A Retrospective Cohort Study on Pretreated Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Prognosis of Small Cell Lung Cancer: Evidence of Effect Modification by Chemotherapy Regimen
Novel Therapeutic Strategies for CDK4/6 Inhibitors in Metastatic Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Although cancer pain is prevalent, under-treatment still remains a problem. Knowledge of and compliance with guidelines for management of cancer pain were analyzed for exploration of physician-related barriers to cancer pain management. In addition, physicians' knowledge and its correlation with cancer pain control were audited.
From July 8 to December 2, 2010, a nationwide survey of house staff enquired about their knowledge of cancer pain control guidelines, and the medical records of patients under their care were analyzed.
In total, 180 physicians participated in the study. Their average score for knowledge was 14.6 (range, 7 to 19; maximum possible, 20). When the knowledge score was divided into low, medium, and high scores, patients receiving care from physicians with high levels of knowledge tended to have better cancer pain control (p<0.001). Of the total patients with severe pain, 19.5% were not prescribed strong opioids, and 40% were not prescribed any medication for breakthrough pain.
Physicians' knowledge of guidelines for control of cancer pain showed an association with improvement of pain management. Overall adherence to the guidelines was lacking. Continuous interventions such as education and audits regarding cancer pain control guidelines for physician are needed.
Chondroblastoma is a rare benign cartilaginous neoplasm that accounts for approximately 1% of all bone tumors and characteristically arises in the epiphysis of a long bone, particularly the humerus, tibia, and femur. Chondroblastoma can affect people of all ages. It is, however, most common in children and young adults between the ages of 10 and 20 years. Although most chondroblastomas are cured by limited surgical procedures, occasional lesions behave more aggressively and may even metastasis. In this case a young man with pulmonary metastatic chondroblastoma on spine is presented. Unlike previously published examples of metastatic chondroblastoma, these metastasis developed before any operative manipulation of the primary tumor. And primary tumor site was also unusual. The histologic characteristics of the primary, metastatic tumors were those of a conventional chondroblastoma.
Heptaplatin (Sunpla) is a cisplatin derivative. A phase IIb trial using heptaplatin resulted in a 34% response rate with mild nephrotoxicity. We conducted a randomized phase III trial of heptaplatin plus 5-FU compared with cisplatin plus 5-FU in patients with advanced gastric cancer.
One hundred seventy-four patients (heptaplatin, n=88; cisplatin, n=86) from 13 centers were enrolled. The eligibility criteria were as follows: patients with pathologically-proven adenocarcinoma, chemonaive patients, or patients who had received only single adjuvant chemotherapy, and who had a measurable or evaluable lesion. On day 1, heptaplatin (400 mg/m2) or cisplatin (60 mg/m2) was given over 1 hour with 5-FU (1 gm/m2) on days 1~5 every 4 weeks.
At the time of survival analysis, the median overall survival was 7.3 months in the 5-FU + heptaplatin (FH) arm and 7.9 months in the 5-FU + cisplatin (FP) arm (p=0.24). Of the FH patients, 34.2% (complete response [CR], 1.3%; partial response [PR], 32.9%) experienced a confirmed objective response compared with 35.9% (CR 0%, PR 35.9%) of FP patients (p=0.78). The median-time-to-progression was 2.5 months in the FH arm and 2.3 months in the FP arm. The incidence of neutropenia was higher with FP (28%) than with FH (16%; p=0.06); grade 3~4 nausea and vomiting were more frequent in the FP than in the FH arm (p=0.01 and p=0.05, respectively). The incidence of increased proteinuria and creatininemia was higher with FH than with FP; however, there was no statistical difference. There were no treatment-related deaths.
Heptaplatin showed similar effects to cisplatin when combined with 5-FU in advanced gastric cancer patients with tolerable toxicities.
This study was designed to evaluate the communication gap between Korean medical oncologists and cancer patients on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
Cross sectional studies utilized the responses of 59 medical oncologists and 211 patients. To understand the communication gap, perceived reasons and nondisclosure of CAM use, reactions of physicians to disclosure, and expectations for CAM were analyzed. Data were compared with use of the chi-squared test.
Both medical oncologists and patients were in accord that CAM use would privde the patients with a feeling of hope. The medical oncologists believed more often than patients to attribute CAM use for control over medical care decisions, for the treatment of an incurable disease or as a nontoxic approach (p<0.05). Regarding reasons for nondisclosure, medical oncologists were more likely to think that physicians would not understand the use of CAM, discontinue treatment or disapprove of the use of CAM (p<0.0001). Patients attributed nondisclosure mainly to the lack of questioning about CAM. Medical oncologists were more likely to warn of the risks with CAM use and less likely to encourage the use of CAM than perceived by patients (p=0.01). Patients expected that CAM could cure disease, extend survival, relieve symptoms and improve the immune system or quality of life more often than medical oncologists (p<0.05).
Given the discrepant views of medical oncologists and patients on the use of CAM, medical oncologists should be aware of the discrepancies and attempt to resolve any differences.
We conducted a multi-center, phase II trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of using Padexol (a paclitaxel formulation) combined with cisplatin for the patients suffering with advanced gastric adenocarcinoma.
39 patients (median age: 60 years; males: 90%) who were diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer were enrolled from 5 hospitals. Padexol 175 mg/m2 was administered as a 3-hr infusion, and this was followed by cisplatin 75 mg/m2 as an intravenous infusion on day 1, once every 3 weeks.
Out of these 39 patients, 34 patients were assessable for treatment efficacy and 39 patients were assessable for the toxicity. Objective responses occurred in 13 patients (33%); 1 patient (3%) had a complete response and 12 patients (31%) had partial responses. 6 patients (15%) achieved a stable disease state. The median duration of response was 7.1 months, and the median time to progression and the overall survival were 4.8 months and 6.7 months, respectively. The major treatment-related adverse events were hematologic toxicity, including WHO grade 3 or 4 neutropenia in 13 patients (33%). However, febrile neutropenia occurred in only 1 patient and the non-hematologic toxicity was usually mild.
The combination of Padexol and cisplatin was found to be active and it seems to be a relatively well-tolerated regimen for the treatment of advanced gastric cancer.