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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 26(5); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1994;26(5): 702-711.
위암종에서 p53 단백 과발현과 환자의 예후와의 관계에 대한 연구
김용일, 김진복, 김우호, 송상용, 김종재
Prognostic Significance of p53 Overexpression in Gastric Carcinoma
Yong Il Kim, Jin Pok Kim, Woo Ho Kim, Sang Yong Song, Chong Jai Kim
The overexpession of p53 protein was immunohistochemically studied in a total of 92 gastric carcinomas, of which 40 cases(43.5%) showed nuclear immunoreactivity. Older age(p<0.001), lymph node metastasis(p<0.05), stage(p<0.05), and higher expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen(p<0.05) were correlated with p53 overexpression. Other clinicopathologic parameters including sex, tumor site, WHO classification, Ming classification, inflammation degree, desmoplasia degree, tumor invasion depth, gross type, size, and recurrence were not related with p53 overexpression. However, intestinal type(56.3%) by Lauren classification and advanced gastric carcinoma(48.0%) showed higher incidence of p53 overexpression than diffuse type(36.7%) and early gastric carcinoma(23.5%), respectively(0.05< p<0.1). Lifetest showed that p53 overexpression was not related with patients survival, although tumor site, size, depth of invasion, stage, lymph node metastasis, and recurrence were closely correlated with patients survivaL We concluded that p53 overexpression was a common event in gastric carcinogenesis and may play a role not in late, invasive stage of tumor progression related with patient survival, but in early, proliferative stage of gastric carcioma progression.
Key words: p53, Stomach, Carcinoma, Proliferation, Prognosis
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