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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 28(1); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1996;28(1): 78-88.
갑상선암의 임상적 고찰
배진선, 홍석환, 윤완희, 장일성, 서광선
A Clinical Study on Patients with Thyrid Cancer
Chin Sun Bae, Seok Whan Hong, Wan Hee Yoon, Eil Sang Chang, Kwang Sun Suh
One hundred and seven patients with thyroid cancer who were undertaken operation at the Department of Surgery, Chungnam National University Hospital during 5 years from January 1990 until December 1994 were clinically analysed and the results were as follows. 1) Female was predominated over male by the ratio of 5.3: l. 2) The most prevalent age was 4th decade, followed by 5th, 6th, and 7th decade in order of frequency. 3) The most common clinical manifestation was mass in anterior neck(86.0%), followed by fatigue (19.0%), palpitation(15.9%), and lateral neck mass(14.0%). 4) Thyroid function test was in normal range in 92.5% of patients, and cold nodules were revealed in 86.0% of patients on thyroid scintigraphy. 5) As to the duration of disease, 33.6% of patients were within 3 months, 55.1% of cases within 1 year; and in 7 patients, it was over 10 years. 6) 45.8% of cases were located in the right lobe, 38.3% in the left lobe, 14.0% in both lobes, and 1.9% in the isthmus. 7) As to the operative procedures, lobectomy was undertaken in 45 cases, total thyroidectomy in 20 cases, lobectomy with isthmectomy in 12 cases, lobectomy with node dissection in 11 cases, total thyroidectomy with node dissection in 8 cases, and subtotal thyroidectomy in 7 cases. 8) As to the pathologic classification, papillary carcinoma was revealed in 83 cases (77.6 %), follicular carcinoma in 18 cases(16.8%), medullary carcinoma in 4 cases(3.9%), and anaplastic carcinoma in 1 case(0.9%). 9) Regional node metastasis was seen in 34 cases(31.8%), and distant metastasis was seen in 14 cases (13.0%). 10) The most common post-operative complication was transient hypocalcemia in 28 cases(26.2%), followed by permanent hypocalcemia in 8 cases(7.5%), and transient recurrent nerve paralysis in 2 cases(1.9%)
Key words: Thyroid cancer
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