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Volume 18(1); 1986
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Insolation and Measurement of Natural Cytotoxicity of LGL - riched Lymphocyte from Normal Human Peripheral Blood
Suk Kyun Chang, Young Tack Song, Sang Yong Choo
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1986;18(1):1-9.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Natural killer cells(NK cells) are currently under intensive investigation because of their possible role in immune survilunce against malignancy, resistance against microbial infections and regulation of lymphohematopoiesis. Several methods such as sheep erythrocyte rosette method, passing the nylon-wool or IgG- anti IgG column after removal of adhesive macrophage or phagocytic monocytes for isolation and measurement of natural cytotoxicity of peripheral plood lymphocytes have been used. Recently human NK cells as a morphological subpopulation of white blood cells, called large granular lymphocytes(LGL) by a relative high cytoplasmic: nuclear ratio, azurophilic cytoplasmic granules and an often indented eccentric nucleus, have been identified by discontinous percoll density gradient centrifugation method which is relatively simple and less time spending method. In order to find out the passibility of.seperation of LGL-riched lymphocytes by discontin- ous perooll densitygradient centrifqgation and to measure natural cytotoxicity from normal peripheral blood, authors observed the osmolarity of percoll solution, recovery rates of lymphocyte and distribution of LGL after removal of adbesive macrophages, phagocytic monocytes and percoll density gradient centrifugation with its natural cytotaxicity. The obtained results were as follows; 1) The osmolarities of 37.5% to 50% percoll solutions(10X PBS+RPMI-1640-FBS+Percall) were 289. 4+-l. 02~302. 0+-63 mOmol/kg H2O. 2) The distribution of LGL after removal of adhesive macrophage, phagocytic monocytes were 8. 6+-1.85%, ll. 2+-2.64%, But LGL of fraction 1,2 and 3(47.2+6.40%, 65,2+4.99% and 36. 8+-4. 83%) were significantly increaesd after percoll density gradient centrifugation. 3) The natural cytotoxicity of LGL-riched lymphocytes of fraction 1,2 and 3(65.1+-10.73%, 74.5+-3. 89% and 54. 9+-8.19%) by percoll density gradien centrifugation were significantly higher than that of removing adhesive macrophage(8. 9+2.3BM) or phagocytic monocytes(24. 5+-l1.41 %). But fraction 4 to 7(25.5+-3.17%~5.7l+-1.17M) revealed low cytotoxicity. With above results, it isinferred that LGL-riched lymphocytes, which having relatively high natural cytotoxicity, can be isolated by discontinous percoll density gradient cen trifugation which is rela!ively simple, less time spending methad.
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Staging Patients with Gastric Cancer and Their Prognosis
Jin Pok Kim, Sung Eun Jung
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1986;18(1):9-14.
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A Clinical Study on 45 Cases of Small and Non - Small Cell Lung Cancer
Woo Joong Kim, Choon Ik Song, Young Soo Jun, Han Lim Moon, Young Seon Hong, Hoon Kyo Kim, Ho Yun Kim, Kyung Shik Lee, Dong Jip Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1986;18(1):14-21.
AbstractAbstract PDF
A clinical study of 45 patients admitted with a diagnosis of small and non-small cell lung cancer to the Kang Nam St. Rlarys Hospital from NOV. 1982 to Dec. 1984 revealed the following results. 1) Among the 45 patients, 11 patients were classified as small cell cancer and 34 patients as non-small cell cancer with the highest incidence in the 6th to 8th decade. 2) The male/female ratio in small cell cancer and non-small cell cancer was 10: 1 and 2. 1: 1 respectively showing male predominance in small cell cancer. The smoker/mon-smoker ratio in small and non-small cell cancer was 4: 1 and 2.1: 1respectively showing smoker predominance in small cell cancer. 3) Coughing was the most common symptom in both small and non small cell cancer, but symptom due ta regional spread was not statistically different between two groups. 4) In the location of tumor, 72.7% of small cell cancer and 58.1% of non-small cell cancer were located in the central area showing more central distribution in small cell cancer. 5) Metastasis ta the bone and brain wzs more freguent in small cell cancer, but metastasis to the lymph node and bone marrow was more frequent in non-small cell cancer, although which was not statistically significant 6) 8 cases(72%) of small cell cancer and 17 cases(50M) of non-small cell cancer were diagn- ased by bronchoscopy showing higher rate of detection by broochoscopy in small cell cancer. And 2 cases(18.2%) of small cell cancer and 10 cases(29.4%) of non-small cell cancer were diagnosed by lymph node biopsy showing higher rate of detection by lymph node biapsy in non-small cell cancer. 7) Among the 5 cases of limited type-small cell cancer, partial and complete remission occurred in 3 cases(60%), 2 cases(40%) respectively showing mean survival of more than 14. 3 months. And among the 4 cases of extensive type-small cell cancer, 2 cases(50%) who showed partial remission lived 6 months and 2 cases(50%) who showed no response lived 3.5 months. 8) 29 cases(85.3%) of non-small cell cancer were stage g at the time of diagnosis in which 13 cases(81%) of squmaus cell cancer, 9 cases (82%) of adenocarcinoma and 7 cases(100%) of undifferentiated cell cancer were being included. 9) In the review of survival duration of non-small cell cancer, 10 cases(76. 9%) of response group showed mean survival of more than 7 months and R cases(23.1%) of non-response group lived 2. 2 months.
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Comparison of the Antiemic Efficacy of Dexamethasone Alone and Metoclopramide Alone with Combination of Dexamethasone and Metoclopramide Against Ciplatin Induced Emesis
Doe Young Kim, Eun Hee Koh, Joo Hang Kim, Yoo Lee Kim, Hong Jae Lee, Sang Il Cheon, Sun Ju Lee, Jee Sook Hahn, Byung Soo Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1986;18(1):21-29.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Nausea and vomiting may be the limiting factors in anticancer chemotherapy and these unpleasant aide effects can he so severe that some patients may delay or stop the chemo- therapy. Ac Yonsei Cancer Center, sixty-nine patients undergoing syatemic chemotherapy with cisplatin were studied in a prospective, randomized fashion to compare the antiemetic efficacy of a combination regimen consisted of dexamethasone and metoclopramide with that of each dexamethasone and metoclopramide alone. Dexamethasone was given by intravenous injection at a does of 10 mg for total 3 doses, given 30 minutes before cisplatin, then 2 and 4 hours afterward. Metoclopramide was given as an iv at a dose of 20mg with same intervals as dexamethasone. Combination regimen of dexamethasone and metoclopramide was given with same doses and intervals as mentioned above. Patients treated with the combination regimen(average rumber of vomitings: 2) had significantly fewer vomiting episodes, compared with that of metoclopramide(average number of vomitings: 6, P<0.005) or dexamethasone ( average number of vomitings: 3.8, P<0.01) alone group. Patients with poor performance status(H3, average number of vomitings: 8.3) showed. significantly more vomiting episodes than that of better performance status(H1, average number of vomitings: 2. 9, P<0. 005). Side effects such as sedation(10%), diarrhea(13%) and general weakness(32%) were observed in combination therapy group, but reversible and acceptable. We concluded that combinations of intravenous metoclopramide plus dexamethasone are effective in controlling cisplatin induced emesis, but showed somewhat reduced efficacy in patients with poor performance status.
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Clinical Significance of Serum Ferritin Determination in the Diagnosis of Primary Hepatocellular Carcinome
Jae Hwa Ryu, Sang Ho Yang, Yo Han Park, Ja Young Koo, Byung Chae Park
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1986;18(1):29-35.
AbstractAbstract PDF
In an attempt to verify the possibility that serum ferritin and serum ferritin/transamin- ases ratio might be an useful marker in the diagnosis of primary hepatocellular carcinoma, we checked serum ferritin level as well as serum ferritin/transaminases ratio in 52 Patients with chronic liver diseases including primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Serum ferritin level in patients with liver cirrhosis(28l+- 4.83ug/L, mean: SE) and with hepatocellular carcinoma(321+- 29.73 ug/L, mean -SE) were significantly(p(0. 0005) elevated in comparison to normal control group(78. 33+-4. 24 ug/L, mean SE), but no statistical significance was observed between the patient groups of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Moreover, we also failed to observe a significant difference of serum ferritin/transaminases ratio in patients with liver cirrhosis(8.30+-1.63, mean SE) and with hepatocellular carcinoma(8.46+-1.62, mean+-SE). The results of this study, therefore, would indicate that serum ferritin determination seems to be not helful in the differential diagnosis of primary hepatocellular carcinoma.
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Control of Cancer Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting
Sung Min Cho, Jin Won Chang, Han Lim Moon, Young Seon Hong, Hoon Kyo Kim, Ho Yun Kim, Kyung Shik Lee, Dong Jip Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1986;18(1):35-41.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Nausea and vomiting are very unpleasant side effects and can be severe enough to inte- rrupt patients to take nutrition and to delay or stop therapy. Authors tried two combinations of antiemetic regimen with different drugs. In the first group of patients who were treated with cis-platin containing drugs, high doses of metoclopramide, 100 mg intravenously 30 minutes before and 1. 5, 3. 5, 5.5, and 8. 5 hours after chemotherapy and dexamethasone 20 mg intravenously RO minutes before chemotherapy were given on the first day. On the second and third day, metoclopramide 100 mg were given I V every 6 hours with 20 mg of oral thiethylperazine per day. The response rate was 91%, 82% and 100% on day 1,2 and 3, In the second group of patients treated with adriamycin containing regimen, 100 mg of dexamethasone I V every 6 hours and 20 mg of oral thiethy- Iperazine were administered on the first day 20 mg of oral thiethylpyrazine only on the second and third day. The response rate was 73%, 73% on day 1,2 and 3, Side effects such as dizziness(64%), sedation(32%) and anxiety(37%) were observed, but relatively tolerable. We concluded that adequate combinations of antimetics according to cancer chemotherape- utic agents improve control of cancer chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting and treat- ment-related side effects.
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Radiotherapy Results of Testicular Pure Seminoma
Soo Kon Kim, Kwan Ho Cho, Mi Soo Hwang, Gwi Eon Kim, Chang Yun Park
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1986;18(1):41-49.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Between 1971 and 1983, 26 Patients with testicular pure seminoma treated at the Yonsei Cancer Center with radiotherapy are analyzed. The stage distribution was: stage I 46%(12/26), stage B 42%(11/26), and stage III 12% (3/26). Tumor histological subtypes were typical seminoma in 8 patients, anaplastic seminoma in 4 patients, and unknown subtypes in 14 patients. Three-year actuarial disease free survival rate was: overall 76%, stage I 91%', stage II 80%, stage III 0%, Treatment failure were analyzed to determine their apparent causes and the implication of such failures to the future management of the testicular pure seminoma.
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Intraoperative Radiaton Therapy ( IORT ) - Preliminary Clinical Experience of Yonsei Cancer Center -
John J. K. Loh, Sung Sil Chu, Gwi Eon Kim, Chang Ok Suh, Byung Soo Kim, Hung Kun Oh, Wyun Kon Park, Coong Bai Kim, Kyung Shik Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1986;18(1):49-59.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Intraoperative Radiation Therapy(IORT) is a cancer treatment modality in which resect- able masses or organs are removed surgically and residual cancer cells are sterilized by irradiation with a single massive dose during operation while patient is still anesthesized. Because it is possible that the tumor mass can be visualized directly at the time of surgical exploration, tumor volume can be determined more precisely and at the same time sensitive adjacent structures can be pulled aside from the irradiation. With these theoretical advantages as compare to conventional external irradiation, IORT can improve the thera- peutic ratio of tumor control to narmal tissue injury. Yonsei Cancer Center initiated a pilot study of multidisciplinary IORT program in February of 1986 for the first attempt in Korea. IORT was performed in 7 patients with stomach cancer by using existing NEC 18 MeV Linear Accelera.tor treatment room as a surgical suite. 10RT t am included department of surgery, department of anesthesiology, department of clinical pathology, operating room nursing personnel and department of radiation ancology. Although duration of foliow up is too short to lead conclusion, our preliminary clinical experience of IORT for stomach cancer is presented along with its historical review, general rationale, cquipments. techniques and practical problems encountered.
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One Year Report for Cancer Register Programme in the Republic of Korea July 1 , 1984 - June 30 , 1985
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1986;18(1):59-162.
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Cancer Res Treat : Cancer Research and Treatment
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