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Original Article
Combination Chemotherapy with Cisplatin , Etoposide , and Ifosfamide ( PIE ) in the Advanced Non - Small Cell Lung Cancer
Sang Won Shin, Byung Soo Kim, Jae Jung Shin, Yeul Hong Kim, Kyung Ho Kang, Young Ho Choi, Kwang Tak Kim, Jun Suk Kim
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1998;30(2): 225-230.
1Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul Korea.
2Department of Chest Surgery, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul Korea.
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Combination chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide have been considered as one of the chemotherpy regimen for non small cell lung cacer(NSCLC) with the response rate of 20~40%. Ifosfamide is one of the most active agent against NSCLC. And so, we initiated a phase II trial for advanced NSCLC to determine the effect of PIE(cisplatin, ifosfamide, etoposide) regimen.
36 patients with inoperable non-small cell lung cancer who had no prior systemic chemotherapy were treated with combined ifosfamide (1,800 mg/m2 plus mesna 1,100 mg/m2 by intravenous continuous infusion daily for 3 days) with cisplatin (20 mg/m2 intravenous for 3 days) and etoposide (80 mg/m2 intravenous for 3 days). We evaluated the response rate, survival and toxicities of these patients.
The objective response rate was 28%(CR; 2/36, 6%, PR; 8/36, 22%). Among 10 responders, 7 patients were in good ECOG performance status(0~1). The mean survival of all these patients were 43 weeks(8~141 weeks); the responding patients survived longer than the non-responders(median survival; 59 weeks vs 28 weeks, p<0.05). The toxicities of this regimen were acceptable without treatment related toxic death.
We concluded that PIE regimen is effective in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer with acceptable toxicities and long-term follow up is warranted.

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    Combination Chemotherapy with Cisplatin , Etoposide , and Ifosfamide ( PIE ) in the Advanced Non - Small Cell Lung Cancer
    J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1998;30(2):225-230.
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Cancer Res Treat : Journal of the Korean Cancer Association
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