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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 20(1); 1988 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1988;20(1): 53-59.
5-Fluorouracil-Cisplatin ( FP ) 병용화학요법제의 Liposomes 이용의 실험연구 ( 2 )
유용운, 이진오
Experimental Cancer Chemotherapy of 5-Fluorouracil-Cisplatin ( FP ) Entrapped with Liposomes ( 2 )
Yong Wun Ryu, Jhin Oh Lee
The authors have investigated the effect of 5-Fluorouracil and Cisplatin entrapped with liposomes in experimental cancer chemotherapy. As already known, Cisplatin alone may produce severe kidney damage, hearing loss, and bone marrow depression etc. When Cisplatin or FP were entrapped with liposomes, the entrapped drugs offered better therapeutic effects in some aspects. In tumar response test, the effects of FP entrapped with liposomes were dose-related on ICR mice bearing Sarcoma 180 cells. In toxicity test, the liposomally entrapped drug reduced the severity of leukopenia and the elevation of serum uric acid significantly than the nonentrapped drug did.
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