Tumor Angiogenesis Correlates with Prognosis in Patients with Stage 3 Gastric Cancer
Kyung Suk Chung, Chang Gul Hong, Hyun Uk Shin, Jung Weon Shim, Hae Kyung Ahn
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1999;31(2):240-245.
Several studies suggest that tumor angiogenesis is a significant prognostic factor in carcinoma of the breast, lung, prostate, oral cavity, and colon. We assessed whether intensity of tumor angiogenesis, as measured by microvessel counts in histologic sections, correlates with prognosis in patients with stage III gastric cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS Paraffin-embedded sections from 49 patients (23 stage IIla, 26 stage IIIb) with primary gastric cancer that had been completely removed were analyzed for angiogenesis. Vessels were stained with anti-factor VIII polyclonal antibody, and areas with the most discrete microvessels were counted in a 200X field. RESULTS Patients with stage IIIa gastric cancer had fewer microvessels than those with stage IIIb gastric cancer (32.8+-14.5 vs. 40.3+-16.1, P=0.106). The mean microvessel count from patients who were alive were significantly lower than that from patients who had died at the time of follow-up (24.8+-10.0 vs. 42.9+- 14.5, P=O.OOO). The 5-year survival rate of patients with count less than 33 microvessels was higher than that of patients with count more than 33 microvessels (59.9% vs. 11.6%, P= 0.000). On multivariate analysis by Cox proportional hazards model, the microvessel count was a significant prognostic factor of stage III gastric cancer. CONCLUSION Tumor angiogenesis assessed by microvessel count may be a significant prognostic factor of stage III gastric cancer and may prove valuable in selecting patients with stage III gastric cancer for aggressive adjuvant therapy and closer postoperative follow-up.
Immunohistochemically Observed p53 Overxpression in Gallbladder Carcinomas
Young Cheol Lee, Jung Weon Shim, Hae Kyung Ahn, Joo Seop Kim, Chang Sig Choi
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(6):936-940.
- p53 mutations have been known to occur frequently in human cancers, but there have been only a few reports about p53 mutations in gallbladder cancer. Authors observed overexpression of p53 proteins, and investigated the clinical and pathologic features in 12 patients of the gallbladder carcinoma. Immunohistochemical staining for p53 proteins was done by anti-human monoclonal antibody(PAb [80]; pharmingen, CA), and p53 overexpression was found in 75%(nine cases) of 12 resected specimens. When 9 cases of p53 ovrexpression according to extent of involvement were classified, 5 cases belonged to mild ones, 1 case to moderate and 3 cases to severe. And when they were classified according to intensity, 3 cases belonged to mild ones, 2 cases to moderate and 4 cases to severe. Probably invasion depth of tumor and extent of differentiation were not related with p53 overexpression. Further study will be necessary why gallbladder carcinoma has higher positivity for p53 proteins.
A Study for PLC-γl Expression in Exprimentally Induced Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Jung Weon Shim, Sung Sook Kim, Woon Sup Han, Hae Kyung Ahn, Young Euy Park, Pann Ghill Suh
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1995;27(5):761-773.
- Phospholipase C-rl(PLC-rl) plays a significant role in signal transduction for cellular activity, such as proliferation and differentiation. The concept that PLC-rl may be involved in carcinogenesis is supported by recent observations: its expression is highly increased in breast and colon cancer, but decreased in hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). The aim of present study was to analyze the role of PLC-rl in hepatic carcinogenesis. PLC-rl expression was studied chronologically in cirrhotic and neoplastic lesion and the preventive effect of vitamin A in HCC was examined. Seventy five Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with NNM in drinking water(20 mg/100 ml) and were divided into four groups: group I received NNM alone, group II, NNM+vitamin A. group III, vitamin A alone, and group IV received no treatment. The liver tissue obtained was investigated by gross and microscopic examination, and expression of PLC-rl was studied with immunohistochemistry, immunoprecipitation and immunoblot. Results are as follows: l) The first identifiable pathologic lesion could be found at 4 months in the group I and at 5 months in the group II. 2) The overexpression of FLC-rl was detectable in cirrohtic lesion but, negative expression in HCC, in immunohistochemical study. 3) More expression of PLC-rl was detectable in cirrhotic lesion, but, less in HCC, in immunoprecipitation and immunoblot study. 4) The development of HCC was so eignificantly low(P<0.00l) in group II comparing to group I that preventive effect of vitamin A in the development of HCC could be suggested. In conclusion, an important role of FLC-rl in hepatic carcinogenesis could be suggested as demonstration of the alternation of PLC-rl expression in preneoplastic and neoplastic lesion.
Clinical Analysis and Prognosis According to the Histopathologic Type of Advanced Gastric Cancer
Sung Ha Moon, Hyun Uk Shin, Jung Weon Shim, Hae Kyung Ahn, Kyung Suk Chung
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1994;26(5):711-722.
- The prognostic significance of histologic ciassifications in patients with advanced gastric cancer has been controversiaL The purpose of this study was to clarify clinical characteristics according to the Lauren's and Ming's classifications and to assess the implication of both classifications as a prognostic factor in advanced gastric cancer. The clinical characteristics accordin& to the histologic classifications were evaluated in 238 patients with advanced gastric cancer who underwent gastrectomy between 1984 and 1993. The authors also investigated whether the Lauren's and Ming's classifications represent a prognostic parameter by log-rank test and Cox proportional hazards models. Two hundred thirty eight patients were classified as intestinal (ll4/238, 48%), diffuse (111/ 238, 47%), and mixed(13/238, 5%), according to Lauren; and as expanding(112/238, 47%) and infiltrative (126/238, 53%), according to Ming. Carcinomas of intestinal type (n= 114) were mostly expanding type (n=101), and carcinomas of diffuse type (n= 111) were mostly infiltrative type (n=105). The percentages of diffuse or in- filtrative type with young age, Borrmann type III or IV, poorly differentiation, and T3-T4 inva- sion were significantly greater than those of intestinal or expanding type, respectively, but no significant differences in types of Laurens or Mings classifications were found with regard to the tumor size, regional 1ymph node metastasis and distant metastasis. The 5-year survival rate of patients with intestinal type (51.4%) was higher than those of patients with mixed type (45.8%) or diffuse type (30.5%). The 5-year survival rate of patient with expanding type (53.9%) was higher than that of patients with infiltrative type(29.6%). Multivariate analysis by Cox proportional hazards models revealed that primary tumor(T), Borrmann type, Lauren's classification, and regional lymph node(N) were significant prognostic factors. These results suggest that there are similarities between Lauren's and Ming's classification in regard of age or sex distribution, Borrmann type, tumor invasion, histologic differentiation, and 5-year survival rate. The combination of WHO histologic type with Lauren's and Mings classifications may provide a fairly complete picture of gastric cancer for prognostic purpose.