During a thirteen year period from May 1969 to December 1982, 137 cases of early gastric cancer were treated and we could follow 130 cases among them. The incidence of EGC among resected stomach was(9.7%). The male; female ratio was l.8:1 and their average age was 47.2 years. By UGI, double contrast x-ray study, 52.6% of them were diagnosed or suspected as EGC and by gastroscopy 62.6% of them were diagnosed or suspected as EGC. Fifty five cases(42.6%) of them were confined to the mucosa and 74 cases(57.4%) of them were confined to the submucosa. Two cases(3.6%) of mucosal cancer and 20 cases(27%) of submucosal cancer showed lymph node invasion. The most frequent macrotype of EGC was IIc(40%) and microtype was signet ring cell type(39%). The five year survival rate of mucosal cancer was 100% and submucosal cancer was 91% so overall 95%. Since the clinical features do not provide guidelines to diagnosis and there is no ecreening test yet, the diagnosis depends on double contrast barium studies, endoscopy with biopsy and their interpretation. And early detection of the stomach cancer is the most important to improve its pragnosis.