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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 16(1); 1984 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1984;16(1): 1-12.
인체 위 선암 세포의 체외 배양에 관한 연구 : 인체 위 선암유래 세포주의 배양 수입
In Vitro Cultivation of Human Stomach Adenocarcinoma Cell : Establishment of Cell Line ( SS - 1 ) derived from Human Stomach Adenocarcinoma
재갑 박
The results on culture of 20 human gastric adenocarcinomas are described. One human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line, SS-1 (Seoul Kational University, Adenocarci- noma of the Stomach) has been established from a metastatic infrapyloric lesion in lymph node, of a Bo years old Korean male patient. On June 16, 1983, 2 x 1 x 1cm sized infrapyloric meta- static mass was removed during the procedure of palliative gastrectomy for advanced stom- ach cancer. The cell type of the primary site and the metastatic mass was poorly differenti- ated adenocarcinoma. After mincing with scissors and washing with RPMI 1640 medium, flo ating cells have been cultured with a RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 15% fetal bovine serum. Mutinucleated epithelial cells with vacuoles were observed on the 9th day and then they tran formed into fibroblastoid variant From the 70th day one colony composed with spherical cells were observed and they started to divide rapidly from the 141th day and to float from the 146th day. The floating cells also divided rapidly and formed clusters. Now on the 320th day, 32th suhculture with floating cells has done. SS-1 cells grow in vitro floating free and tend to form clusters which easily disaggregated into single cell suspension with agitation with a pipette. The cell size ranges from 15um to 43um in diameter with a mean af 24.6+-5.6 SDum. Population daubling time was about 3 days at Passage, 17-18. SS-1 cells contain muci- nous substance in cytoplasm which is demons rable upon PAS and mucicarmine staining. The cytoplasmic surface is studded with numerous but poorly developed microvilli. Chromos- omal analyses were performed at passage, 16 18. The number of chromosomes varied in wide range from 38-132. SS-1 cells did not synthesize CEA in vitro.
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