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Dong Kyu Noh 1 Article
The Relationship between the Extent of Distal Clearance and Survival and local Recurrence Rates after Curative Anterior Resection for Carcinoma of the Rectum
Dong Kyu Noh, Hyun Jong Kim, Wone Choi
J Korean Cancer Assoc. 1984;16(2):298-303.
AbstractAbstract PDF
Surgery is the most effective 'method of treatment for rectal cancer. Restorative anterior resection and abdominoperineal excision are generally accepted operation for tumors of the upper and lower thirds of the rectum. But, the length of normal rectum below the cancer, especially for middle rectum, which should be removed by radical anterior resection remains a matter of controversy. This study was undertaken to ascertain whether there is any correlation between the length of normal rectum removed below the tumor and survival and local recurrence rates, We investigated the method of curative anterior resection for the rectal canncer and their follow up study with 24 cases of histologically-proved carcinoma in Chonnam National University for the lat B years. The followings re the conclusions of this clinical survey. I) The 5-year survival rates of each groups were remarkably similar, 2) Survival rates were affected to Dukes classification and histologic grade. 8) Local recurrence rates of each groups were similar. These results suggest that a margin less than 2 cm below the rectal cancer does not affect survival or local recurrence rates.
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