Subungual Exostosis
Yeon Lim Suh, Geung Hwan Ahn, Han Ku Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1983;15(1):23-28.
- An analysis of 6 cases of subungual exoatosis which were examined in depatment of path- ology, during the period from 1980 to August, 1983, was done. All tumors occurred in patiente who were in the second decade of life. The mean age of patients at the time of diagnosis was 16.4 years(range, fifteen to eighteen years). The tumors were commoner in females in the present series in the ratio of 3 : 2. Four of the tumora occurred on the left great toe, one on the right second toe. History of major trauma was noted in two cases. Histologically, the tumor cansists of a proliferating fibrocartilaginous cap that was merging into matwe trabecular bone at its base. T4e growth in the cap was so active that it sometimes mimicked carcinoma, But no true anaplasia was seen. No recurrence was noted in all the cases after local excision of the mass. The subungual exostosis seems to represent cartilaginoua metapla- sia occurring in response to acute or chronic irritation.
Masson's " Vegetant Intravascular Hemangioendothelioma
Yong Il Kim, Je G. Chi, Geung Hwan Ahn, Kuhn Uk Lee
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1981;13(1):3-8.
Tumors of Peripheral Nervous System - Histological Analysis of 434 Cases among Koreans -
Je G. Chi, Geung Hwan Ahn, Young Ki Shong
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1980;12(1):55-71.
- A total of 434 tumors of the peripheral nerve and neuroectodermal tissue is hiatologically analyzed. These tumors were collected from Department of Pathology, Seoul National University, during a period of 17 years from January 1963 to December 1979, After critical review of the diagnosis of tumars and their clinical data we have obtained following informations. l. Among 434 tumors in this series there were 174 cases of neurilemmoma, 72 cases of solitary benign neurofibroma, 128 cases of neurofibromatosis, 25 cases of neurogenic sarcama (malignant schwannorna), 29 cases of neuroblastoma, 4 cases ot ganglio- neuroblaatoms and 2 cases of ganglioneuroma. 2. Neurilemmoma was found more frequently in sofc tissue(61%) and spinal canal(25%), and the remainder occured in cranial cavity. The average age was 39.7 years and sex ratio was I: 1.1. 3. Seventy two cases of. solitary benign neurofibroma occurred mostly in soft tissue(93%). The remaining fivc cases occurred in spinal canal. Among soft tisaue tumors, head and neck were the sites in 23 cases, trunk in 23 cases and extremities in 21 cases. In 9 cases we could identify the nerve trunk from whicb the tumar arose. Among these cases sciatic nerve was the most common. 4. Neurafibromatosis was usually characterized by plexiform pattern of the tumors. However, cutaneous involvement did not show charactersitic plexifrom structure. In this series there was not a aingle case of malignant transformatian among 12S neurofi- bromatosis. 5. There were 25 cases of malignant schwannoma. Among those 23 cases occurred in soft tissue and the remaining two cases accurred in the spinal canal. The site distributioa of soft tissue neurogenic sarcomas was 13 in trunk, 6 in extremities, and 4 in head and neck. 6. Twenty-nine neuroblastomas occurred most frequently in adrenals and retroperitoneum(86%). The remainder occurred in mediastinem(2 cases), nasal cavity(1 case) and spinal(1 case). average age of neuroblastomas was 8.6 years and sex ratio was 1.9:1.