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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 26(6); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1994;26(6): 885-892.
간세포암종에서 Phospholipase C-γ1 의 발현과 DNA Ploidy 와의 관계
김성숙, 조수연, 김경희, 김정란, 이영한, 서판길, 허만하, 박영훈
Correlation of PLC-γ1 Expression and DNA Ploidy Pattern in Hepatocellular Carcinomas
Sung Sook Kim, Soo Yeon Cho, Kyung Hee Kim, Jung Ran Kim, Young Han Lee, Pann Ghill Suh, Man Ha Huh, Young Hoon Park
Phospholipase C isozymes (PLCs) play a role in ligand-mediated signal transduction for cellu- lar activity such as proliferation and differentation. However, their biological significance of in carcinogenesis or tumor progression is not fully estabilished, although PLC-rl is known to be related to the cell growth or the oncogene. We examined the relative content of PLC-rl in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and the adjacent non tumorous liver tissue, by immunoperoxidase staining of paraffin embedded sections. Among 32 cases, 25 demonstrated s significant decrease of PLC-rl content in comparison to the adjacent nontumorous tissue. Seven cases revealed no remarkable change in PLC-rl expression. There was no HCC expressing higher level of PLC-rl. We also performed image cytometric studies to evaluate the relationship between the DNA ploidy pattern and the PLC-yl content. Interestingly, the tumors showing a decreased PLC-rl expression, were mostly diploid and tetraploid (except 3 cases) in contrast to those tumors showing no change in PLC-rl content which were exclusively aneuploid. The results suggest that PLC-rl expression is closely related to DNA ploidy of the tumor, and that there may be two different mechanisms of hepatocarcinogenesis: one is related to PLC-rl associated signal trasduction system, and the other is independent of PLC-rl.
Key words: Hepatocarcinogenesis, PLC-rl, Signal transduction, DNA ploidy
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