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J Korean Cancer Assoc > Volume 30(6); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1998;30(6): 1061-1068.
Correlation between VEGF Expression and Angiogenesis in Advanced Gastric Carcinoma
Young Bae Kim, Jee Young Han, Sang Hyun Lee, Hae Seung Han, Tae Sook Kim, Young Chae Chu, Tae Sook Hwang
1Department of Pathology, Inha University College of Medicine, Inchon, Korea.
2Department of Family Medicine, Inha University College of Medicine, Inchon, Korea.
VEGF is thought to be an important angiogenic factor playing significant a role in the aggressiveness of malignant tumor by stimulating neovascularization. We morphologically investicated the tumor angiogenesis in terms of the presence of VEGF expression in advanced gastric carcinoma.
We performed immunohistochemical stains for VEGF, CD 34, and MIB-1 (Ki-67) on the 51 paraffin-embedded tissue sections. The degree of angiogenesis was determined by counting microvessel densities and their Ki-67 labelling indices of endothelial cells within the tumors. We evaluated the correlation between the expression of VEGF, angiogenesis and clinicopathologic factors such as histologic differentiation, depth of invasion, and lymph node metastasis.
Immunoreactivity for VEGF revealed positivity in 34 out of 51 cases (66.7%). Microvessel densities and Ki-67 labelling indices of endothelial cells reflecting angiogenesis were higher in VEGF-positive tumors than VEGF-negative tumors. There were no conelations between VEGF expression, histologic differentiation and the depth of invasion. We failed to evaluate the conelation of VEGF expression and lymph node metastasis.
This study suggests that VEGF expressian is closely related to tumor asso- ciated angiogenesis in advanced gastric carcinoma. Considering that tumor growth depends on angiogenesis, therapies reducing VEGF may be a means of inhibiting angiogenesis and tumor aggressiveness.
Key words: Tumor angiogenesis;VEGF;Advanced gastric carcinoma
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