, d0), IV doxorubicin (30 mg/m2, d1-d2), IV cyclophosphamide (300 mg/m2, d1-d3) and intrathecal triple with methotrexate (15 mg/m2), hydrocortisone (15 mg/m2) and cytarabine (30 mg/m2) on d0; PEDCyV, IV cisplatin (60 mg/m2, d0), IV etoposide (100 mg/m2, d2, d5), IV doxorubicin (30 mg/m2, d2), IV cyclophosphamide (30 mg/kg d3-d4) and vincristine (2 mg/m2, d0); ICbE1, IV ifosfamide (1,800 mg/m2, d0-d4), IV carboplatin (400 mg/m2, d0-d1) and IV etoposide (100mg/m2, d0-d4); CTx, chemotherapy.