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Original Articles
DNA Ploidy Study in 1,673 Fresh Solid Tumors
Min Joo Kim, Han Kyeum Kim, Yang Seok Chae, Bum Woo Yeom, In Sun Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1998;30(6):1279-1293.
To evaluate the possible role of DNA content abnomrality in solid tumors as a diagnostic indicator in Korean patients, the incidence of aneuploidy in the major organs were analyzed and compared with the incidences which have been reported in the literatures.
Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content were performed on the 1673 fresh tissues of neoplastic lesions which were obtained for the last five years in Hospital.
The frequency of aneuploidy was more than 50% in the primary malignant tumors of the stomach, colon, esophagus, liver, biliary tract, pancreas, head and neck organs, salivary gland, lung, breast, ovary, CNS and urinary tract. However, the frequency of aneuploidy was as low as 7% in papillary carcinoma of thyroid and about 30% in renal cell carcinoma and malignant lymphomas. High frequency of aneuploidy (more than 70%) was seen in the metastatic tumors in liver, brain, ovary and lymph nodes. Aneuploidy was also found in benign tumors of salivary gland, adenomas of endocrine organs, meningiomas, smooth muscle tumors and schwannomas.
The results of present study were in concordant with those of the other domestic and foreign studies.
Although aneuploidy can be observed in some benign tumors, DNA ploidy pattern is considered to be an important diagnostic and prognostic factors in malignant lesions of the various organs.
Correlation of PLC-γ1 Expression and DNA Ploidy Pattern in Hepatocellular Carcinomas
Sung Sook Kim, Soo Yeon Cho, Kyung Hee Kim, Jung Ran Kim, Young Han Lee, Pann Ghill Suh, Man Ha Huh, Young Hoon Park
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1994;26(6):885-892.
- Phospholipase C isozymes (PLCs) play a role in ligand-mediated signal transduction for cellu- lar activity such as proliferation and differentation. However, their biological significance of in carcinogenesis or tumor progression is not fully estabilished, although PLC-rl is known to be related to the cell growth or the oncogene. We examined the relative content of PLC-rl in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and the adjacent non tumorous liver tissue, by immunoperoxidase staining of paraffin embedded sections. Among 32 cases, 25 demonstrated s significant decrease of PLC-rl content in comparison to the adjacent nontumorous tissue. Seven cases revealed no remarkable change in PLC-rl expression. There was no HCC expressing higher level of PLC-rl. We also performed image cytometric studies to evaluate the relationship between the DNA ploidy pattern and the PLC-yl content. Interestingly, the tumors showing a decreased PLC-rl expression, were mostly diploid and tetraploid (except 3 cases) in contrast to those tumors showing no change in PLC-rl content which were exclusively aneuploid. The results suggest that PLC-rl expression is closely related to DNA ploidy of the tumor, and that there may be two different mechanisms of hepatocarcinogenesis: one is related to PLC-rl associated signal trasduction system, and the other is independent of PLC-rl.
Prognostic Significancy of the DNA Ploidy in Breast Cancer
Chang Taek Lim, Sung Jun Park
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1994;26(6):943-950.
- Flow cytometric DNA ploidy measurements using paraffin embeded tumor specimen were performed in 60 breast cancer patients. Twenty-six patients (43.3%) of the cases were diploid, thirty-four(56.7%) were aneuploid. DNA idex(DI) of histogram showed bimodal distribution and DI value of second peak incidence was 1.7. The DNA ploidy was not correlated with tumor size, lymph node involvement, progesterone receptor status, histologic type and menopausal status, but significantly correlated with estrogen receptor status. Postoperative clinical survey demonstrated a high tendency of recurrence rate and shorter survival time of patients with aneuploid tumors as compared those with diploid tumors. These results suggested that DNA ploidy is considered to be useful prognostic factor in human breast cancer.
Correlation of Tumor DNA Ploidy , Axillary Lymph Node Changes with Other Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer
Hong Chan Lee, Pah Jong Jung, Young Hyeh Ko
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(1):52-61.
- Flow cytometric DNA analysis has been applied as an important factor for decision of postoperative therapeutic regimen and prediction of prognosis of breast cancer. Sinus histiocytosis had been recognized as a better prognosic factor in axillary lymph nodes than negative sinus histiocytosis. It represents not only the presence of metastases, but also their immunologic potential and cell mediated immunity against the tumor. This study examined DNA ploidy pattern, S-phase fraction and sinus histiocytosis in axillary lymph nodes of breast cancer in 131 patients who underwent operation at the Department of Surgery, Hanyang University Hospital during the period of January 1990 through February 1993. On the basis of these datas, we analysed the correlation of tumor DNA ploidy and axillary lymph node changes with other prognostic factors which are TNM status, histologic grade and estrogen receptor in breast cancer. Authors obtained the following results; 1) In 131 patients, aneuploidy was 63(48.1%) and high S-phase fraction was 89(68%) 2) Incidence of aneuploidy and high S-phase fraction was increased according to the aggravation of T factor, N factor and poor histiologic grade. The rate of negative estrogen receptor was high in aneuploidy and high S-phase fraction group. 3) Among 102 patients, 53(50.1%) had positive sinus histiocytosis, 49(49.9%) had negative sinus histiocytosis. The positive rate of sinus histiocytosis in axillary lymph nodes was highly related with negative axillary lymph node metastases and small size of tumor and it was lower in aneuploidy and high S-phase fraction. 4) Among the patients as a whole postoperative early recurrence were present in 8 cases, they had poor TNM staging and high correlation to aneuploidy, high S-phase fraction and sinus histiocytosis seem to be useful prognostic factors. And additional follow up studies for survival is required.
Flow Cytometric DNA Analysis of Breast Carcinoma
Kwang Sun Suh, Chin Sun Bae
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1996;28(2):253-261.
- Nuclear DNA content in 35 cases of breast carcinomas was determined by flow cytometry using paraffin-embedded archival tissue, in order to investigate the correlation between DNA ploidy and pathologic parameters, such as histologic type and degree of differentiation. DNA aneuploidy was found in 18 cases(51.4%). DNA ploidy was correlated with histologic type, tumor grade, and degree of tumar necrosis(P<0.005), but not with patient age, tumor size, or axillary nodal status(P>0.1). There was a tendency for high grade diploid tumors to have a higher S-phase fraction than low grade tumors, although it was statistica11y insignificant. Four patients out of 18 with aneuploid tumors died of breast cancer 10 months to 2 years after operation. However, it was impossible to analyse clinical and pathologic parameters to predict biologic behavior because of the small number of cases and inadequate follow-up data.