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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 27(2); 1995 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1995;27(2): 195-202.
원발성 위암에서 c-erbB-2 종양 유전자의 증폭에 대한 연구
최철원, 서재홍, 김병수, 신상원, 김준석, 목영재, 김종석, 구범환
Amplification of the c-erbB-2 Prto - Oncogene in Primary Human Gastric Cancers
Chul Won Choi, Jae Hong Seo, Byung Soo Kim, Sang Won Shin, Jun Suk Kim, Young Jae Mok, Jong Suk Kim, Bum Hwan Koo
The c-er6B-2 proto-oncogene has been found to be amplified in many human tumors induding breast, stomach, kidney and lung cancers. In order to evaluate the amplification status of c-erbB-2 proto-oncogene in stomach cancer which is the most common cancer in Korea, fortyfive sets of specimens including tumor tissue and normal stomach tissue(5 cm at least away from primary tumor, histologically normal)were measured by Southern hybridization technique. Ten micrograms of EcoRI-digested DNA was electrophoresed in an 0.8% agarose gel and transferred to a nylon memebrane and hybridized with a c-erbB-2 probe, washed under stringent conditions and autoradiographed against Hyperfilm with intenaifying screens at 70`C, for 3 days. In the results. two of the 45 gastric carcinomas(4.4%) were amplified 2-to-4-fold. Thus, the amplified c-erbB-2 gene may have a role in the evolution of gastric carcinoma, as dose in some carcinoma.
Key words: Gastric cancer, c-erbB-2 Amplification
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