갑상선 종양환자에서의 조직적 합성 항원의 분포 |
정능수, 이영하, 김영철, 채성철, 장원희, 이인선, 정태호 |
Distribution of Major Histocompatibility Antigen Class 1 in Patientw with Thyroid Carcinoma |
Nung Soo Chung, Young Chul Kim, Young Chul Kim, Shung Chull Chae, Won Hee Jang, In Sun Lee, Tai Ho Chung |
This study was carried out to see if there are any peculiar pattern of HLA distribution in patients with thyroid carcinoma. Analysis of tissue antigens were done with Park and Terasaki method on the 25 cases of papillary cancer, 24 cases of follicular cancer, and 1S cases of medullary cancer. In order to comparison with benign tumor and healthy person, 21 cases of thyroid adenoma and 30 students were tested. Compared to the control group, papillary cancer showed high frequencies in HLA-B7, B46, and C6. In follicular cancer, high frequencies occgrred in HLA-A33 and HLA-B7. In medullary cancer, distribution was high on HLA-A3 and low an HLA-A24, In HLA-B locus, high was shown in B38, B4l, and B75 antigens while for HLA-C, C2, and CB were showed high frequencies. In follicuiar adenoma, a benign tumor, HLA-A1, A33 turned out with high frequencies. In HLA-B locus, HLA-B7 and B60 were high in distribution. In HLA-C locus, C6 showed high frequenices. In papillary caneer and follicular adenoma, HLA-B7 and HLA-C6 were commonly high. |
Key words:
Thyroid carcinoma, Major histocompatibility antigens |