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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 21(1); 1989 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1989;21(1): 112-117.
크루켄버그 종양 25 예에 대한 분석
박종권, 박재갑, 김진복
Clinical Analysis of Krukenberg Tumor - A review of 25 cases -
Jong Kwon Park, Jae Gahb Park, Jin Pok Kim
We analyzed 25 cases of Krukenberg tumor who had been treated at the Department of Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital from January 1980 to December 1988. We obtained the following results. 1) The primary sites of tese tumores were stomach in 23 cases (92%), ascending colon in 1 cases (4 %) and unknown in 1 case (4%). Among the 23 cases of gastric cancer, 12 cases were stage IU and 11 cases were stage IV. 2) Among the 948 female patients with gastric cancer admitted during these period, 23 cases (2.4%) had Krukenberg tumor. 3) The most prevalent age group was the 4th decade (11 cases) and followed by the 5th decade (9 cases), and the mean age was 44 years. 4) The most common symptom was abdominal mass (80%) and followed by abdominal distension (72%), and abdominal pain (72%). 5) Eighteen cases (72%) showed bilateral ovarian involvement and 5 cases (20%) showed left and 2 cases (8%) showed right involvement. 6) Both the primary lesion and Krukenberg tumor were found simultaneously in 13 cases at initial explolation, among them 3cases had radical subtotal gastrectomy and bilateral oophorectomy. But 10 cases had ovarian biopsy. In the 12 cases, Krukenberg tumor developed 26 months later (mean duration) after the primary operation. 7) We could follow the 21 patients out of 25 patients and their median survival was 19 months, the median survival of the patients who had both radical subtotal gastrectomy and bilateral oophorectomy was 19 months and that of the patients who discovered Krukenberg tumor later was 13 months and the median survival of those patients who had only ovarian biopsy was 7.5 moths.
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