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The Breast Cancer in Women Less Than 36 Years of Age
Byung Chan Lee, Se Joong Kim, Woo Jung Lee, Duk Joo Moon, Kyung Shik Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1999;31(2):289-296.
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There is still much controversy about the prognosis of breast cancer developed in young women compared with old women. We performed this study to evaluate the pragnosis of the breast cancer in young women.
From 1985 to 1994, 1189 women received opetaticms for breast cancers at Severance Hospital. The study group included patients less than 36 years old who had unilateral, invasive and primary operable breast eancers (N=158). The control groups included patients between 36 and 50 years old (N=518) and those between 51 and 65 years old (N=269) who had the same conditions as the study group. The 5-year survival and 5-year disease-free survival rate for three groups were compared using Kaplan-Meier method and Log-rank method. To evaluate the age as an independent prognostic factor in premenopausal women Coxs proportional hazard model was used.
The overall 5-year survival rate and 5-year disease-free survival rate ot the study group were significantly lower than those of control groups (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in 5-year survival and S-year disease free survival between the two control groups. The Coxs propotional hazard model analysis revealed that the stage is the most important prognostic factor and the age was also an independent prognostic factor.
The prognosis of breast cancer less than 36 year old was poorer than that of 36-51 year old and 51-65 year old, suggesting that the age may be an independent prognostic factor in premenopausal women. More aggessive adjuvant treatment is required for breast cancer patients less than 36 year old of age.
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A Clinical Analysis fo Breast Carcinoma in Women 35 Years of Age or Younger
Yoon Seok Chae, Hee Cheol Chang, Sung Soo Oh, Yoon Kyu Park, Eul Sam Chung
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(2):275-284.
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There is one perception that the prognosis of breast carcinoma in young women, especially those less than 35 years of age is unfavorable. However the relationship of the age and progno- sis in breast carcinoma remains still controversiaL The authors have studied 56 patients treated for breast carcinoma who were 35 years of age or younger at the time of diagnosis in the Department of Surgery at Presbyterian Medical Center, Chonju Korea, from January l980 to December 1993. The following results were obtained; 1) Median age of 56 patients was 31 years and the peak incidence was 30-35 years, comprising of 75%(42 patients). 2) The major symptoms were painless mass(70%), nipple discharge(11%), local redness (5.8%) in order of frequency. 3) Considering the relationship between age and metastatic axillary lymph nodes, there was no significant differences between them. 4) The most common histopathologic type was invasive ductal carcinoma, comprising of 73.2 % in 56 patients and followed by intraductal carcinoma 12.5%(7 patients), colloid carcinoma 3.57 %(2 patients) in order of frequency. 5) The most common site of 56 breast carcinomas was right upper outer quadrant and there was no difference in the incidence between right and left. 6) The survival rate according to treatment modality in the same stage show that for stage I (Scases), the 5-year suvival rate was 90% in 5 cases receiving opereation and chcmotherapy, 100 % in 1 case receiving operation only and 100% in 1 case receiving operation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. For stage II(30cases), the 5-year survival rate was 78% in 18 cases receiving operation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and 100% in 2 cases receiving operation and radiotherapy. For stage III (13 cases), the 5-year survival rate was 38% in 8 cases receiving operation and radiotherapy and 40% in 5 cases recceiving operation and chemotherapy. For stage IV (4 cases), all received operation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy and 5-year survival rate was 25%. 7) The 5-year determinate survivel rate according to the number of axillary node metastasis revealed that the lesser numbers of metastatic nades, the better survival rate(in case of no metastatic node, 88.8% vs. more than 4 metastatic nodes, 29.4%).
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Cancer Res Treat : Cancer Research and Treatment
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