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Current Practice and Barriers in Cancer Rehabilitation: Perspectives of Korean Physiatrists
Eun Joo Yang, Seung Hyun Chung, Jae-Yong Jeon, Kwan Sik Seo, Hyung-Ik Shin, Ji Hye Hwang, Jae-Young Lim
Cancer Res Treat. 2015;47(3):370-378.   Published online January 7, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub
The purpose of this study was to assess clinical practice and barriers associated with cancer rehabilitation from the perspective of Korean physiatrists.
Materials and Methods
All active members of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine were invited to complete an online survey developed after focus group discussions.
A total of 97 physiatrists (72 males and 25 females) in Korea completed the survey. Of these, 77% reported familiarity with the term 'cancer survivors.' More than 50% of respondents reported that they provided rehabilitation services for patients with breast cancer (61.9%), brain tumors (64.9%), and spinal tumors (63.9%), whereas 86.6% of respondents reported that they had never or rarely provided rehabilitation programs for patients with gynecological, colorectal, or prostate cancer. Physiatrists who received referrals from a well-organized cooperative referral system reported providing services such as exercise programs for patients with gynecological cancer (odds ratio [OR], 2.16; p=0.044) as well as education regarding lymphedema (OR, 1.81; p=0.047) and neuropathic pain (OR, 1.96; p=0.026).
Although most of the physiatrists surveyed believed that they should contribute to the management of cancer patients, they considered themselves ill equipped to provide appropriate rehabilitation services. This lack of understanding of the effectiveness of rehabilitation services for cancer patients and absence of a cooperative referral system are the major barriers to providing rehabilitation services to cancer survivors in Korea.


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Case Report
Staphylococcal Endocarditis Presenting with a Renal Infarct in a Patient with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Meong Hi Son, Eun Sil Park, Ji-Hyun Seo, Jae-Young Lim, Chan-Hoo Park, Hyang-Ok Woo, Hee-Shang Youn
Cancer Res Treat. 2008;40(3):151-154.   Published online September 30, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

We present here a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and who developed infective endocarditis during induction chemotherapy with prednisolone, L-asparaginase (Leunase®), vincristine and adriamycin. The patient did not have a history of a central venous catheter. Sharp flank pain and fever occurred on the 25th day of induction chemotherapy. In addition, a renal infarct and movable vegetations on the mitral valve were detected on the abdominal computed tomography (CT) and echocardiography. S. aureus was identified in the cultured blood. While the patient achieved remission, follow-up echocardiography revealed the vegetation had increased in size and an abscess pocket had developed despite the antibiotics and heparin therapy. Consequently, ten days after the diagnosis of infective endocarditis, a successful mitral valvuloplasty was performed without complications. The patient is currently on maintenance chemotherapy while in remission.


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