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Interrelation of Cyclin D1, Cyclin E, and p27Kip1 Expression on Tissue Arrays of Breast Cancer
Se Hwan Han, Kyeong Mee Park, Byung Noe Bae, Suk Yong Ryu, Ki Hwan Kim, Hong Joo Kim, Young Duck Kim, Hong Yong Kim
Cancer Res Treat. 2002;34(5):388-393.   Published online October 31, 2002
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To evaluate the clinical impact of the altered expression of cell cycle regulators in stage I and II breast cancers.
The interaction between cyclin D1/E and p27Kip1 expressions were analyzed using tissue microarray (TMA) technology in 133 breast cancers. Data from the immunohistochemical assays of 3 molecules were merged, and analyzed, with a Ki67 labeling index of the same tumors.
Cyclin D1 was expressed in 72 breast carcinomas (54.1%) and cyclin E in 60 (45.1%) out of the 133 breast carcinomas. Expressions of cyclin D1 and cyclin E were inversely related to each other, and significantly associated with the estrogen receptor (ER) expression and differentiation of the breast carcinoma. The expression of cyclin E was significantly decreased in tumors expressing cyclin D1 (p=0.022). There was a trend for cyclin D1 expression to increase in tumors expressing p27Kip1 (p=0.053), but the expression of cyclin E did not correlate with p27Kip1 expression. The Ki67 labeling index was markedly increased in tumors expressing cyclin E, whereas it was significantly decreased in the cyclin D1 or p27Kip1 expressing-tumors. From survival analysis, cyclin E expression was the only significant variable for the prediction of poor survival.
The abnormal expressions of cell cycle regulatory molecules are prevalent, and interrelated with each other in breast cancer. Integration of TMA technology allowed a high-throughput analysis for correlating molecular the in situ findings, with the clinico-pathologic information. Among the three molecules studied, the cyclin E had a prognostic implication for stage I and II breast cancer.


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Correlation between p53 and p27kip1 Expression and Clinicopathologic Features in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
P L Lee, J S Kim, H C Yeon, Y C Lee, S U Lee, D W Kim, S T Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 2000;32(2):390-397.
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of p53 and p27Kip1 and its association with numerous prognostic indicators of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
We reviewd the clinicopathologic features of 59 patients with HCC between 1993 and 1998. p53 and p27Kip1 expression were evaluated for relation with level of AFP, presence of HBsAg and microscopic findings such as Edmonson grade, grade of mitosis, cirrhotic background, tumor margin and Ki67 labeling index.
The expression rate of p53 was positively correlated with with Edmonson grade, high mitosis, infiltrative tumor margin and level of serum AFP. The expression rate of p27Kip1 was correlated inversely with Edmonson grade and presence of cirrhotic background. Ki67 labeling index was well correlated with Edmonson grade and mitotic activity. There was no correalation between p53 and p27Kip1 expression.
The aberrant expression of p53 and p27Kip1 is well associated with various prognostic factors of HCC.
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p27Kipl, K-67 and Bcl-2 Expression in Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of Head and Neck
C S Choi, G Choi, J J Song, K S Hwang, K Y Jung, J O Choi
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 2000;32(2):382-389.
AbstractAbstract PDF
p27Kip1 negatively regulates cell proliferation by mediating cell cycle arrest in Gl and Ki-67 is a reliable cellular proliferative index. Also Bcl-2, an inhibitor of apoptosis, has potential activity toward cell survival. The present study investigated p27Kip1, Ki-67 and Bcl-2 expression in adenoid cystic carcinoma for their usefulness of indicator in tumor progression and aggressiveness.
Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded surgical specimens were obtained from seventeen patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma. We performed immunohistochemical staining with p27Kip1, Ki-67 and Bcl-2 monoclonal antibodies and compared with patients clinicopathologic features.
There were significant correlation between low p27Kip1 expression and high grade and T classification, positive nodal status and perineural invasion and high stages. However, Ki-67 and Bcl-2 expression had no significant differences in clinicopathologic features and p27Kip1 expression.
p27Kip1 is a good reliable marker of tumor progression and aggressiveness in adenoid cystic carcinomas.
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