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Jun Hee Na 1 Article
Bcl-2 Expression in Endometrial Hyperplasia and Carcinoma
Jong Hyeok Kim, Chang Won Koh, Joor Yung Huh, Bong Hee Kim, Hun Sik Kong, Jun Hee Na, Yong Nam Kim, Young Tak Kim, Joo Hyun Nam
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1998;30(6):1207-1218.
AbstractAbstract PDF
To speculate the role of bcl-2 protooncogene in endometrial carcinogenesis by determination of the expression of bcl-2 in endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma.
We studied bcl-2 expression by an immunohistochemical method in the paraffin-embedded blocks of 78 patients with endometrial hyperplasia, 64 with simple hyperpasia, 9 with complex hyperplasia and 5 with atypical hyperplasia respectively, and 33 endometrial carcinoma treated at Asan Medical Center from June, 1989 to May, 1997. Intensity of bcl-2 staining was scored on a scale of 0 to 4, calibrated by comparison with stromal lymphocytes, which always received a score of 4.
The results of this study showed that bcl-2 was relatively highly expressed in simple (n= 64), complex (n=9) and atypical hyperplasias (n=5) with mean staining scores of 2.95+/-1.09 (Mean+Standard Deviation), 2.78+/-1.20 and 3.60+/-0.89 respectively, which showed no difference among histologic types. In endometrial carcinoma, the expression of bcl-2 was significantly down regulated (mean score=1.76+/-1.35) compared with that of hyperplasia, and did not conelate with FIGO surgical stage. However, grade III tumor showed significantly lower expression that grade I or II tumor.
Bcl-2 expression is down regulated in endometrial carcinoma than endo- metrial hyperplasia, and correlates with tumor grade, which suggest that bcl-2 expression might be the result of carcinogenesis or bcl-2 plays only an adjunctive role in the endometrial carcinogenesis.
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