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Volume 17(1); 1985
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Original Articles
Human Colon Carcinoma Transplanted into Nude Mouse
Jae Gahb Park, Han Kwang Yang, Jin Pek Kim, Woo Ho Kim, Yong Il Kim, Woo Hyun Chang, Mun Ho Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):1-10.
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Since April 1984, we have transplanted 10 human adenocarcinomas to BALB/c nude mice and subcutaneous growth was obtained with 5 tumors. Two tumors were lost during 1st passage and 2nd passage due to accidental death of tumor bearing nude mice. Now SCN-1, SCN-2 and SCN-4 human colon adenocarcinomas are serially Passed for 5, 10 and 6 gene- rations. The histologic findings of both original human tumor and those of nude mice were compared. The subpassage tumors resembled those af original ones in terms of differentiation. However, emergence of calcification, extensive necrosis and scanty stroma were distin- guishing features. Although degree of mucin production waa unpredictable during the passages, one colon cancer classified as signet ring cell carcinoma was suceessfully trans- planted and grafted tumor exhibited exactly same histologic feature.
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Tamoxifen Therapy for Metastatic Vreast Cancer
Yung Jue Bang, Keun Chil Park, Yung Jue Bang, Sang Jae Lee, Du Hyock Choi, Noe Kyeong Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):10-16.
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An antiestrogen, tamoxifen, was given orally to 24 patients with metastatic breast cancer. ij patients(25%) achieved either complete(2 patients) or partial(4 patients) remiasion, and 4 patienta(17%) showed sable disease. The median duration of remission was 12 months. Ove rall median survival was 14.2 months, and the survival of reaponders was significantly prolonged compared with thet of the nonresponders. Age, menopausal status, diseaae-free interval and initial performance status strongly influenced both remission rate and survival. Side effects of the treatment were uncommon and mild.
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The Effect of Adjuvant Chemotherapy with Cyclophosphamide , Methotrexate , and 5 - Fluorouracil ( CMF ) following Radical Mastectomy in Fem
Eun Hee Koh, Joo Hang Kim, Byung Soo Kim, Cheong Soo Park, Jin Sik Min, Kyung Shik Lee, Choon Kyu Kim, Kwan Ho Cho, Chang Ok Suh, Gwi Eon Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):16-25.
AbstractAbstract PDF
The forty-one female patients of breast cancer were treated with adjuvant chemotherapy following radical mastectomy were retrospectively analyaed with compared to aixty patienr.s treated with postoperative radiotherapy. The chemotherapy consisted of 12 monthly cycles of cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil. After 45 months of study, the comparative relapse-free survival rate at three years waa significantly higher in chemotherapy group(chemotherapy group 78.0%, radiocherapy group 41. 1%: P(0.01). At three years 92.3% of patients given chemotherapy and 72, 5% of radio- therapy group remained alive. This difference was not significant. The patients with four or more positive axillary nodes had a higher per cent of relapses than those with fewer nodes. Three-year relapse-free suvival rate of chemotherapy group was aignificantly improved compared to radiotherapy group irrespective of the number of the axillary lymph nodes affected. The three-year relapse-free survival rates in hoth premenopausal women(chemotherapy group 76.5%, radiotherapy group 46.3%) and postmenopausal group(chemotherapy group 73.3%, radiotherapy group 42.0%) were increased in chemotherapy group than radiotherapy group, but statistically significant difference couldn't obtain in postmenopausal women. Five of 41 patients(12. 2i.) in chemotherapy group and 23 of 60 Patients(38.3%) in radio- therapy group had experienced reeurrence. The sites of the initial recurrence of all six patients in chemotherapy group were local-regional area, while 21 of 23 patients in radiothe- rapy group had distant metastases. These results showed postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy alone couldn't prevent distant metastasis at all. The side effects and hematologic toxicities attributable to chemotherapy were moderate and acceptable. Above short-term follow up result represented the encouragement for postoperative adju- vant chemotherapy in female breast cancer, but this study would continue to prove a real decrease rather than postoponement of relapse.
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Ketoconazole Treatment of Oral Candidiasis in Patients with Neoplastic Disease
Young Seon Hong, Dae Sik Hong, Sang Duck Cho, Hoon Kyo Kim, Kyung Shik Lee, Dong Jip Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):25-28.
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The authors evaluated the effectiveness of ketoconazole for the treatment of oral candi- diasis by fungus culture in 10 patients with neoplastic disease. All patients received ketoconazole, 400 mg a day, and showed the initial response within 1 day and complete resolution of oral candidiasis within 4 days. Side effects were mild. In conclusion, the ketoconazole was effective, fast and convenient therapy for the treat- ment of oral candidiasis in patients with neoplastic disease, and showed mild hepatotoxicity.
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Effecacy of Induction chomotherapy in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck
Joo Hang Kim, Byung Soo Kim, Eun Hee Koh, Yi Hyeong Lee, Gwi Eon Kim, Chang Ok Suh, Won Yong Oh, Kwan Ho Cho, Jin Sil Seong, Won Pyo Hong, Myung Hyun Chung, Won Sang Lee, Cheong Soo Park, Choong Koo
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):28-34.
AbstractAbstract PDF
A clinical study was carried out to investigate the effectiveness and feasjbility of one course of induction chemotherapy with cis-platinum, vincriatine, and bleomycin in 40 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Twenty three patients(57.5%) had an objective responses; there were 1 complete response (2.5%) and 22 partial responses(55.0%). Responses to chemotherapy was not significantly influenced by disease stage and there were insufficient numbers for a site-by-site comparison. Drug toxicity was tolerable with no life threatening side effects and no added risks to surgery or radiotherapy were encountered. We concluded the effectiveness and feasibility of induction chemotherapy were estabilished.
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Activities of Nucleases in Gastric Cancer Tissues
Kyung Nam Park, Jai Kyung Koh
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):34-42.
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Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Hepatitis B Virus Infection in a 14 - Year - Old Noncirrhotic Patient
Sang Eun Park, Byung Kyoo Park, Ja Young Koo, Byung Chae Park, In Sun Jun, Man Ha Huh
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):42-47.
AbstractAbstract PDF
An adult-type of primary hepatocellular carcinoma associated with HBV infection occurring in a 14-year-old boy is reported. Serological examination of his mother revealed the prese- nce of HBc-Ab suggesting familial transmission of HBV infection to the patient in his early life. There was no history of chronic liver disease and no clinical evidence of liver cirrhosis. Histological examination taken from needle biopsy revealed an adult-type HCC without histological features compatibie with hepatoblastoma. The present case with HBs-Ag-positive HCC in childhood may imply the significant relationship between HBV and HCC not only in adult but also in chiidhood.
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Analysis of Chromosome Pattern in Human Colon Cancer Cell Line ( SC-1 )
Jung Taik Kim, Jae Gahb Park, Ye Heum Kim, Jin Pok Kim, Shin Yong Moon
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):47-55.
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Giemsa stained chromosomes were analyzed at intervals during either 13 or 29 aerial subcultivation of SC- I cell linea. SC- I established from one metastatic human colon adenocarcinoma. Using standerd chromosome culture techniques 100 consecutive tumor cells had analyzed. 13 cells were karyotyped. As a reault, followings were obtained; 1) Chromosome number were varied from 43 tO 139 and represent the characteristic chromoaomal patterns of metastatic tumors. 2) There were accumulation of tumor cells near the hypertriploid level (from about 77 to 80 chromosomes), 39%. 3) The most frequent chromosomal number was 77, 13%. 4) There were relatively many chromosomes in groups A and. G, and few chromosomes in group B and C. 5) Y-chro- mosome count was increased in two cases karyotypes.
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Heterotransplantation of Cell Line ( SC-I ) derived from Human Colon Adenocarcinoma in Athymic Nude mice
Han Kwang Yang, Yong Il Kim, Jae Gahb Park, Jin Pok Kim, Woo Ho Kim, Woo Hyun Chang, Mun Ho Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):55-59.
AbstractAbstract PDF
The result of subcutaneous inoculation of SC- I (Seoul National University, Adenocarcin- oma of the Colon) cell line into nude mice is descibed. Twenty-three million and four hundred thousand SC- I cells were injected subcutaneously into the subscapular area of a 28-day-old male nude mouse. After 10 days, tumor was palpable and measured 15.0x7.4x4.0 mm. After 22 days it measured 14.7X12.3x3.7 mm. After 24 days the nude mouse died from unknown cause. Twenty-six million and six hundred thousand SC- I cells were injected subcutaneously into the subscapular area af a 33-day-old male nude mouse. After 3 dys tumor was palpa- ble, but it did not grow any more. On the 26 th day from the first iny. tion, 23. 5x10' SC- I cells were reinjected into the same site of .the same mouse. After 6 days from the second injection, tumor began to grow. After 63 days it measured 22.4x24.0XI2.0 mm and was subpassed to two 33-day-old male nude mice. Histopathologically the tumor produced in the nude mouse showed gland forming tendency with scanty stroma and tumor cells infiltrated into the skeletal muscle of the nude mouse.
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In vitro Chemosensitivity Test of Cell Line ( SC-1 ) Derived from Human Colon Adenocarcinoma
Dae Hyun Yang, Jae Gahb Park, Jin Pok Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):59-72.
AbstractAbstract PDF
In vitro chemosensitivity tests of SC-I (Seoul National University, Adenocarcinoma of the Colon) with 24 hour exposure of 6 anticancer agents (adriamycin, 5FU, cisplatin, methotre- xate, mitomycin and BCNU) were done by succinic dehydrogenase inhibition test and dye exclusion method. And also the inhibition of CEA production of SC-I, which can produce large amount of CEA, by these anticancer agents was measured. SC-I was used as the suspension of 3.0x 10 cells/ml which was near the natural in vitro cell concentration and easily available. And 2 in vicro anticancer drug cancentrations were applierl as an actual experimental concentration or a base concentration for concentration and dilution;ane in vitro concentration was the usual high clinical daae di.vided by 50, 000 ml which is the estimated body water of the patient of 70kg body weight, and the other is the peak plasma concentration clinically achievable. The auccinic dehydrogenase activity was measured by obtaining optic densities, which is related with the amaunt of formazan formed by the activity of succinic dehydrogenase; and succinic rlehydrogenase inhibition index was calculated as (a-p)/(a-m) x100% (p:oPtic density of anticancer agent and tetrazolium chloride applied SC-I suspension, a:optic density of tetrazolium chlorirle applied SC-I cell suspension, m:optic density of cell suspension alone). By dye exciusion method using trypan blue, cell viability was measured. And cytotoxicity index was calculated as(Vb-Va)/Vbx100%(Va:cell viability of anticancer agent exposed SC-I suspension, Vb: cell viahility of free SC-I suspension), CEA levels of SC-1 cell suspenion were measured by radioimmunoas""ay in the supernatant after centrifugation. And CEA inhibition index was calculaterl as 100%- (CEAa-basal CEA)/ (CEAb basal CEA) x100% (basal CEA: before exposure to drug, CEAa: CEA after 24 hour incubation with anticancer drug, CEAb: CEA of simply incubated cell suspension) The results were as foliows, 1) In dose response curve, succinic dehydrogenase inhibition index and cytotoxicity index were increase with the increase of the doae of 6 anticancer drugs. 2) The supernatant of SC-I suspension had high level of CEA, about 50 ng/10 cells or more in 6 all measured subcultures. 3) At the concentration of the usual high clinical dose divided by 50,000 ml; adriamycin and 5FU were the sensitive an.ticancer agents for the SC-I of subculture 34 with sensitivity criteria af succinic dehydrogenase inhibition index40%, and adriamycin, 5FU and BCNU were the sensitive agents with sensitivity criteria of CEA inhibition index-50. At the peak plasma concentration achievable; adriamycin, methotrexate and 5FU were the sensitive anticancer agents for the SC-I of subculture 34 with sensitivity criteria of succinic dehydrogenase inhibition index40%, and BCUN, adriamycin and GFU were the sensitive agents with sensitivity criteria of CEA inhibitian index>=50%. Between the 2 single in vitro concentratians the changes in the sensitivities of the drugs were rather acceptible in selection of the sensitive drugs by succinic dehydrogenase inhibition test and CEA inhibition test. 4) Of the in vitro chemsensitivity tests of SC-I; CEA inhibition test was very sensitive and its role as an efficient in vitro chemosensitivity test for colorectal cancer was anticipa- ted, and succinic dehydrogenase inhibition test was rather sensitive but the relative differe- nces in responses between sensitive drugs and resistant drugs were small. And dye exclusion method showed poor response. 5) It waa thought that the CEA inhibition test af the established colorectal cancer cell line (such as SC-I) would be a valuable tool in screening of anticancer drugs, and research of cambination chemotherapy regimen and exposure schedule of chemotherapy for colorectal cancer.
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Evaluation of the Cell Mediated Cytotoxicity Against SS-1 Cell Line in the Stomach Cancer Patients - A Comparison with the NK cell activity against K-562 cell -
Ik Chang Oh, Sun Whe Kim, Jae Gahb Park, Jin Pok Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):72-85.
AbstractAbstract PDF
The human natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity against K-562 myeloid cell line and lymphocyte mediated cytotoxicity against SS- I (Seoul National University, Adenocarcinoma of the Stomach- I) cell line were investigated in a 16-hour "Cr release assay hy using, as effectar cells, peripheral blood lymphocytes from 30 healthy donors, 60 stomach cancer patients and 15 colorectal cancer patients with a 40: 1 effector-to-target cell ratio. The lymphocyte mediated cytotoxicity of those effector cells against K-562 and SS-I was compared with each other to find any difference if present, and the value of the SS- I as a target cell in vitro cytotoxicity test was investigated. The NK cell activity of control group against K-562 was 61. 5 +- 10.5%, that of stomach cancer patients was 44.3-11. 6% and that of colorectal cancer patients was 46.4 +- 7.2%. Tbe lymphocyte mediated cytotoxicity of control group against SS- I was 66.8+9.9%, that of stomach cancer patients was 46.4+13.2% and that of colorectal cancer patients was 50.8+-11.7%. There was no difference of NK cell activity against K-562 and of cytotoxicity against SS- I between male and female sex in each target cell group. There was no evidence of carrelation between the degree of NK cell activity of atomach cancer patients and the severity of the cancer as shown with clinical atage, and the T-cell count of the stomach cancer patients. The NK cell activity did not vary with the patient's age in the stomach cancer patients. The cytotoxicity of the lymphocytes from the stomach cancer patients and the colorectal cancer patients against both target cells were significantly lower than those of control group. And there was no significant difference between the cytotoxicity of stomach cancer patients and that of colorectal cancer patients against both traget cells. The spontaneous lymphocyte mediated cytotoxicity against SS-I was significantly higher than that against K-562 in the control group; this means that SS-I has antigen or structure which can be recognized by the human NK cells. With those results, it seems that the SS-I cell line is another target cell which can be used in vitro cytotoxicity test for various cancer patients especially somach and colorectal cancer patients.
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Local Recurrence after Curative Resection for Rectal and Rectosigmoid Carcinoma : Relationship with various factors including extent of distal clearance
Jin Pok Kim, Jae Gahb Park, Sun Whe Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):85-94.
AbstractAbstract PDF
The hospital records of 267 patients who had undergone curative resection for rectal or rectosigmoid cancer at Seoul National University Hospital between 1974 and 1982 were reviewed. Of these, 34 patients were lost to follow-up and the status of recurrence of 51 patients were unknown. The remaining 182 Patients were analysed to ascertain whether there is any correlation between local recurrence rate and various factors including the length of normal rectum removed below the tumor. Fifty one patients(28%) developed local recurrence; 39/115(34%) after abdominoperineal excision and 12/67(18%) after sphincter- saving operation. Clinical stage, location of tumor, histolagic differentiation, number of .etastatic lymph nodes and adhesion to surrounding tissue as an operative finding were 'ound to have an influence on the local recurrence rate. There was no difference in the ocal recurrence rate between two types of operation for Dukes C lesion excluding low rectal :ancers. Of the 67 patients who had undergone sphincter-saving operation, the length of the ectum excised below the tumor was less than 2 cm in 10 patients(group 1), 2 cm or more .nd less than 5 cm in 15 patients(group 2) and 5 cm or more in 42 patients(group 3). The ates of local recurrence of group 1, 2 and 3 were 30i.(3/10), 13. 3%(2/15) and 16. 7%(7/42). But the proportian of the patients who had metastatic lymph nodes, especially multiple ymph node involvement was significantly larger in group 1 than in other groups. All the cases in group 1 developed local recurrence at the anastomosis site. These results suggest hat clinical stage and other risk factors has more important role on increasing rate of local :currence than the length of the rectum excised below tumor, but a margin less than 2 cm elow the tumor increases the risk of suture line recurrence.
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Multiple Primary Colorectal Cancers
Sun Whe Kim, Jae Gahb Park, Jin Pok Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):94-103.
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The medical records of 425 patients with colorectal cancer operated at the Seoul National University Hoapital between 1978 and 1983 were examined. Fourteen cases (3.3%) of multiple primary colorectal cancers were identified. Eleven pat,ients (2.6%) were found to have synchronous multiple cancer and 5 patients (l.2%), metachranous cancer. Two of 14 patients (0.5%) were found to have both synchronous and metachronous cancers. A total of 34 tumora was involved; 12 in the rectum, 4 in the hepatic flexure, 3 each in the ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon and rectosigmoid area, 2 in the cecum and one in the appendix. Seven patients (50%) had concomitant adenomatous polyp and 2 of them had family history of colorectal cancer. Seven of 13 patients with available pathology report had regional lymph ncde metastasis and one of them had metastatic nodules on the mesentery. All the patients with synchronous tumors except one were treated by standard partial colectomy for each tumors. Five patients with metachranous tumors were treated in the same way, but two of them had subtotal colectomy for second metachronous cancer.
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Clinical Study on the Secondary Intestinal Cancer
Jae Won Jo, Jae Gahb Park, Jin Pok Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):103-109.
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Apart from involvement of the intestine in the terminal stage of abdominal carcinomatosis, the occurrence of solitary or multiple metastatic nodules affecting the intestine was consid- ered in different way. This latter type of metastatic tumor has clinical significance, because it is much more amenable to some kind of surgical intervention than diffuae peritoneal involvement. An effort was made to analyze the clinical data concerning the secondary inteatinal tumors defined as above. The results were as follows; 1) Total ll cases met the criteria during a 13 year period from March 1972 to February 1984. 2) The primary neoplasm in 5 patients was chorioearcinoma; in 4, cervix ca.: 1, ovarian ca.; 1, anaplastic thyroid ca. 3) There is no charactaristic signs and symptoms peculiar to the secondary intestinal tumors, but history of previous malignant disease is strongly suggestive of this disease. 4) Jejunal bleeding appeared in all cases of choriocarcinoma. 5) More active surgical treatments are recommended in aecondary intestinal tumors.
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One Year Report for Cancer Register Programme in the Republic of Korea July 1 , 1983 - June 30 , 1984
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1985;17(1):109-192.
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Cancer Res Treat : Cancer Research and Treatment
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