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FGFR4 Arg388 Is Correlated with Poor Survival in Resected Colon Cancer Promoting Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition
Sang Hee Cho, Chang Soo Hong, Hee Nam Kim, Min Ho Shin, Ka Rham Kim, Hyun Jeong Shim, Jun Eul Hwang, Woo Kyun Bae, Ik Joo Chung
Cancer Res Treat. 2017;49(3):766-777.   Published online November 9, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub
Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 (FGFR4) plays an important role in cancer progression during tumor proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. This study evaluated the prognostic role of FGFR4 polymorphism in patientswith resected colon cancer, including the underlying mechanism.
Materials and Methods
FGFR4 polymorphism was characterized in patientswho received curative resection for stage III colon cancer. FGFR4-dependent signal pathways involving cell proliferation, invasion, and migration according to genotypes were also evaluated in transfected colon cancer cell lines.
Among a total of 273 patients, the GG of FGFR4 showed significantly better overall survival than the AG or AA, regardless of adjuvant treatment. In the group of AG or AA, combination of folinic acid, fluorouracil, and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) resulted in better survival than fluorouracil/leucovorin or no adjuvant chemotherapy. However, in GG, there was no difference among treatment regimens. Using multivariate analyses, the Arg388 carriers, together with age, N stage, poor differentiation, absence of a lymphocyte response, and no adjuvant chemotherapy, had a significantly worse OS than patients with the Gly388 allele. In transfected colon cancer cells, overexpression of Arg388 significantly increased cell proliferation and changes in epithelial to mesenchymal transition markers compared with cells overexpressing the Gly388 allele.
The Arg388 allele of FGFR4 may be a biomarker and a candidate target for adjuvant treatment of patients with resected colon cancer.


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Case Reports
Severe Hypothyroidism Induced by Thyroid Metastasis of Cholangiocarcinoma
Woo Kyun Bae, Hyun Jeong Shim, Yoo Duk Choi, Jin Woong Kim, Sang Hee Cho, Ho Cheol Kang, Ik Joo Chung
Cancer Res Treat. 2009;41(1):56-58.   Published online March 31, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

We report a case of severe hypothyroidism in a cholangiocarcinoma patient with metastasis to the thyroid gland. A 58-year-old man was admitted for upper abdominal discomfort and multiple palpable neck nodules. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) demonstrated the presence of a 4.7-cm tumor in the right hepatic lobe, and core needle biopsy revealed it to be cholangiocarcinoma. Neck CT showed a diffuse, low attenuation thyroid gland, and fine-needle aspiration (FNA) demonstrated metastatic adenocarcinoma. Thyroid function tests were initially normal, but the size of the thyroid gland decreased and severe hypothyroidism developed after chemotherapy was implemented for cholangiocarcinoma. In a patient with malignant disease and a goiter, the possibility of a metastatic tumor involving the thyroid should be seriously considered. Metastatic thyroid cancer and thyroid dysfunction are probably infrequent, but diagnosis is important in the institution of appropriate therapy.


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A Case of Synchronous Gastric Non - Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Renal Cell Carcinoma
Je Jung Lee, Moo Rim Park, Young Eun Joo, Young Jin Kim, Hyeoung Joon Kim, Chan Choi, Ik Joo Chung
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1999;31(3):635-640.
AbstractAbstract PDF
We report a 58-year-old man who developed synchronous gastric non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma (NHL) and renal cell carcinoma. He presented with epigastric discomfort for 2 months. Endoscopic finding of the stomach disclosed a large inegular ulceration with nodular margin on the upper body. Constrast enhanced CT scan of the abdomen showed an ulceration and focal wall thickening in the greater curvature side of stomach, and an enhanced bulging mass in the left kidney incidentally. The tissue obtained by radical proximal gastrectomy and nephrectomy showed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma on stomach and chromophobic type of renal cell carcinoma on kidney. To our knowledge, this is the first report of synchronous gastric NHL and renal cell carcinoma in Korea.
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Original Articles
Multidrug Resistance ( MDR 1 ) Gene Expression in Adult Acute Leukemia : Espression of P-glycoprotein and MDR 1 mRNA and its implication on clinical outcome in adult
Hyeoung Joon Kim, Ik Joo Chung, Jae Sung Seo, Keyong Sang Choi, Moo Rim Park, Kang Woo Baek, Youl Bae
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(6):1017-1030.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Resistance to multiple chemotherapeutic agents is mainly related to the production of P- glycoproteins, a transmembrane drug efflux pump that is encoded by the multidrug resistance(MDR) gene, MDR I. To investigate whether MDR 1 could be involved in clinical resistance to chemotherapy in adult acute leukemias, We have analyzed prospectively 39 samples from 32 patients(27 at presentation, 5 after relapse) with acute leukemia for the evaluation of overexpression of MDR 1 mRNA and P-glycoprotein by using polymerase chain reactions(PCR) and flow cytometric assay, respectively. The induction rate of first complete remission differed between MDR 1 mRNA-positive and negative groups(37% v 84%, respectively; p=0.02). The survival rate(Kaplan-Meier method) in MDR 1 mRNA negative group was significantly higher than that in MDR 1 mRNA positive group(p=0.02). These results suggest that PCR assay of MDR 1 mRNA is a convenient method to detect expression of MDR 1 gene, and it may be a prognostic factor in the treatment of acute leukemia.
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Clinical Results of Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation in Adults ( 2 ) : 1992 ~ 1995
Seok Goo Cho, Ik Joo Chung, Jung Hyun Choi, jing Hong You, Dogn Wook Kim, Chi Hwa Han, Woo Sung Min, Whan Sik Sin, Chong Won Park, Cjun Choo Kim, Dong Jip Kim, In Ah Kim, Su Mi Chung, Ihl Bhong Choi
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1996;28(2):308-316.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation has been accepted as a powerful therapeutic modality to overcome for successfull clinical reuslts in malignant hematologic disease and severe aplastic anemia in spite of various barriers. We analysed 62 patients who had been admitted to Catholic BMT Center and have performed since malignant hematologic disesaes and severe aplastic anemia were determined to be the subject of National Public Health Care Program(between Oct. l992 and Mar. 1995). Number of patients with acute myelogenous leukemia(AML), acute lymphoblastic leukemia(ALL), chronic myelogenous leukemia(CML) and severe aplastic anemia(SAA) were 17, 4, 21, 20 respectively. We have used pretransplant conditionig regimens which were consisted of total body irradiation(TBI, fractionated 1320 cGy) and cyclophosphamide(CY, 120mg/kg) in leukemic disease(39/42) and anti-thymocyte globulin(ATG, 1.5 vial/10kg, Pasteur Merieux), CY(200mg/kg) and procar- baziine(6.25 mg/kg for 6 days, rutulard, Roche) in SAA(17/20). Cyclosporin A and short course methotrexate were used to prevent graft-versus-host disease(GVHD). Disease-free overall survival rate was 71% in aute leukemia, 67% in CML and 85% in SAA respectively. Maior complications were acute GVHD<35% grade I-IV among them, grade III-IV 14.5%),CMV antigenemia(l1.2%), herpes zoster(9.6%), veno-occlussive disease(8%), TTP-like syndrome(4.8%), chronic GVHD(3%) and interstitial pneumonia(1.6%). Major causes of death were leukemic relapse(9.7%), primary engraftment failure/rejection(6.5%), acute GVHD(3%) and TTP-like syndrome(3%). We suggest again that allogeneic BMT should be considered as the effective therapeutic modality to cure malignant hematologic diseases and aplastic anemia. For the purpose of obtaining better clinical outcome of allogeneic BMT, it should be early performed as soon as possible in clinial course.
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Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation for Acute Myeloid Leukemia in First Remission ; Purging with hyperthermia and ether-lipid in vitro
Woo Sung Min, Seok Goo Cho, Ik Joo Chung, Dong Wook Kim, Chi Wha Han, Choon Choo Kim, Dong Jip Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1996;28(4):670-678.
AbstractAbstract PDF
From January 1992 to March 1995, 11 patients with acute myelagenous leukemia in the first remission in whom successfully hemopoiesis recovered after infusing autologous marrow stem cells purged by hyperthermia and ether-lipid. The median age of them was 29 years(rang l6 to 47). There were 5 males and 6 females. According to FAB classification, M1: 4, M3: 3, M4: 2 and M5: 2. All patients received two or three intensification chemotherapy after the first remission to make minimal residual disease. The median interval between achieving first remission and auto-grafting was 6.7 months (rang 4.5 to 10.5). Of the 11 patients, 7 patients received condition regimens that included total body irradiation and 4 patients received various combination of cytotoxic drugs. The marrow stem cells were harvested and treated with hyperthermia (4l¡ÆC) for one hour with 45 ¥ig/ml of ether-lipid. Median follow up was 24 months (rang 8 to 35), Minimum follow up was 13 months. The procedure related death was one case with Aspergillus pneumonia. The hematopoietic recovery of 10 patients was prompt with normal trilineage regeneration without any life-threatening complication. The median number of days, after the first marrow infusion, to achieve a total neutrophil count > 0.5 x l08/1, was 24 (range 10 to 41) and the median number of days to achieve platelet count of > 50 x 108/1, unsupported by platelet transfusion was 5l (range 12 to 250). The probability of disease-free survival(DFS) is 54% at 3 years. Four patients relapsed at 6.7.11. and 24 month post-ABMT. Eventhough the number of patients and the observation period were short, the autologous marrow transplantation with purged by hyperthermia and ether-lipid seems to be acceptable for the patients with AML as a regimen of the late intensification.
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CD34+ Selected Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation
Hoon Kook, Hyeoung Joon Kim, Jin Soo Hwang, Keun Mo Kim, Keun Mo Kim, Ik Joo Chung, Tai Ju Hwang
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1996;28(5):910-921.
AbstractAbstract PDF
The CD34 antigen is a 115 kDa glycoprotein that marks 1%-4% of human bone marrow cells, including virtually all committed progenitor cells and long-term reconstituting stem cells. The selection of CD34+ cells may be useful in several areas of clinical stem cell transplantation, including purging of tumor cells, T cell depletion, stem cell expansion and gene therapy. Using immunomagnetic beads method (Isolex-50TM), we report hereby the first two Korean experiences of CD34+ selected peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) transplantations. As a mean of tumor cell purging, CD34+ cells were positively selected from mobilized PBPCs and infused to a 5-year-old girl with a relapsed stage IV neuroblastoma with resultant early short-term trilineage hematopoietic recovery. In the second patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia who showed poor graft function after having underwent an initial partially-matched bone marrow transplant, CD34+ selected allogeneic PBSC transplantation was attempted to reduce the likelihood of inducing graft-versus-host disease. Augmentation of marrow function was noted with infused PBSCs which were depleted of T cells to the degree of log3.65. As CD34+ selected PBSCs are capable of restoring hematopoietic recovery after high dose therapy, further development of selection technique to ensure high purging efficiency without significant loss of stem cells and further identification of best mobilizing and conditioning regimens are required in this new field of clinical transplantation.
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Engraftment Syndrome after Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Auto - transplantation - A report of the case -
Bong Seok Choi, Yeo Hyeon Ahn, You Jeong, Ik Joo Chung, Hyeoung Joon Kim, Hoon Kook, Tai Ju Hwang
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1996;28(5):921-927.
AbstractAbstract PDF
We experienced two cases of engraftment syndrome (ES) in a 17-year-old boy with malignant lymphoma and in a 53-year-old female patient with small cell lung cancer following peripheral blood stem cell auto-transplantation. ES is a reproducible clinical constellation of fever, skin rash, capillary leak and pulmonary infiltrates without infection, characteristically observed during engraftment in patients undergoing autoglogous bone marrow or peripheral stem cell transplantation. The incidence of ES has been reported to be about 60%. The early recognition of ES followed by administration of steroids might obviate the unnecessary use of antibiotics and help improve clinical manifestaions in the critical post-transplant neutropenic period.
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Cancer Res Treat : Cancer Research and Treatment
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