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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 26(4); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1994;26(4): 544-554.
컴퓨터 프로그램을 이용한 위암 환자의 분석 - 대한위암연구회의 프로그램을 이용한 분석 -
유환영, 김진복
Analysis of Advanced Gastric Cancer Patients Using Computer Program Adopted by Korean Reasrch Association for Gastric Cancer
Hwan Young Yoo, Jin Pok Kim
Gastric cancer is the most common cancer in Korea, and nowadays, multicenter analysis for the gastric cancer may be necessary to improve the management and survival of the patients with gastric cancers. So, Korean Research Association for Gastric Cancer (KRAGC) adopted a computer program (a database program which is made by Joon Yang Noh, Department of General Surgery, Lee Rha General Hospital) that may be used by surgeona who deal with the gastric cancers. By saving and storing the data of the patients into the computer, using this program, multicenter analysis as well as analysis in a center would be feasible. But each hospital would have collective data with its own data format which is different from that of the pro- gram of KRAGC, by which data compatibility would not be easy. For being some help in data conversion to be compatible with the program issued by the KRAGC, authors analysed the formats of the data file of the program and converted our data (795 cases of gastric cancers operated in 1987 and 1988) format to be fit for the program of the KRAGC, although all the fields could not be matched. The results of analysis of our cases using the program are as follows. 1) Gastric cancers were 1.8 times more prevalent in male and 82.4% of the patients distributed in third to fifth decades. 2) The most common location of gatric cancers was antrum (481 cases, 60.5%), followed by body (280 cases, 35.2%) and gastric cardia (34 cases, 4.3%). 3) The most prevalent cancer stage was IIIb (318 cases, 40.0%). 4) Subtotal gastrectomy was performed most commonly (522 cases, 65.6%), as the curative op- eration. 5) Five year survival rate of the patients was 39.4%.
Key words: Gastric cancer, Computer program
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