A Case of Spontaneous Regression of Small Cell Lung Cancer
Gun Young Hong, Jong Seo Park, Sung Sik Ruy, Sung Jin Kang, Yong An Woo, Myung Won Kang, Yeun Keun Lim, Hyang Soon Yeo, Hun Nam Kim
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1998;30(6):1294-1298.
- Small cell lung cancer is the most aggressive tumor among lung cancers and has a greater tendency to be widely disseminated by the time of diagnosis. Without treatment, the median survial time of small cell lung cancer patients is only 2~4 months. However, though spontaneous regression of the malignant tumor has been frequently reported, spontaneous regression of the small cell lung cancer is rare. In this study a spontaneous regression of the small cell lung cancer is reported, along with a brief review of the literature. A 69 year-old woman was admitted for an evaluation for dyspnea. A chest roentgenogram obtained on admission revealed an abnormal mass shadow at the right hilus. She was diagnosed as having small cell lung cancer through a bronchoscopic biopsy. However this tumor regressed spontaneously without specific treatment after 12 months.