Chondroblastoma is a rare benign cartilaginous neoplasm that accounts for approximately 1% of all bone tumors and characteristically arises in the epiphysis of a long bone, particularly the humerus, tibia, and femur. Chondroblastoma can affect people of all ages. It is, however, most common in children and young adults between the ages of 10 and 20 years. Although most chondroblastomas are cured by limited surgical procedures, occasional lesions behave more aggressively and may even metastasis. In this case a young man with pulmonary metastatic chondroblastoma on spine is presented. Unlike previously published examples of metastatic chondroblastoma, these metastasis developed before any operative manipulation of the primary tumor. And primary tumor site was also unusual. The histologic characteristics of the primary, metastatic tumors were those of a conventional chondroblastoma.