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Volume 27(3); 1995
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Original Articles
A Study on Concentration of Carotenoids and α-Tocopherol in Mucosa of the Gastric Cancer Patients
Yoon Kyoung Lee, Kyung Jin Yeum, Kyung Shik Lee, In Suh Park, Si Young Song, Yang Cha Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):353-360.
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To explore the relationships between carotenoids, a-tocopherol and gastric cancer we determined the concentration of B-carotene, lycopene, and a-tocopherol in mucosa from gastric cancer patients and control subjects with mild gastritis. The concentrations of B-carotene in both cancerous and non-cancerous gastric mucosa from cancer patients(242.5 ng/g, 197.6 ng/g) were significantly lower than those of control subiects(355.0 nR/ R). Lycopene concentrations in both cancerous and non-cancerous gastric mucosa from cancer patients(92.8 ng/g, 64.3 ng/g) were also significantly lower than those of control(162.6 ng/g). The a-to- copherol concentrations of cancerous(12.4ug/g) and non-cancerous mucosa(16.9ug/g) were lower than those of control(18.5 ug/g) but, the difference was not significant. Carotenoids and a-tocopherol were almost mually distributed in gastric mucosa. The concentrations of otene, 1ycopene, and a-tacopherol in gastric mucosa of females were higher than those of males for both cancer and control groups. The concentration of B-carotene decreased gradually with advancing age. Thus, B-carotene and lycopene might be protective against gastric cancer.
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The Effect of laminin and Type 4 Collagen on the Adhesion and Invasion of Human Gastrocytes and Gastric Cancer Cells In Vitro
Byung Sik Kim, Jin Cheon Kim, Seon Ae Roh, Kun Choon Park, Kuk Jin Choe
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):360-374.
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Extracellular matrix is important in the metastasis of tumor, and basement membrane acts not only as tissue barrier but also as adhesive substrate for tumor cell invasion. Laminin and type IV collagen are major components of basement membrane and important in tumor invasion. Adhesion and invasion studies about metastasis of the tumor have been performed mainly in colon cancer or breast cancer but rare in gastric cancer. The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in the ability of adhesion to the basement membrane and their biological activity between the normal gastrocyte and gastric cancer cells. Then, The role of basement membrane in tumor invasion was assessed by the evaluation of the invasion of gastric cancer cells of different histological differentiation. Gastrocytes;, ere isolated from the surgically resected specimen by treating with collagenase and deoxyribonuclease. Normal gastrocytes were maintained viable up to 24 hours after isolation. The isolated cells were confirmed as gastric epithelial cells by indirect immuno- fluorescence staining for cytokeratin. Although the adhesion of normal gastrocyte was lower than that of gastric cancer cells, gastrocyte was bound to laminin and type IV collagen. The substrates were shown to play an important role for the differentiation and regeneration of gastrocytes also. In the invasion assay using transwell cell culture chamber coated with matrigel, laminin and type IV collagen enhanced tumor cell invasion (p<0.05). However, there was no difference according to histological differentiation. In conclusion, it can be suggested that laminin and type IV collagen must be important for the biologicaf activity of normal gastrocyte and metastasis of gastric cancer celL Type IV collagen enhances the invasion of gastric cancer cell more than laminin does.
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Clinical Analysis and Prognosis According to the Hispopathologic Type in Stage 3 Gastric Cancer
Ki Young Yoon, Sang Ho Lee, Seung Do Lee, Man Ha Huh
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):374-383.
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Between 1980 and l992, 3l76 patients with adenocarcinoma of stomach underwent surgical treatment at the department of Surgery, Kosin Medical Collage. The purpose of this study was to evaluate clinical characteristics according to the WHO and Laurens classification and the implication of both classifications as a prognostic factor in stage III gastric cancer. The clinical characteristic according to the histopathologic factor in stage III gastric cancer. The clinical characteristic according to the histopathologic classification were evaluated in 788 patients with stage III gastric cancer who underwent gastrectomy. The relation of pathologic features according to WHO and Laurens classification and prognoss was studied. The 788 patients were classified as papillary type(11/788 1.40%), tubular well differenciated(l36/788 17.26%), tubular moderate differenciated(202/788 25.6%), poor differenciated(320/788 40.6%) mucinous(62/788 7.8 %), signet ring cell(50/788 6.35%), and others(7/788 0.8%) according to WHO, and as intestinal (399/788 50.6%), diffuse(293/788 37.1%), mixed(96/788 12.8%) according to Lauren. Carcinoma of tubular well differenciated and moderate differenciated were mostly intestinal type and carcinoma of poorly differenciated type were mostly diffuse type. The poorly differenciated and diffuse type were distributed considerably young age group and Borrmann type III and IV were significantly frequentr in tubular poor and diffuse type. But there no significant differ- ences were in tumor locations. The 5-years survival rate of stage IIIa patients were 63.3% in tubular well differenciated, 52.2% in tubular moderate differenciated, 39.8% in poorly differenciated, 44.l% in mucinous, 67.6% in signet ring cell, and 56.5% in intestinal, 40.7% in dif- fuse, 43.96% in mixed. The 5-years survival rate of stage IIIb patients were 40.7% in tubular well differenciate, 36.5% in tubular moderate differencite, 21.9% in poor differenciate, 34.3% in mixed. The combination of WHO histologic type and Lauren claesification may provide a good prognostic prediction in stage III gastric cancer.
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5-Fluorouracil and Cisplatin ( FP ) Combination Chemotherapy in Advanced Gastric Cancer
Keum Jung Kim, Jeong Hee Kim, Si Young Kim, Hwi Joong Yoon, Kyung Sam Cho
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):383-389.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Thirty-one patients with advanced gastric cancer were entered into the trial between May 1988 to June l993. The patients recieved 5-fluorouracil 1,000 mg/m by l2-hour continuous infusions for 5 consecutive days, cisplatin 100 mg/m IV on day 1 and repeated every three weeks. The results were as following: 1) Among the 31 treated patients, 27 patients had measurable disease and were evaluable for response. The overall response rate was 18.5%. The median duration of response was 6 months. 2) The estimated median survival time was 7.5 months for all 31 patients. The median survival was 8.6 months in responder, and 6.4 months in non-responder. There was no significar.t difference between the two group. 3) Nausea and vomiting of WHO grades 2 and 3 were observed in 48.7%. Alopecia was observed in all patients, but most of patients were WHO grade l or 2. WHO grades 1 and 2 neurotoxicities and diarrhea occurred in 22.6%, 7.8% of patients. WHO grades 2 and 3 neutrope- nia were observed in 2.6% of patients and WHO grade 1 thrombocytopenia was observed in 9.6 of patients, but there were no toxic deaths and no bleeding complications from thrombocytopenia. In conclusion, although this PP regimen showed similar toxicity profiles than the other regimen, response rate and survival benefit were not observed.
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Expression and Significance of c-erbB-2 in Radically Resected Colorectal Cancer
Hyun Cheol Chung, Sun Young Rha, Joon Oh Park, Seung Hun Song, Jae Yong Cho, Jung Bae Aha, Hye Ran Lee, Chong In Lee, Nae Choon Yoo, Joo Hang Kim, Jae Kyung Roh, Jin Sil Seong, Gwi Eon Kim, Jin Sik M
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):389-403.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Overexpression of c-erbB-2 oncoprotein has been shown to correlate with poor prognosis and drug-resistance to the conventional chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil in breast and gastric cancers. To evaluate the clinical significance of c-erbB-2 overexpreseion in colorectal cancer, immunohistochemical staining was performed with the paraffin-embedded tiasues of 141 colorectal cancer patients with curative surgery. The follow-up duration ranged from 7 to 61 months(median 30 months). Two-year disease- free and overall survival rate of the total patients were 77%, 91%, respectively. The c-erbB-2 positive rate was 24.8%, Even if patients with c-erbB-2 overexpression showed a tendency of poor prognosis than c-erbB-2 negative patients, T-factor and the TNM stage were independent prognostic factors in multivariate analysis. In subset analysis with c-erbB-2 negative patienta, there were no differences in recurrence rate and 2-year disease-free survival rate between pa- tients with chemotherapy and without chemotherapy(20.0% versus 26.1%)(80.0% versus 82.0%). However, in c-erbB-2 positive patients, those subgroup with chemotherapy showed tendencies toward advantages in relapse rate and 2-year disease-free survival rate than those of subgroup without chemotherapy(21.0% versus 50.0%; p=0.09)(76.0% versus 50.0%: p=0.06). Also, there was a tendency of increased time to relapse in patients with chemotherapy comparing to that of the patients without chemotherapy(7.5 months versus l7.0 months; p = 0.09). In stage III, patients with c-erbB-2 overexpression showed increased 2-year disease-free survival rate with chemotherapy as comparing to that of patients without chemotherapy(81.0% versus 29.0%; p= 0.003). Again, this survival benefit was not found in c-erbB-2 negative stage III patients regard- less of chemotherapy. In conclusion, c-erbB-2 overexyression might be a marker of relative drug resistance to 5-FU which will be converted with the high dose treatment of modulation with leucovorin. A prospective randomized trial is warrented to confirm this suggestion and for the clinical applica- tion of c-erbB-2 overexpression.
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The Effect of Perioperative Blood Transfusion on the Prognosis of Colorectal Cancer Patients
Hee Jung Choi, Jin Hyuk Choi, Soon Nam Lee, Eung Bum Park, Kyung Ja Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):403-411.
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Except for the weli known prognostic factors of cancer, the studies that perioperative transfusion of surgically resectable cancer could influence the survival of cancer patients were continued to be investigated. The explanation of deleterious effects of transfusion has been supported by the results that the incidences of renal allograft rejection were decreased by pretransplantation tranafusion, and transfusion resulted in changes of mononuclear cell function and inhibited natural killer cell activity. But definite proof of this adverse eifect has not been settled. We investigated whether perioperative transfusion can diminish the eurvival rate of patients with colorectal cancer and transfusion itself can become prognostic factor by way of retrospec- tive analysis of 104 surgically resected colorectal cancer patients. Five year survival rate of 46.2% in transfusion group(n=53) is significantly decreased compared with the rate of 73.8% in non-transfusion group(n=51) (P<0.05). In subgroup analysis, there is no difference in survival rate by stage, the amount and component of blood transfusion. There are many other variables that can affect survival rate of cancer patient except for transfusion, multivariate Cox regression analysis was performed. The tumor differentiation is the greatest relative risk, but transfusion itself is not an independent prognostic value. In conclusion, perioperative transfusion and the swvival rate did not show direct relationship in these surgically resected coiorectal cancer patients. Nevertheless the difference in survival rate between transfusion group and non-transfusion group is significant, judicious use of blood products, use of frozen washed red blood cells that are totally lacking in white cells might be necessary. To confirm the direct causal relationship between perioperative transfusion and the survival in colorectal cancer, the larger prospective investigations are thought to be needed.
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Aggressive Surgical Resection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Bile Duct Tumor Thrombosis
Hong Jin Kim, Yong Sung Jeon, Min Chul Chim, Koing Bo Kwun
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):411-419.
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In hepatocellular carcinoma the obstructive jaundice due to tumor infiltration, hemobilia, or tumor compression is uncommon clinial feature. Only a few cases have been reported, aince Mallory reported the first case in 1947. The prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma with bile duct tumor thrombosis has been report- ed to be very poor. And most of the treatment used to be palliative procedures. such as T-tube decompression, ligation of hepatic ertery, or tranaarterial embolization. Recently, the refinement of surgical technique and perioperative metabolic management caused massive hapatic resection to be performed safely. From June 1984 to March l995, 88 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma underwent operation at the Youngnam University Medical Center. Of them, 6 patients manifested with jaundice due to bile duct tumor thrombosis. We performed hepatectomy for 4 patients, and tumor embo- lectomy with T-tube decompression for 2 patients. Among them, 2 patients who had received hepatectomy survived more than 2 years. In conclusion the aggressive surgical approach for the hepatocellular carcinoma presenting as an obstructive jaunding secondary to tumor thrombosis in the bile duct should be considered for long term survivaL
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Ductal Carcinoma in situ of the Breast
Jeoung Won Bae, Bum Hwan Koo
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):419-426.
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In hepatocellular carcinoma the obstructive jaundice due to tumor infiltration, hemobilia, or tumor compression is uncommon clinial feature. Only a few cases have been reported, aince Mallory reported the first case in 1947. The prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma with bile duct tumor thrombosis has been reported to be very poor. And most of the treatment used to be palliative procedures. such as T-tube decompression, ligation of hepatic ertery, or tranaarterial embolization. Recently, the refinement of surgical technique and perioperative metabolic management caused massive hapatic resection to be performed safely. From June 1984 to March l995, 88 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma underwent operation at the Youngnam University Medical Center. Of them, 6 patients manifested with jaundice due to bile duct tumor thrombosis. We performed hepatectomy for 4 patients, and tumor embolectomy with T-tube decompression for 2 patients. Among them, 2 patients who had received hepatectomy survived more than 2 years. In conclusion the aggressive surgical approach for the hepatocellular carcinoma presenting as an obstructive jaunding secondary to tumor thrombosis in the bile duct should be considered for long term survivaL
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Short Term Culture and Cytogenetic Analysis of Human Breast Cancer
Sun Hwa Park, Yong Huch Chun, Jeoung Won Bae
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):426-436.
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Characterization of clonal cytogenetic changes in a variety of human neoplasms has provided valuable information regarding both etiology and progression of these cancers. The problems with the cytogenetic study of breast cancer are the difficulty in initiating short term culture and their complex chromosomal changes. The aim of this study was to find out the appropriate culture conditions and to invastigate the cytogenetic characteristics of primary breast cancer. Different growth media and procedures for tissue disaggregation and clulturing were tested with regard to cell attachment, the type of cells in the outgrowth, and the emergence of cytogenetically abnormal clones. Specimens from 20 primary breast infiltrating ductal carcinomas with or without axillary lymph nodes metastasis, T2 were used in this study. We found out that optimal tissue disaggregation was obtained by combined mechanical and enzymatic treatment of the tumor samples. Use of the plastic flasks coated with Vitrogen 100 and the serum free growth medium containing epidermal growth factor resulted in the best outgrowth of epithelial cells and also simultaneously in the least outgrowth of fibroblast. Chromosomal abnormalities were found in all 20 tumors. The changes were clonal in 10 tumors(50%), and nonclonal aberrations were more common. Karyotypic analyses of first or second passage cultures yielded predominantly diploid cells. Among the clonal aberrations, clones with 15q deletion[ql3-q15, ql2-q15, q?) were observed in 4 cases. In addition, there were two clones involving the chromosome 1, one was a Ip31 deletion and the other was a Iq21 deletion. But it has been well known that the most common cytogenetic abnormalities in caucasian breast cancer affect chromosome 1.
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Male Breast Cancer
Chung Han Lee, Joong Kyou Kim, Seung Do Lee, Young Hoon Park, Hee Kyoung Chang, Bang Hur, Man Ha Huh
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):436-442.
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Male breast cancer is reported to compromise 0.5% of all breast cancers and 0.16% of malignant cancers in men. The histologic patterns of breast cancer in men are similar to those observed in the female breast. We have experienced 9 cases, among 1345 cases, surgically treated breast cancer, from Jan. 1970 to Dec. 1994. The clinical analysis of 9 male breast cancer who had been treated surgically, was done. The results were as follows: 1) In the age distribution, the peak age incidence was 5th decade (56%). 2) The most common symptom and sign was palpable breast mass(78%: 7 cases). 3) The most common duration of symptom, was within lyear(44%: 4cases), 4) In the location and size of tumor, upper quadrant was 56% (5cases) and central: 2 cases, lower outer: icase, multicentric: 1case. T: 4cases T 2cases T,; 1case Tis: 2cases 5) In the operation method, modified radical mastectomy was performed 88%(7cases), wide excision was 12%(2cases) 6) In the pathologic classification, infiltrating ductal carcinoma was 56% (5cases), intraductal carcinoma 2cases, mucinous carcinoma 1cases, papillary carcinoma 1case. 7) In the stage(AJCC, 1988), stage II was 44%(4cases), stage III 2cases, stage I: 1case, stage 0: 2cases 8) In the follow-up 3 patients died after 10 months, 5years, I lyears survival, each cause of death, was recurrence and distant metastasis, sudden aneurysmal rupture, gastrectomy(stomach cancer). other 6 patients are in the disease free state.
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The Timing of Thoracic Radiotherapy for Limited Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer
Charn Il Park, Young Ho Kim, Yung Jue Bang, Dae Seog Heo, Noe Kyeong Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):442-451.
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the timing of thoracic radiotherapy in the combined modality therapy of limited stage small cell lung cancer with respect to local control and survivaL Two hundred and one patients with limited stage small cell lung cancer were treated at Seoul National University Hospital between April 1979 and February 1991. Of these, l12 patients received thoracic radiotherapy following 2 cycles of cyclophosphamide, adriamycin and vincristine( CAV) or VP-16, ifosphamide and cisplatin(VIP) alternating CAV schedule(sequential CT/RT) and 89 patients received thoracic radiotherapy concurrently with the 3rd cycle of etoposide and cisplatin(EP) or alternating EP/CAV schedule(concurrent CT/RT). Thoracic radiotherapy consisted of 40-45 Gy in 4-5 weeks. All patients received prophylactic cranial ir- radiation with 25 Gy in 10 fractions over 2 weeks. The over survival at 2 years for all 201 patients was 29.2%, with a median survival of 17 months. The median survival was 16 months for the sequential CT/RT and 18 months for the concurrent CT/RT. The survival rate in the sequential CT/RT schedule was 26.1% at 2 years, and 16.2% at 5 years, as compared with 32.5%, and 22.8% at 2 years and 5 years, respectively, in the concurrent CT/RT schedule. However, there was no significant difference between the two schedules(p=0.11). The local control rates for alternating EP/CAV regimens with concur- rent thoracic radiotherapy was significantly higher than that for other regimens(p=0.003). Seventy-two(48%) patients had local failure as the first site of failure, whereas 39(26%) patients had distant failure without local failures. Thirty-eight(26%) patients had local and distant failure. These results indicate that early, concurrent thoracic radiotherapy with alternating EP/ CAV regimens have the improved local control rates and a trend of the better survival in the combined modality treatment of limited stage small cell lung cancer.
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Expression of CD44 Splice Variant mRNA in Bladder Cancers and its Diagnostic Application
Min Ho Suh, Won Ki Baek, Jong Wook Park, Chun Il Kim, Min Ho Suh, Byung Kil Choe
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):451-459.
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Usefulness of MIB1 Expression as a Prognostic Factor in Transitional Cell Carcinoma of Urinary Bladder
Han Kyeum Kim, Young Sik Kim, In Sun Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):459-468.
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Tumor proliferation is inversely associated with survival in patients with transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder. Ki67 and MIB1 monoclonal antibodies directed against different epitopes of the same proliferation-related antigen. Whereas Ki67 works only on frozen section, MIBl may be used also on fixed sections. In order to determine whether MIB1 is clinically a useful proliferation marker as well as prognostic one or not, MIB1 expresaion, in. bladder cancers were compared with conventional prognostic parameters such: as Ash histolbgic grade, and proliferation index including S-phase fraction calculated by flow cytometry. The expression of MIBI was assessed immunohistochemically in 36 cases of transitional cell carcinoma with anti-MIBl monoclonal antibody which can recognize a formai'in resistent epitope of Ki67 in formalin-fixed, paraffin wax embedded sections after incubation fn a microwave oven. Then, image analysis was employed for quantitation of immunostained MIBl expression. MIBI expression rates were highly correlated with Ash histologic grade. And, two pa- rameters revealed a good correlatian in linear regression analysis(Y = 4.16X - 3.01). Also, prolife- ration index and S-phase fraction calculated by flow cytometry were highly correlated with MIB1 expression(r=0.92, r=0.87, respectively) Therefore, MIB1 immunostaining is considered as a useful prognostic marker in transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder and a reason- able substitute for the Ki67 monoclonal antibody. In addition, the advantages of MIB1 immunostaining on paraffin sections include the feasibility of retrospective studies and of obtaining clear morphologic specimens that are optimal for use with computer-assisted image analysis systems.
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A Study of Three - group Metaphase as a Prognostic Factor in Cervical Cancer
Jong Mo Park, Soo Nyung Kim, Sang Yoon Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):468-475.
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The biologic behavior of cervical neoplasia has been reported to be predicted by determining the ploidy pattern. The determination of the ploidy status by DNA cytometry on cells from tissue samples is yet too cumbersome for routine use. Three-group methaphase was defined as a mitotic figure in which a number of chromosomes remain at both poies of spindle and the majority of chromosomes from the metaphase plate. This atypical mitotic figures caused by an abnormal distribution of chromosomes resulting from detects in the movements of chromosomes. We investigate the possibility that three-group metaphase can be regarded as a histologic criterion to predict prognosis in cervical tumor. We evaluated 22 specimen with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, 4 specimen with carcinoma in situ, 11 specimen with invasive cervical cancer and 3 specimen with chronic cervicitis in cone biopsy or punch biopsy to investigate the frequency of three-group metaphase using formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissue from january 1992 to December 1993. Three-group metaphase was found 1 case of the invasive cervical cancer and 1 case of the microinvasive cervical cancer combined with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia lesion from cone biopsy. However three-group metaphase was not found in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and carcinoma insitu lesion from cone or punch biopsy. In this study, three-group metaphase could be practically used as pathologic criterion to predict prognosis in cervical tumor.
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High - dose Chemotherapy Followed by Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation in High - risk Osteosarcoma and Ewing's Sarcoma
Ji Youn Han, Han Lim Moon, Dong Wook Kim, Jong Wook Lee, Jong Youl Jin, Chi Wha Han, Woo Sung Min, Chong Won Park, Choon Choo Kim, Dong Jip Kim, Hak Ki Kim, Young Gyun Woo, Jung Man Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):475-482.
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The poor histologic response to standard chemotherapy, a large tumor mass(more than 10 cm) at the time of the initial diagnosis, and tumors in axial bones are the risk factors for the relapse in sarcomas with preoperative and/or postoperative standard chemotherapy and curative surgery. Ta overcome these problems, high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell rescue with autologous bone marrow transplantation were done in four osteogenic and Ewings sarcomas. Methods: Bone-marrow harvest, cryopreservation and CFU-GM assay were done as described previously. As a high-dose chemotherapy, melphalan(160 mg/m) or ifosfamide(7,500 mg2/m)+etoposide(600mg/m) + carboplatin(600 mg/m(2)) were used. Bone marrow infusion and supportive cares were followed until the hematalogic recovery. Results: 1) The number of infused mononuclear cells and CFU-GM colonies were 0.8-2.9 x 10(8)/kg and 0.1-1.2 x 10(4)/kg, respectively. 2) The duration of absolute neutropenia(<500/mm(3)) and thrombocytopenia(<50,000/mm(3)) were 8-23 days and 0-25 days, respectively. 3) All but one had febrile neutropenia for 2 7 days due to sepsis and pneumonia. There waa no therapy associated death. 4) All patients had complete response and the duration of disease free survival was 5(+)-51(+) months. Of the four patients in complete response, one subsequently relapsed in scalp l0 months after transplantation and died 6 months later due to progression of disease. Conclasion: It seems that high-dose chemotherapy with atologous bone marrow transplantation is feasible in high-risk osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma and the responsiveness to chemotherapy may be the most important factor to predict the prognosis.
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The Effect of Ginkgo biloba extract on Radiation Tumor Growth Delay in C3H Mouse Fibrosarcoma
Moon Jung Cho, Chun Ja Yi, Sung Whan Ha, Charn Il Park
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):482-490.
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Ginkgo biloba extract(GBE), extract from leaves of Ginkgo biloba tree, is known to increase peripheral blood flow. Under the assumption that GBE would increase tumor blood flow and improve oxygen supply to the tumor and enhance radiatian sensitivity, the effect of GBE on radiation tumor growth delay was investigated. C3H mouse fibrosarcoma(FSaII), 6 mm in size, growing in the hidleg muscle of C3H mouse was used. GBE was injected i.p. once 1 hr prior to irradiation or twice 25 hrs and 1 hr prior to irradiation. Tumor growth was not influenced by GBE treatment alone. Tumor growth delay by a single dose of 50 mg/kg and l00 mg/kg of GBE plus 10 Gy of radiation was prolonged to 1.23 times and to 1.36-1.49 times when compared with 10 Gy irradiation alone. Tumor growth delay by two doses of 100 mg/kg of GBE plus 10 Gy of irradiation increased to 1.66-1.84 times(p<0.05). Radiation dose required for 3 day tumor growth delay decreased to half when two doses of 100 mg/kg of GBE was given prior to irradiation. Based on these results, it is concluded that GBE enhances radiation sensitivity of C3H mouse fibrosarcoma(FSaII) and could be a potential radiosensitizer for the malignant tumor.
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A Phase 2 Clinical Trial of Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulatin
Sun Young Rha, Jae Kyung Roh, Kyung Hee Lee, Hyun Cheol Chung, Jong Inn Lee, Jin Hyuk Choi, Hye Ran Lee, Nae Chun Yoo, Joo Hang Kim, Dae Seog Heo, Jin Hyuk Choi, Ho Yeong Lim, Jee Sook Hahn, Byung So
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):490-504.
AbstractAbstract PDF
; Rh GM-CSF is known to stimulate the growth of granulocyte-macrophage pre- cursors and can prevent the neutropenia and infection after high dose chemotherapy. We planned to evaluate the efficacy and toxicities of rh GM-CSF and to determine the clinically recommended dose of yeast-derived rh GM-CSF(LBD-005), based on the biologicaily active doses from phase I clinical triaL Methods; Open non-randomized phase II study was carried out in 40 cancer patients with chemotherapy induced myelosuppression. After the control period(chemotherapy without rh GM-CSF), rh GM-CSF was started 24 hours after the second chemotherapy to 3 groups of patients with the doses of 150, 250, 350 ug/m(2)/d by once-daily subcutaneous admlnistration for 10 days. Resnlts; Of the 40 enrolled patients, two patients refused to be followed and. one patient couldn't finish the study due to the disease progression. So 37 patients were evaluable and the number of patients at the dose of 150, 250, 350 pg/m/d were 12, 12 and 13 petients, respectively. They were consisted of 12 with stomach cancers, 10 with breast cancers, 5 with osteosarcoma and 10 patients with other malignancies, and received chemotherapeutic agents like VP-16, cisplatinum, adriamycin. When we compared the hematologic parameters between the control and treatment periods, the mean nadir of WBC counts(/mm(3)) at the dose of 150ug/m(2)/d were 1480, 2085, each, l280, l997 at the dose of 250 ug/m/d, and 1091, 1788 at the dose of 350 ug/m(2)/d respectively. Also the recovery days of WBC counts from nadir to 4000/m(3) were improved from 8 days in control period to 4.7 days in treatment period at the dose of 150 ug/m(2)/d. There were the same results at the dose of 250 and 350 ug/m(2)/d, such as from 7.4 days to 4.4 days and from 8.5 days to 5.2 days, respectively. In view of neutrophils, we could find the same results(p<0.05). There are trends that the recovery from nadir at the dose of 250 ug/m(2)/d or more is rapid, rather than l50ug/m(2)/d. Two patients with 350ug/m(2)/d complained of severe (WHO toxicity grade III) skin reaction and chest tightness, but they tolerated well after reduction to 250 ug/m(2) /d dose. Conclasion; This study suggested the effects of yeast-derived rh GM-CSF with the dose of 1SO, 250, 350ug/m(2)/d, S.Q. for 10 days to prvent the chemotherapy induced neutropenia. And when we considered the efficacy and tolerability, 250 ug/m(2)/d is appropriate for phase III clinical triaL
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Peripheral Blood Natural Killer Cell Activity and Its Clinical Role in Lymphomas
Own Gyu Uh, Yang Soo Kim, Byung Chae Park
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):504-513.
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We designed this investigation to evaluate the association of NK activity with vari- ous clinical and laboratory data, and to evaluate whether NK activity can be used as a valuable prognostic factor since there is no systemic review on natural killer cell(NK) activity of peripheral blood in untreated lymphomas in Korea. Method: Forty-eight patients admitted to Dept. of Internal Medicine of Kosin University Hospital from JuL l989 to Feb. 1995 were enrolled. The target of effector cells was K562 cell line and released Cr(51) during 4 hours was counted. Then, NK activity was compared with varous c1inical and laboratary data. We selected International Index, composed of 4 risk groups derived from 5 risk factors, as a prognostic factor to evaluate the value of NK activity, and it was compared with the result of NK activity. The International Index was composed of 4 risk groups: low, low-intermediate, high-intermediate, and high risk groups. Results: 1) The sex ratio of the patients was 1.2: #1 and the median age was 55 years. Diffuse large cell lymphoma was the most common subtype(52.1%). 2) The average NK activity of lymphoma patients was 43.85% and that of normal control was 51.54%, and the difference was significant(F=0.003). 3) The NK activity of the patients was significantly different depending on clinical stage, B symptom or performance status(P=0.003, O.Q33, and 0.016 respectively), but not on age, sex or serum LDH leveL 4) In 4 risk groups, there was progressive decrease in NK activity as the risk increases(P=O. 001), and the differences in NK activity between low and high-intermediate groups and low and high risk groups were all significant(P=0.002 both). 5) NK activity of normal control was significantly different from 3 of 4 risk groups, low-in- termediate, high-intermediate and high risk groups, of patients(P=0.021, 0.001, 0.001 respectively). Concluaion: In previously untreated lymphoma patients, the NK activity was decreased, and NK activity was inversely carrelated with risk status(P=0.001). In conclusion, NK activity may have a prognostic value, and clinical trials with many patients and long-term follow uP as to assess survival are required.
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A Case of Concurrent Occurrence of Small Cell Carcinoma and Adenocarcinoma in the Stomach
Ki Nam Shim, Sa Young Park, Sun Young Lee, Jin Hyuk Choi, Soon Nam Lee, Woon Sup Han
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):513-521.
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Frimary small cell careinoma of the stomach is an extremely rare disease. It has similar clinical behavior with small cell cardnoma of lung, which shows aggressive course with rapid and wide dissemination and very poor prognosis. We report a case of concurrent occurrence of primary small cell carcinoma and adeno- carcinoma in the stomach with multiple intraaMominal metastases, which had responded to combination chemotherapy with 5-FU, VP-16, and Cisplatin.
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A Case of Wilms Tumor in Adult
Byung Chul Hahh, In Sook Woo, Kyung Seuk Kim, Bang Soo Kim, Yoon Seuk Kim, Hueng Seuk Ko, Young Woo Lee, Sang Kee Yang, Mi Kyung Shin
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(3):521-527.
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Wilms tumor is one of the most common malignant abdominal neoplasm in childhood, but Wilms tumor in adult is extremely rare. The tumor is characterized by a number of karyotypic and congenital associations, including deletons in the short arms of chromosome 1l, snd occasionally trisomy, hemihypertrophy, aniridia and urogenital abnormality. Histologically, the characteristic features are primitive or abortive glomeruli with apparent or poorly formed Bowman spaces, and abortive tubules enclosed within a spindle cell stroma. Optimal treatment of adult Wilms tumor is not established but generally followed that of childhood Wilms tumor include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Survival rate is influenced by stage and:hietologic pattern. We report a case of Wilms tumor in 23 year-old female.
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Cancer Res Treat : Cancer Research and Treatment
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