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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 16(2); 1984 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1984;16(2): 245-250.
FAM 병용화학요법제의 Liposomes 이용의 실험적 연구
류용운, 윤탁구, 유주현
Experimental Studies on the Tumor Chemotherapy of FAM Encapsulated with Liposomes
Yong Wun Ryu, Taik Koo Yun, Ju Hyun Yu
One human colon adenocarcinoma cell line, SC-1 (Seoul National University, Adenocarcinoma of the Colon), has been established from a metastatic tumor mesocolon of distal descending colon of a 71 years old Korean male patient. On March 12, 1984, 2 pieces of metastatic tumor (5mm in diaeter) were removed from the mesocolon of the distal descending colon after anterior resection for the distal descendign colon cancer. The cell ype of the tumor was moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. After mincing with scissors and washing with RPMI 1640 medium, floating cells have been cultured with RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 15% fetal bovine serum. Spherical cells in various size grew out from a clump on the 6th day of culture and they divided rapidly. From the 21th day the round cells started to float and divide rapidly in floating state and formed clusters. Now on the 214th day, October 22, 1984, 41th subculture with floating cells has been done. SC-1 cells grow in vitro floating free state and tend to from clusters which easily disaggregated into single cell suspension with agitation with a pipette. The cell size fanges from 10um to 70um in diameter with a mean of 27.35 +- 13.0 um. Population doubling time was about 2~2.5 days at passage 33~34. SC-1 cells contain mucinous substance in cytoplasm which is demonstrable upon PAS and mucicarmine staining. The cytoplasmic surfaces show varying degree of cytoplasmic process development with uneven length of microvilli and scattered desmosome. Chromosomal analyses were performed at passage 13~29. The number was 77. SC-1 cells produced large amount of carcinoembryonic antigen; 5.8x10(5)/ml of SC-1 cells secreted 699 ng/ml of CEA in 3 days into media at passage 33. The viability of SC-1 cells was 85% at passage 39. The days after heterotransplantation of 23.4x10(6) SC-1 cells of passage 28~30 in nude mouse produced 15x7.4x4mm sized tumor and 10 days after heterotransplantation of 26.6x10(6) SC-1 cells of passage 36~39 in nude mouse produced 9.5x9.4x2.0mm sized tumor.
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