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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 26(2); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1994;26(2): 198-208.
위암의 위전절제술시 비장보존이 예후에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
김희덕, 이충환, 최경현, 이승도, 서재관
The Prognostic Effects of Spleen Preservation in The Radical Total Gastrcomy
Hee Duck Kim, Chung Han Lee, Kyung Hyun Choi, Seung Do Lee, Jae Kwan Suh
In Gastric Cancer Surgery, an extended radical operation is common procedure, and in cases of total gastrectomy, there is a tendency to perform splenectomy at the same time. However, regarding to the prophylactic splenectamy for clearing of spleen hilar nodes the prognostic ef- fectivity is controversiaL We studied the value of spleen preservation in total gastrectomy for gastric cancer by survival rate, according to tumor stage and tumor location and by inflammatory complications. And another study was done on cellular immunity of total gastrectomy patients by T-cell subset(T3T4T5 & T4T8 Ratio) and Natural Killer cell activity changes(preoperative day and postoperative 2 months) with or without combined splenectomy. In five year survival rate of stage I and II groups, spleen preserving group(78.7%) has better prognosis than splenectomized group(70.4%) and in stage III and IV groups, 5 year survival rate of nonsplenectomized cases(30%) showed higher than that of splenectomized cases(17%). Five year survival rate of nonsplenectomized, proximal gastric cancer group(57.5%) showed significantly better than that of splenectomized group(30%). Postoperative T4/T8, ratio and NK cell activity were markedly decreased compared to preoperative ratio in the splenectomized group than the non-splenectomized and control groups. Consequently spleen preserving group group had better prognosis than splenectomized group in total gastrectomy, which may be attributable in part to reduction of cellular immunity caused by splenectomy. It seems to be desirable that accordingly prophylactic splenectomy in gastric cancer surgery should be reconsidered.
Key words: Total gastrectomy, Survival rates, With or without splenectomy
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