Giemsa stained chromosomes were analyzed at intervals during either 13 or 29 aerial subcultivation of SC- I cell linea. SC- I established from one metastatic human colon adenocarcinoma. Using standerd chromosome culture techniques 100 consecutive tumor cells had analyzed. 13 cells were karyotyped. As a reault, followings were obtained; 1) Chromosome number were varied from 43 tO 139 and represent the characteristic chromoaomal patterns of metastatic tumors. 2) There were accumulation of tumor cells near the hypertriploid level (from about 77 to 80 chromosomes), 39%. 3) The most frequent chromosomal number was 77, 13%. 4) There were relatively many chromosomes in groups A and. G, and few chromosomes in group B and C. 5) Y-chro- mosome count was increased in two cases karyotypes.