From January 1992 to March 1995, 11 patients with acute myelagenous leukemia in the first remission in whom successfully hemopoiesis recovered after infusing autologous marrow stem cells purged by hyperthermia and ether-lipid. The median age of them was 29 years(rang l6 to 47). There were 5 males and 6 females. According to FAB classification, M1: 4, M3: 3, M4: 2 and M5: 2. All patients received two or three intensification chemotherapy after the first remission to make minimal residual disease. The median interval between achieving first remission and auto-grafting was 6.7 months (rang 4.5 to 10.5). Of the 11 patients, 7 patients received condition regimens that included total body irradiation and 4 patients received various combination of cytotoxic drugs. The marrow stem cells were harvested and treated with hyperthermia (4l¡ÆC) for one hour with 45 ¥ig/ml of ether-lipid. Median follow up was 24 months (rang 8 to 35), Minimum follow up was 13 months. The procedure related death was one case with Aspergillus pneumonia. The hematopoietic recovery of 10 patients was prompt with normal trilineage regeneration without any life-threatening complication. The median number of days, after the first marrow infusion, to achieve a total neutrophil count > 0.5 x l08/1, was 24 (range 10 to 41) and the median number of days to achieve platelet count of > 50 x 108/1, unsupported by platelet transfusion was 5l (range 12 to 250). The probability of disease-free survival(DFS) is 54% at 3 years. Four patients relapsed at 6.7.11. and 24 month post-ABMT. Eventhough the number of patients and the observation period were short, the autologous marrow transplantation with purged by hyperthermia and ether-lipid seems to be acceptable for the patients with AML as a regimen of the late intensification.