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Volume 15(1); 1983
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Original Articles
Natural Killer ( NK ) Cell Activity Against Tumor Cell Line in the Presence of Alpha and Gamma - Interferon
S. D. Lim, K. H. Kim, S. Y. Nam
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1983;15(1):1-14.
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In 109 normal dornors and patients with cancer(stomach cancer; 60, hepatoma; 23, lung cancer: 13), natural killer(NK) cell activitiea were asaessed. Furthermore, a-and r-interfe- ron(IFN) was compared on their augmentation of NK cell activity and direct cytcstatic action. The findings in this study were as follows; 1) NK cell activities in patients with cancer were decreased when compared to the mean of normal donors. And the decreaaed NK cell activities were augmented to the normal level by IFN-treatment. 2) The patients with metastatic tumors exhibited a greater deficit than the patients wit#h local cancer in NK cell activity, but their NK cell activation with IFN was similar. 3) NK cell activities against stomach cancer cell line and hepatoma cell line were also .significantly enhanced by IFN-treatment. It was indicated that NK cell activation with IFN in patienta with cancer may show a favorable therapeutic effectiveness. 4) In NK cell activation, a-and r-IFN had comparable effect. 5) In direct cytostatic action, F-IFN was more effective than a-IFN, and r-IFN was suggested to be more active against tumor in clinical use. 6) The proportions of LGL(NK cell) in peripheral blood were not correlatcd with the NK cell activities determined by "Cr-release assay
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Histopathologic Study on Skeletal Chondrosarcomas
Hyung Doo Kim, Jong Jin Kim, Youn Wha Kim, Eun Kyung Hong, Seung Hae Ahn, Yong Koo Park, Young Hi Park, Ju Hie Lee, Nam Hee Won, Jin Tae Suh, Hyun Sook Chi, Moon Ho Yang, Jung Dal Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1983;15(1):14-23.
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Twelve consecutive cases of chondrosarcoma and its histologic variants are analyzed histo- pathologically and include seven cases of ordinary(classic) type, two cases of mesenchymal type, one case of clear cell type and two cases of peripheral secondary type arising from one of multiple osteochondromas. One of seven classic chondrosarcomas is classified as dedifferen- tiated chondrosarcoma, which recurred locally five vears after initial surgical removal. Histologic features of the variants are described in details, and differential points on histo- logic findings and clinical manifestation as well are discussed.
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Subungual Exostosis
Yeon Lim Suh, Geung Hwan Ahn, Han Ku Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1983;15(1):23-28.
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An analysis of 6 cases of subungual exoatosis which were examined in depatment of path- ology, during the period from 1980 to August, 1983, was done. All tumors occurred in patiente who were in the second decade of life. The mean age of patients at the time of diagnosis was 16.4 years(range, fifteen to eighteen years). The tumors were commoner in females in the present series in the ratio of 3 : 2. Four of the tumora occurred on the left great toe, one on the right second toe. History of major trauma was noted in two cases. Histologically, the tumor cansists of a proliferating fibrocartilaginous cap that was merging into matwe trabecular bone at its base. T4e growth in the cap was so active that it sometimes mimicked carcinoma, But no true anaplasia was seen. No recurrence was noted in all the cases after local excision of the mass. The subungual exostosis seems to represent cartilaginoua metapla- sia occurring in response to acute or chronic irritation.
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Olfactory esthesioneuroblastoma - A report of 3 cases treated with irradiation -
G. E. Kim, C. O. Suh, S. J. Kim, C. Y. Park, B. S. Kim, W. P. Hong
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1983;15(1):28-37.
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Esthesioneuroblastoma is an uncommon malignant tumor of olfactory neuroepithelial origin, which tends toward local recurrence rather than hematogeneous metastasia, although the latter occur in advanced cases. Clinically these do not differ from others malignant tumors of the same site, so that diagnosis has to be based upon the histologic appearance. In the light microscopy, the presence of neurofibrils is the most important differential diagnostic factor against other small-cell malignant tumors in this region. These tumors have been treated by radiotherapy, surgery or a combination of these moda- lities, but combined irradiation and surgical excision may be considered the best treatment. The literatures were reviewed and the recent 3 cases of esthesioneuroblastoma treated by irradiation in Yonsei Cancer Center were presented.
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Chromosomal Banding Patterns from Cultured Human Fibroblast
Hee Chul Shin
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1983;15(1):37-42.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Skin is perhaps the easiest human tissue to sample for establishing long term cultures, unless tissues are avilable from surgical procedures for other reason. In diseases of the hemopoietic system, chromasome aberration are usually confined to cells orignating from this syatem. In these casea, it is necessary to exclude a generalized chromosomal aberration by analysis of fibroblasts. Skin fibroblast culture is also useful for the examinations of fetal tissue and autopsy material, when only solid tissue is usually available. Fibroblast culture sometimes provides an alternative clinical diagnostic method in cases in which lymphocyte cultures repeatedly fail owing to adverse blood conditions. Certain experimental investigations, far example, studies of selection and resistance, radia- tions or virus effects are often not feasible in blood cells, and fibroblast cultures are prefer- able. Skin pinch-biopsies were taken from the forearm, reduced to small pieces, and set up in vitro in a nutrient medium. Skin fibroblasts were cultured in 5% CO2 37`C incubator for the analysis of chromosomal Q-banding patterns and establishing standard method of culture technique.
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Early Gastric Cancer - 137 cases -
Jin Pok Kim, Jae Gahb Park, Dong Young Noh, In Hyuk Oh, Chung Yong Kim, Kyoo Wan Choi, In Sung, Man Chung Han, Yong Il Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1983;15(1):42-50.
AbstractAbstract PDF
During a thirteen year period from May 1969 to December 1982, 137 cases of early gastric cancer were treated and we could follow 130 cases among them. The incidence of EGC among resected stomach was(9.7%). The male; female ratio was l.8:1 and their average age was 47.2 years. By UGI, double contrast x-ray study, 52.6% of them were diagnosed or suspected as EGC and by gastroscopy 62.6% of them were diagnosed or suspected as EGC. Fifty five cases(42.6%) of them were confined to the mucosa and 74 cases(57.4%) of them were confined to the submucosa. Two cases(3.6%) of mucosal cancer and 20 cases(27%) of submucosal cancer showed lymph node invasion. The most frequent macrotype of EGC was IIc(40%) and microtype was signet ring cell type(39%). The five year survival rate of mucosal cancer was 100% and submucosal cancer was 91% so overall 95%. Since the clinical features do not provide guidelines to diagnosis and there is no ecreening test yet, the diagnosis depends on double contrast barium studies, endoscopy with biopsy and their interpretation. And early detection of the stomach cancer is the most important to improve its pragnosis.
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Estrogen and Progestrone Receptor Status and Histopathology of Korean Breast Cancers
Soo Tae Kim, Yong Kyu Kim, Nan Mo Moon, Nam Sun Paik, Jeong Hyun Yang, Suck Whan Koh, Sang Chul Park, Jung Bin Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1983;15(1):50-58.
AbstractAbstract PDF
It is generally accepted that the measurement of specific estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor(PgR) in the cytosol of human breast cancer tissue can be used as a clinical indicator of hormone dependency of tumor. This report provi- des estrogen receptor status,progesterone receptor status and the correlation hetween receptor status and histopathological features in 78 breast specimens. Included were 27 benign breast tissues and 51 carcinoma tissues, all from Korean women. The overall incidence of receptor-positive cancers was 59% in ER and 35% in PgR. The incidence of ER(+) cancers was increased in gostmenopause compared with premenopause, while that of PgR(p) cancers was decreased. PgR was found in 47% of ER(+) cancers but in only 19% of ER(-) cancers. 26, of cancers revealed not only ER (+) but PgR (+). Of benign breast tissues 2 cases (7%) contained both receptors. There was not a significant relationship between receptor status and the following morphological features of breast cancers: size of primary tumor, tumor duration, histopathological classification and histological grade. But our data showed clear tendency that an increasing degree of lymphocytic infiltrate in breast cancer was associated with decreasing incidence of positive receptors.
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Clinical Evaluation of electrocoagulation with a Total of 15 Cases of Rectal Cancer in Follow-up
Kee Hyung Lee, Jung Youl Chun
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1983;15(1):58-64.
AbstractAbstract PDF
As a current trend in the proper management of rectal cancer, electrocoagulation has been championed by Strauss et at in 1935, later, Crile, Turnbull and Madden et at for many years. Electrocoagulation is believed to be of proved merit at present, if it is indicative for well- selected patients of the rectal cancer. A total of 15 patients were treated with electrocoagulation during March, 1980 to Feb., 1982, at Deparment of Surgery, Kyung Hee Medical Center in Korea. Among a series of 15 cases, 7 patients are alive and well without interfering with daily activity at present, mortality of 4 cases ad 4 patieats had A-P resection after an initial el- ectrocoagulation. Accurate indication(absolute) of electrocoagulation therapy was upmost important factors for long survival as follows; I. Location of the rectal cancer; it was relative length of 8 cm cephalad to anal verge and better to be in posterior or lateral wall of the rectum versus to anterior wall. 2. Size of leaion; the tumor lesion involved less than I/3 of the circumference of the reatum showed much better final outcome for survival rate. Type and nature of growth; the polypoid type of cancer was preferable in prognosis as compared to encircle or ulcerating type of cancer. In the near future the successful multimodality approach of treating rectal cancer has to continue with acholar real for further fruitful autcome.
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Reoperation for Recurred Stomach Cancer
Jae Gahb Park, Jin Pok Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1983;15(1):64-70.
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Fifty-seven patients recieved reoperation for the recurred stomach cancer at the Department of Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital, from January 1970 to April 1983, and we reviewed the medical records of 52 cases with available first pathologic report. At the first operation, serosal invasion was discovered in 87%, lymph node metastasis in 81% and the cellular differentiation was poor in 78% of the cases. Seventy-nine percent of the cases showed recurrence within 2 years after the first operation. If the primary stomach cancer was poorly differentiated cell type with serosal invasion and the cancer recurred within 2 years after the first operation curative reoperation was impossible. We could not find any benefit of reoperation for the prolongation of the survival time in the 52 cases. Even in the 3 cases with reoperation of curatie radical extended total gastrectomy, the recurred stomach cancer showed advanced stage.
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Cancer Res Treat : Cancer Research and Treatment
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