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Young Jin Nam 2 Articles
A Case of Synchronous Primary Triple Cancers Including Thyoid , Lung and Stomach
Jin Ho Park, Sang Chul Oh, Jae Hong Seo, Young Jin Nam, Byung Soo Kim, Sang Won Shin, Yeul Hong Kim, Jin Seok Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(5):887-893.
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Multiple primary cancer means that more than 2 cancers are independently developed in one individual. The incidence of multiple primary cancer is increasing gradually due to accurate cancer stastistics, earlier diagnosis and treatment, progressive increase in the number of individuals living in the "cancer age" group and aggressive therapy for primary cancers. Here, we report a case of synchronous primary triple cancers including thyroid, lung and stomach. The 60-year-old woman complained the three palpable masses on cervical area and we confirmed the papillary cancer of thyroid by fine needle aspiration biopsy. Whild we performed the further study for the possibilities of other lesion or metastasis, we found the adenocarcinoma of stomach and squamous cell carcinoma of lung. After the operation on stomach and thyroid cancer, radiotherapy and adjvunctive chemotherapy for lung had been done. Our case is a multiple primary cancer of different organs.
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The Effects of Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor on Neutropenia Induced by the Chemotherapy in the Solid Tumor Patient
Sang Won Shin, Young Jin Nam, Chul Won Choi, Gwan Gyu Song, Jun Suk Kim, Soon Duck Kim, Yeul Hong Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1994;26(1):144-151.
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We evaluated the effect of aranulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) to prevent chemo- therapy induced neutropenia and fever development during neutropenic period. The twenty patients with solid tumor were treated with various cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents at least two cycles. The patients were given G-CSF 75pg/day after 2nd cycle chemotherapy for least 14 consecutive days and clinical, laboratory results were compared to the first cycle's results. Treatment with G-CSF resulted in increase of mean neutrophil count(320+-230/mm(3) vs 1030 +-1020/mm(2)), reduced the duration of neutropenic days(4.25 dyas vs 1.30 days, absolute neutrophil count less than 500/mm) snd reduced the incidence of neutropenic fever(75% vs 25% ). The side effect af G-CSF was not so significant. These results demonsrated that the use of G-CSF as an adjunct to chemotherapy with various solid cancer patients was well tolerated and led to reduction in the incidence of neutropenic fever; in the terms of incidence, duratian, and severity of neutropenia.
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Cancer Res Treat : Cancer Research and Treatment
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