A Case of Exogastric Growing Giant Gastric Leiomyoblastoma with Fistula
Kyu Jin Lee, Dae Hwang Ju, Sang Hyun Rho, Hyeong Kweon Kim, Seon Hee Choi, Hyeong Seok Oh, Yun Sik Yang, Yeon Jae Cheong
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(1):144-151.
- Liomyoblstoma, which has first proposed by Stout in 1962, is a rare disease that has a benign clinical course. But about 8-13% of cases change to malignancy. In complicated case, hemorrhage, necrosis, fistula formation can occur. A case of exogastric growing giant leiomyoblastoma with fistula manifested as hamate- mesis is presented. A 61-year old male patient suffering from massive hematemesis and epigastric discomfort for 1 month was proved to have large gastric leiomyoblastoma which had com- municating fistula into the gastric lumen by gastrofibroscopy and abdominal CT scanning. At operation, the mass was originated at lesser curvature of the stomach and located under pos- terior wall of the stomach and the transverse mesocolon waa protruded by the mass. The easily bleeding, multi-pedunculated mass was resected and diagnosed as leiomyoblastoma by Masson-trichrome and Vimentin stain. He is good health without evidence of disease, 2 months after operation.
Bile Duct Cystadenoma in Liver - A case report -
Sang Hoon Kim, Ho Seong Kim, Sang Hyun Rho
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1994;26(2):330-337.
- The bile duct cystadenoma is a very rare, premalignant cystic lesion that only about less than l00 cases were reported in the literatures. The lesions occur most often in middle-aged woman characterized by epigastric discomfort, right upper quadrant pain and palpable mass. The etiology of the cyatadenoma is still unknown. It is believed that cystadenocarcinomas are derived from benign cystadenomas, because most of the malignant tumors contain a considerable amount of benign epithelium. And complete excision is the ideal treatment for bile duct cystadenoma because it is a true neoplasm. A 64 years old female patient was admitted to this hoepital with the complaints of intermit- tent right upper quadrant pain and lower abdominal pain with palpable mass. Exploratory laparotomy wes performed which disclosed a hard, smooth and round cyst mass, about 7cm in diameter in the left hepatic lobe. The cut surface of the tumor showed multiloculated appearance. The cyst was seperated with a septum, and had well developed wall, containing serosanguineous fluid and multiple pigment stones. Histopathological examination canfirmed the cystadenoma of the bile ducts.