Carcinoma of the stomach is the most prevalent malignancy in Korea and usually has poor prognosis. But, the prognosis for the early gastric cancer has been reported very excellent. Authors analyzed 140 cases of EGC operated on from January 1980 to December 1988 at KCCH in the view of the incidence, ABO blood types, age distribution, depth of invasion, pathological classification, lymph node metastases and progno#sis. The results were as follows. 1) The incidence of EGC was 12.6% of all stomach cancer during the same period. The overall male to female sex ratio was 1.8:1 (male:female=90:50). 2) The most frequent age group was the 6the decade (34%), followed by the 5th decade (27.9%) and the 7th decade (20.7%) in order. 3) The major blood type of EGC patients was type A(42.1%). 4) The preoperative diagnostic accuracy was 40.3% by double contrast study and 62.0% by endoscopy with biopsy. 5) The most common site was antrum, followed by incisura angularis. 6) The most common type of EGC was type II, (57.9%), followed by type II,+III(17.9%). 7) In 43 cases the lesion was limited to mucosa only, and nintyseven cases invaded to submucosa, and the metastases to regional lymph nodes were zero in mucosa type and 16.4% (23 cases) in submucosa type. B) Histologic type revealed 20 cases of well differentiated type, 38 cases of moderated differentiated type, 62 cases of poorly differentiated type, 20 cases of signet ring cell type. 9) Radical operations were performed in all cases and adjuvant chemotherapy was done in the cases with lymph node metastases only. 10) Overall 5-year survival rate for the entire group was 96.0%.