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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 17(1); 1985 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1985;17(1): 10-16.
전이성 유암에 대한 항 Estrogen 제제 Tamoxifen 의 치료효과
방영주, 박근칠, 방영주, 이상재, 최두혁, 김로경
Tamoxifen Therapy for Metastatic Vreast Cancer
Yung Jue Bang, Keun Chil Park, Yung Jue Bang, Sang Jae Lee, Du Hyock Choi, Noe Kyeong Kim
An antiestrogen, tamoxifen, was given orally to 24 patients with metastatic breast cancer. ij patients(25%) achieved either complete(2 patients) or partial(4 patients) remiasion, and 4 patienta(17%) showed sable disease. The median duration of remission was 12 months. Ove rall median survival was 14.2 months, and the survival of reaponders was significantly prolonged compared with thet of the nonresponders. Age, menopausal status, diseaae-free interval and initial performance status strongly influenced both remission rate and survival. Side effects of the treatment were uncommon and mild.
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