Pulmonary hypertension may be produced by primary pulmonary hypertension, diffuse pulmonary parenchymal and interstitial diseases, congenital heart diseases, left heart failure, obstructive pulmonary vascular diseases and carcinomaous metastases. It has been reported that stomach cancer, breast cancer and choriocarcinoma could evoked pulmonary hypertension due to tumor emboli to pulmonary artery. A case with clinical, chest roentgenological and pulmonary angiogram findings of pulmon- ary hypertension due to metastatic GTN in pulmonary artery who had not recent hydatidi- form mole history and diagnosis was delayed due to diagnostic dilemma was presented. Fort- unately, the patient could be got complete remission since completion of second course of triple chemotherapy, but pulmonary hypertension was not completely resolved and sustained perfusion defect of right lung was observed. The prevalence of GTN is higher in korea than western country and cure rate is high even in an occasion of massive pulmonary invalvement. Therefore, in woman whose chest x-ray film disclased findings of pulmonary hypertension or pulmonary infiltration without previous cardiopulmonary diseases, gynecological evaluation, human chorionic gonaotrophin titration of serum and urin should be done to exclude the possibility of GTN.