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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 28(4); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1996;28(4): 710-718.
조기위암환자의 위아전절제후 재건술식에 따른 영양상태의 비교연구
유항종, 양한광, 김진복
Comparison of Nutritional Status after Subtotal Gastrectomy according to Reconstruction Methods
Hang Jong Yu, Han Kwang Yang, Jin Pok Kim
The purpose of this study is to compare nutritional status in subtotal gastrectomised patients according to reconstruction methods: Billroth I, retrocolic Billroth II and antecolic Billroth II anatomoses. For this study 90 early gastric cancer patients who underwent radical subtotal gastrectomy with Billroth I(B-I: n=30), retrocolic Billrath II(B-IIR: n=30) or antecolic Billroth II(B-IIA: n=30) anastomosis were selected to examine anthropometric and laboratory data. The results were; 1) In all three groups, there were significant weight losses(B-I: 4.5¡¾3.I Kg, B-IIR: 5.0¡¾3.2 Kg, B-IIA: 5.6¡¾4.0 Kg) and there were more weight losses in B-IIA group than B-IIR group and B-I group. 2) Triceps skin fold thickness showed that there were moderate to severe fat malnutrition in about 70% of patients in all three groups. 3) Arm muscle circumference showed that there were moderate to severe protein malnu trition in about 30% of patients in all three groups. 4) Serum albumin and transferrin levels showed normal levels in almost all patients and no differences among three groups. 5) Blood hemoglobin and serum calcium levels showed decrement compared to preoperative levels but no differences among three groups. 6) Serum Vitamine B12 level showed statistically significant decreased level in B-II group, more likely in B-IIA group. In summary, there were more weight losses in B-IIA group, and statistically significant decreased vitamin B12 level in B-II group, more likely in B-IIA group. So we recommend vitamin B12 supplement from 2 years after subtotal gastrectomy with Biillroth II anastomosis.
Key words: Subtotal gastrectomy, Reconstruction method, Nutritional status
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