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Volume 17(2); 1985
Original Articles
The Cancer Registry Program in Kangwha Counts - The First Report - 1983 . 1 ~ 1984 . 12 -
Il Soon Kim, Han Jung Kim, Hee Chul Oh, Byung Soo Kim, Yoon Seong Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(2):217-229.
- The Cancer Registry Program in Kangwhs County, the first community based cancer registry program in Korea, has been launched since July 1, 1982. Two factors made it possible to develop this program in Kangwha County. One is that the county-wide compulaory health insurance program initiated by the government has been implemented in the county as an experiment from July 1, 1982. This health insurance program has largely removed the economic barrier of the people in the medical care utilization and also under the health insuraance program the medical utilization records are being piled up in the office of health insurance cooperatives in the form of the bill requested by the clinics and hospitals after they treat patients. The second factor is the availability of the community hospital in the county, which has been serving the Kangwha population for the past 5 years. This means that cancer patients in the county can easily seek medical care and their medical records re easily available. Since early 1970's the mortality patterns of the Korean population has been changed from the infectious diseases to the non-infectious chronic diseases. Among chronic diseases stroke and malignant neoplasms have been reported to be the leading causes of death. It is, therefore, urgent for epidemiologist to collect very basic information on the magnitude and incidence of various such diseases for the epidemiologic studies and disease control as well. The first systematic step to challenge the cancer should be the cancer registry program. The number of target population of the Cancer Registry Program in Kangwha County is 88,851 as of December 31, 1983. The initial detection of cancer was made by reviewing all the bills requested from the various clinics and hospitals compiled in the office of the Regional Health Insurance Cooperatives. All the malignant neoplosms(ICD 140-208 in 9th edition) were included in tbe program. The diagnosis of cancer was confirmed by a team of physician and a nurse with the medical records kept in the clinics and hospitals based on the diagnostic criteria recomme- nded by WHO. Home visitings were also made to those of cancer cases confirmed in every 6 months for the follow up and for the collection of relevant information directly from the patients. 213 cancer cases were rcgistered from January first 1983 to December 31, 19B4 of the program. The annual incidence rate adjusted by the world population for male was 150.9 and for female 86. 9 per 100, 000 population. The most common cancer was the stomach cancer which camprised 36. 6% of total cancer cases in both sexes. The annual incidence rate of the stomach cancer was 65.5 in male and 24. 3 in female per 100, 000 population. The lung cancer (25.7) and liver cancer (11.7) were the next common cancer in male. The cervical cancer (22.1) was the second commonest cancer in female. The survival rates of patients with cancer after the appearance of the first symptom and also after the diagnosis were low in general due to the delayed detection and inadequate treatment. The medical seeking patterns were also studied. The small number of the target population appears to be one of the week points of the program. Nearly complete follow up with home visiting is identified as the strong point of the program.
Result of Definitive Irradiation for Regional Stage 4 Carcinoma of the Nasopharynx : An Analysis of the Patterns of Failure
Kwan Ho Cho, Soo Kon Kim, Kyung Ran Park, Mi Son Chun, Chang Ok Suh, Gwi Eon Kim, John J. K. Loh, Joo Hang Kim, Byung Soo Kim, Eun Hee Koh
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(2):229-237.
- Between January 1, 1971 and December 31, 1983, sixty three patients received radiotherapy for advanced (Stage IV) carcinoma of the nasopharynx confined to the head and neck at Yonsei University College of Medicine, Yonsei Cancer Center. Fifty seven of those 63 patients received at least 6,000 cGy. The 5 and 10 year actuarial survival rates were 21.8 and 13.1% and those median survival was 24 months. The actuarial survivals (median survival months) for Group 1 (16 who had sufficiently advanced primary tumor to qualify for Stage IV : T4 N0orl), Group 2 (34 who had sufficiently advanced adenopathy to qualify for Stage IV: T1-3N2or 3) and Group 3 ( 13 who had advanced both of primary and adenopathy: T4 N 2 or 3) were 9.7(19), 32.9(44) and 0%(9) respectively. The survival of the patients in Group 2 was better than that of those in either Group 1(p<0.005) or Group 3(p<0.001). Local persistence or recurrence of tumor in the nasopharynx was the primary cause of failure and occurred in 39.1%(18/46) of evaluable patents. Distant metastases was the next and occurred in 28.3%(13/46). There was a definite correlation between recurrence at primary site and T-stage; 61.5%(8/13) of evaluable Group 1 and 61.9%(13/21) of T 4 patients (Group 3 included) had local failure. Similary, failure in the neck (regional failure) correlated with N-stage, being 24%(9/25) for evaluable Group 2. The incidence of distant failure had no correlation with T-stage but correlated with N-stage; 40%(10/25) of Group 2 developed distant metastases. Treatment failure occured in 95%(36/38) of the patients by 2 years after therapy.
Clinical Significance of Serum CEA and Serum AC 19-9 in the Patients with Various Gastrointestinal Malignancy
Young Hwan Chung, Weon Seon Hong, Jhin Oh Lee, Seong Woon Hong
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(2):237-244.
- To evaluate the clinical significance of the serum CEA and CA 19-9 in the patients with various gastrointestinal malignancy, serum CEA and serum CA 19-9 were measured by radioimmunoassay in the 113 patients with various gastrointestinal malignancy, who visited Korea Cancer Center Hospital from April, 1985 to Oct, 1985. The result were as follows; 1) The mean serum CEA level in the controls was 2. 9-1. 3 ng/ml, On the other hand, the mean serum CA 19-9 was S. 4+2. 7 U/ml. 2) Four out of 14 patients with benign gastrointestinal disorders showed elevated serum CEA level above the normal upper limit. On the other hand, one out of 14 patients with benign disorders showed elevated serum CA lg-g level above the normal upper limit. 3) In 113 patients with various gastrointestinal malignancy, 26 percent of the patients showed elevated serum CEA level, and 45 percent of the patients showed elevated serum CA 19-9 above the normal upper limit. 4) The sensitivity of serum CEA related to resectability in the stamach and colorectal malignancy were 22% in resectable cases, and 45% in unresectable cases, respectively(p<0.05). On the other hand, the sensitivity of serum CA 19-9 were 29% in resectable cases, and 65% in unresectable cases, respectively(p<0.05). 5) In 25 patients with primary liver carcinoma, there was no significant difference between the high alpha fetoprotein and low alpha fetoproein groups in the serum CA 19-9 level. 6) There was no relationship between the serum CEA and CA 19-9 in the patient with various astrointestinal malignancy. According to the above results, we concluded that 1) serum CA 19-9 radioimmunoassay is a useful tumor marker in the various gastrointestinal malignancy, compared with serum CEA, 2) simultaneous measurement of serum CEA and CA 19-9 is helpful in the diagnosis of various gastrointestinal malignancy, and 3) further careful monitoring of serial serum CA 19-9 in necessary in the treatment of various gastrointestinal malignancy.
Primary Malignant Lymphoma of the Gastrointestinal Tract
K. K. Joo, Yeo Kyu Yong
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(2):245-251.
- This study is based on the clinical analysis of 18 cases with primary maligmant lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract treated at Kyung Hee medical Center during about 10 year-period frome January, 1975 ta November, 1985. The result were as follows. 1) The age incidence was prevalent in the middle age group and the ratio of male to female was l. 5: 1. 2) The most cammon symptom and sign were abdominal pain and weight loss. 3) Among the 18cases, 7 of the malignant lymphoma arose in the small bowel, 6 in the stomacb, 3 in the large colon, in the metastatic malignant lymphoma. 4) They were diffuse histiocytic type in the 10 cases, diffuse mixed type in the 4 cases, 5) Curative surgery was performed in 12 cases, palliative in 2 cases, by-pass procedures in 2 cases and biopsy only in 2 cases. Postoperative chemotherapy was performed in 3 cases, radiation was perfamed 3 cases, combination therapy was perfomed in 1 case. 6) The immediate postoperative death occured in the 2 cases, The cause of death was sepsis.
A Clinical Study of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Sang Duck Cho, Jong Sun Lee, In Sik Kim, Seung Seok Jun, Jin Woo Jung, Hoon Kyo Kim, Kyung Shik Lee, Boo Sung Kim, Dong Jip Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(2):251-256.
- This report represents a clinical study of 50 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosed at the Dept. of Internal Medicine of CMC Kangnam St. Marys Hoapital from 1981 Mar. to 1985 Mar. The results are as follows: 1) The peak incidence of age is the 6 th decade and the ratio of male to female is 12, 2) The combination with cirrhosis is found in 68.2% and hepatomegaly is palpated in 94%. 3) In laboratory data, positive antigen in 68.3%, the elevation of GPT is 2.17. alpha-fetoprotein is noted in 62.5%, positive Australia alkaline phosphatase in 85.7% and the ratio of GOT to 4) The accuracy of each imaging findings in diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma was that scintigraphy was in 84%, and both ultrasonography and computerized tomography were more accurate than scintigraphy.
Acute Peripheral Facial Nerve Paralysis in Cancer Patient
Jong Sun Lee, Sung Min Cho, Hong Dae Shik, Young Jin Kim, Sung Young Jung, In Sik Kim, Hoon Kyo Kim, Kyung Shik Lee, Dong Jip Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(2):257-261.
- Eighty percent of all peripheral facial nerve paralysis is idiopathic in origin(Bells palsy); specific etiology can be demonstrated in the remaining 20 percent. Current researchs suggest that Bell's palsy may be an autoimmune-postviral disease or may be caused by reactivation of latent Herpes Simplex virus infection. During the hospitalization of cancer patients, there are many factors which suppress the host resistance and favor the viral infection or reactivation. In cancer patients, peripheral facial nerve paralysis can be caused not only by viral infection or reactivation but also by cancer extension or complications of antineoplastic agents. Differentiation of these possible etiologies ia important in planning further tberapy. The authors experienced 3 cases of acute peripheral facial nerve paralysis occured in cancer patients; the first occured after viral prodrome of fever and herpetic penile skin lesion in 56-year-old man who was suffered from the acute blastic crisis of chronic myelogenous leukemia, the second occured in 16-year-old boy who was suffered from lymphosarcoma cell leukemia with meningeal and bone marrow involvements, and the third was seen in 39-year-old man with small cell carcinoma of the lung which was chemosensitive but recurred frequently. Although the exact cause of facial palsy in these patients could not be determined, the clinical picture suggests facial paralysis caused by viral etiology rather than tumor extension or complications of antineoplastic agents. In order to decermine the exact etiology, additional tests such as virologic studies, polytomography of the temporal bone and cranial CT scan are indicated.
The Pathologic Findings of Midline Malignant Reticulosis and their Therapeutic Results - A report of 5 cases and literature review -
Seung Chang Sohn, Chong Chul Yoon, Hyun Suk Suh, Seong Ran Hong, Il Hyung Koh
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(2):261-270.
- 5 patients of midline malignant reticulosis were treated by radiation therapy during the period from Feb., 1984 to Oct., 1984 at the department of therapeutic radiology, Inje medical College, Seoul Paik Hospital. 4 patient were male and 1 patient was female. Ages ranged from 30 to 87 years. After 1 year follow up, 4 patients survived; 3 patients without recurrent disease and I patient with disease, and 1 patient died of the disease. Midline malignant reticulosis is rare in occurrence. Still its definition and pathologic features are nat well established. Radiation therapy has long been known to be an effective treatment in localized disease. In the preaent paper we provide 5 cases of midline malignant reticulosis to discuss their pathologic findings and therapeutic results.
The Significance of the Measurement of Immunosuppressive Acid Protein ( IAP )
Jin Pok Kim, Sung Eun Jung, Yoon Baek Choi, Jung Taik Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(2):271-276.
- To evaluate the significance and the relationship between serum IAP level and the posto- perative pragression of the cancer, we measured IAP level in 42 stomach cancer patients, 11 colorectal cancer patients, and 12 breast cancer patients 2 years after curative surgery was performed as well as the preoperative IAP level of 54 stomach cancer patients, 28 colorectal cancer patients, and 24 breast cancer patients. 1) IAP level in preaperative stomach cancer patients was 596. 2+210. 5 g/ml, 51.8%. positive rate, and in postoperative patients, 352.8+67. 3 g/ml, 0 positive rate. 2) In preoperative colorectal cancer patients, IAP level was 519.8 +- 195.2 g/ml, 50.0% positive rate, and in postoperative patients 401.2+-140.3 g/ml, 9.1% positive rate. 3) In preoperative breast cancer patients, IAP level was 499. 6+ 170. 3 g/ml, 45. SM positive rate and in postoperative patients, 365.0+- 20.6 g/ml, 0% positive rate. 4) The change of IAP level as well as DNCB and T-cell count showed positive correlation with progression and surgical treatment in stomach cancer. We concluded that the measurement of serum IAP level in cancer patients is an useful tool as an immune parameter study for the postoperative progression of the cancer.